Monday, March 17, 2014


With each passing day it’s as if Jimmy Carter never left the White House. And in no area does that notion seem more prevalent than in the area of foreign policy. Where most people would come to understand, very quickly, that empty threats and hollow rhetoric accomplish very little when dealing with a Vlad Putin, our ‘Dear Beloved Leader’ is either a little slow on the uptake, or can be said to be channeling the likes of Neville Chamberlain. Either way he seems to relish acting in a manner that further weakens America’s leadership status in the world.

You see, Barry has now hinted at what would be additional sanctions being placed on Russia, warning his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin that the United States and its allies would "never" recognize Crimea's breakaway vote Sunday. In a telephone call, Barry told Putin that the vote that found 95.5 percent of ballots in favor of the Crimean Peninsula leaving Ukraine to rejoin Russia violated the Ukrainian constitution. Now don’t you know that Barry, I’m quite sure, has Vlad shaking in his shoes. I would have loved to have been a fly in Vlad’s office during that call.

According to some silly statement released by the White House: "President Obama emphasized that the Crimean 'referendum,' which violates the Ukrainian constitution and occurred under duress of Russian military intervention, would never be recognized by the United States and the international community." Funny that Barry would be worried about Vlad violating the Ukrainian constitution when it’s so obvious that he thinks very little of violating ours. I guess the Ukrainian constitution isn’t considered to be a "living document."

Joining international condemnation from other world capitals, Barry warned "Russia's actions were in violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity and that, in coordination with our European partners, we are prepared to impose additional costs on Russia for its actions." I guess I’m confused on just what it is that makes Barry think he qualified to ‘warn’ any foreign leader, let alone Vlad. I’m sure Vlad views our stellar president as being a hapless clown that is very obviously in well over his head. Barry’s experience as a community agitator did little to prepare him for this.

The Kremlin said earlier that the call was initiated by the American side, as relations between Russia and the United States have plunged to their lowest point since the Cold War. Putin told Barry that the referendum was fully legal, "in line with the norms of international law and the UN charter." Ukraine's new pro-European leaders and the West have branded the referendum "illegal" because the strategic Black Sea region has been under de facto control of Russian forces since the start of the month. But such accusations have had very little, if any effect, on the situation.

White House spokesmoron Jay "The Lyin’ Sack Of Shit’ Carney earlier said Russia had spurned outreach to Ukraine and calls for international monitoring, instead escalating its military intervention into Crimea and initiating military exercises on Ukraine's eastern border. He called Russia's actions "dangerous and destabilizing." Gee, no shit, there, Jay. If our president had some balls maybe, just maybe, this whole thing could have been averted. But nope, Barry the appeaser just couldn’t bring himself to do that. Barry continued to be a major embarrassment.

And in trying to discover just how naïve Barry is, one need look no further than the statement from the White House that claimed the crisis can be solved diplomatically, but not so long as "Russian military forces continue their incursions into Ukrainian territory" and conduct large-scale military exercises along the border with Ukraine. Russia should support the "immediate" deployment of international monitors to "help prevent acts of violence by any groups." Barry’s doing nothing but to piss into the wind. Barry might as well be telling Vlad that he’ll hold his breath until he turns blue.

Last week, the United States imposed visa bans targeting Russians and Ukrainians blamed for threatening the sovereignty or territorial integrity of Ukraine. Barry also signed an executive order paving the way for economic sanctions against individuals or entities in Russia. The order sets broad criteria, and could target those accused of usurping peace in Ukraine or Russian officials seeking to impose control over any part of the country. US sanctions are expected to be mirrored by several Western powers. Vlad is bothered by sanctions, and anyway, it’s too late for that.

But look, in all honesty this is but one more example of Barry’s trying to lead from behind. This community agitator of a president that we have now saddled ourselves with, for the second time, is pretty much clueless when it comes to being able to figure out how it is that foreign policy is supposed to be conducted. And the perennial limp-wristed boob, John Kerry-Heinz, in spite of what Lindsey Graham may think of him, is even more incompetent at the job than was Hitlery Clinton. No one gives fart about what Barry says. He’s being laughed at and couldn’t care less.

So the world now seems to be going up in flames pretty much everywhere you look. And I’d say that it has much to with the fact that Barry refuses to allow America to assume any sort of a leadership role in ongoing world events. He assumes the fact that he’s the first black president that somehow qualifies him as being someone that other world leaders must listen and pay attention to. Now while his supporters may pass out in his presence, sadly most world leaders have come to view Barry as being not much more than a joke. So we see that without a dominant America, the world quickly descends into chaos.

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