Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Well folks, apparently the best chance for we Republicans to take back the White House in 2016 rests squarely with a guy who happens to be a big supporter of not only Common Core and amnesty, but of climate change as well. Who knew? Now personally, I happen to disagree with that assessment if things, but I guess there are many waiting with baited breath to see if Jeb Bush decides to throw his hat into the ring for the 2016 presidential campaign. He’s the guy that many in the GOP believe could give the party its strongest rival to Hitlery Clinton.

You see, it’s according to The Hill, that we are being told that there are many people close to Jeb who say that he is considering a bid more seriously than ever before. They also seem to be of the opinion that his record and personality could be just what the doctor ordered in providing him sufficient star appeal across the country. "I've never seen him so seriously considering a run for higher office," Slater Bayliss, a Florida GOP lobbyist and former Bush aide, told The Hill. "He's legitimately going through a very methodical, thoughtful process to come to a decision."

The Hill also reports that many party strategists believe Bush could transform the electoral map, "turning blue states purple and purple states red." On the other hand, the paper also says that a third Bush in the White House could strike voters as being too "dynastic," an obstacle that Bush has recently acknowledged. I guess that’s the camp that I’m in. It’s that and do we really need to ‘settle’ for yet another faux conservative/centrist kinda of a guy. Haven’t we learned anything from the last two presidential elections? Do we really need to get thumped yet again?

Many say that Bush is more than capable of being able to lead on the key issues expected to define the 2016 campaign, including immigration and education reform. His multicultural family is also said to be an asset; his wife is from Mexico, and he speaks Spanish fluently, two things that could help the GOP capture the crucial Latino vote, at least according to The Hill. So do I have this right in that Hispanics will vote for this guy simply because he speaks fluent Spanish? Really? I could be wrong, but isn’t kinda like saying that Hispanics must be pretty stupid?

Meanwhile, polls are showing that other potential establishment front-runners, such as Chris Christie, Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, have seen their star power fade, two of them from what were essentially self-inflicted wounds. And this is said to be to the possible benefit of Bush. In the last few months, Bush has been careful to say he has not yet decided whether to run. He has said he is deferring a decision until later in the year and would only consider running if he could do so "joyfully" and in an environment without much acrimony.

I happen to be one of those who thinks that we have had both enough Clintons and Bushes occupying the White House. I’d just like someone new, but more importantly I want someone who is a conservative and not some poser/wannabe. Bush might be a nice fit for some cabinet post, but not much else. I suppose if it would help the ticket he could be a VP pick, but honestly, I’m not even crazy about that. We cannot afford to go down that same road we were convinced to go down in 2008 and 2012. We have to be smarter than that. There’s just too much at stake!!

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