Thursday, March 27, 2014


Well, it’s according to a recent Fox News opinion survey made public just yesterday that fewer Americans think the United States presents a strong image on the world stage or that Barry "Almighty" is a "strong and decisive leader." And it would seem that dissatisfaction with Barry's questionable leadership style apparently straddles across a variety of issues but generally breaks down along partisan lines.

According to this poll it’s some 59 percent of Americans who are still convinced that the U.S. is the world's "most dominant power" which is in pretty stark contrast to the 85 percent who held that same view back in 2002. And it’s about 52 percent who think the U.S. is less powerful than when Barry "Almighty’ first came into office, with 22 percent of Democrats agreeing and 78 percent of Republicans.

The number of Americans who say the U.S. is safer now than it was before the 9/11 terrorist attacks has again dropped to 49 percent. But most people feel air travel remains safer, at 59 percent. Thirty-four percent see China or, to a lesser extent, Russia as ascendant over the United States. But, either way, most now view America as having been reduced, by Barry, to being a second rate world power.

On Ukraine, 53 percent say Washington should not be more involved, yet more (46 percent) disapprove of Barry's rather inept handling of the crisis than bring themselves to actually approve (38 percent). Sixty-six percent say that Barry's idiotic approach is insufficiently robust. A majority of those polled say they are following the news about Ukraine. But I’m really not sure if I believe that.

Strangely enough 43 percent of these folks actually are able to view Barry as being a "strong and decisive leader." Meanwhile 53 percent disapprove of the way that Barry handles his job, compared to 54 percent earlier in the month. And it’s about 37 percent who now approve of his approach to foreign policy, better than the 33 percent earlier in March – yet 53 percent presently disapprove.

In a theoretical chess match between Vlad Putin and Barry, 49 percent now think Putin would win, compared to just 31 percent for Barry. On other issues, 66 percent of Americans disagree with the administration's plans to follow through on its commitment to turn over Internet oversight to an international monitoring group; and 63 percent disapprove ending the manned space shuttle program.

Let’s face it, I think it pretty fair to say that our president is now viewed, Nobel Peace prize notwithstanding, by most world leaders as being pretty much nothing more than a bad joke. And it’s because he’s seen that way, that the rest of us are as well. But personally, I think it’s his preference that America be viewed in such a manner. I’m not sure how else you can explain most of the things that he’s done.

And what truly frightens me is the fact that this country may actually elect Hitlery Clinton as his successor. Someone who maintains the same low opinion of her country as does Barry "Almighty". And because she hates this country as much, if not more, than Barry does, if that were to actually happen, there’s little chance that America’s stature in the world would be anything but even further reduced.

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