Tuesday, April 15, 2014


These days it seems that no matter in which direction I turn, our nation and our Constitution is under assault. And the perpetrators are, in large part, those who have chosen to follow a man who is the most despicable individual ever to be elected to his high office. And it is because him, and those who are so devoted to him, that they have now embarked on a path that has them working feverishly to bring about the demise of the freest nation in all of human history. And it is with great sadness that I must report that we have far too who few seem to be willing to raise a finger to stop any of it.

This latest assault to which I refer is a plan that is now, and very stealthily so, making its way through state legislatures and with what can rightfully be called astonishing speed. It is a plan that would end the Electoral College and award the presidency to the winner of the popular vote. This plan involves an Interstate Compact where states would commit to select electors pledged to vote for the national popular vote winner regardless of how their own state voted. When enough states pass this law, sufficient to cast 270 votes which is the majority of the Electoral College, it will take effect.

So far there are nine states and the District of Columbia, casting at total 136 electoral votes who have thus far joined together. So these enemies of the Constitution are already halfway to the 270 needed to put their compact into effect. The ratifying states are: Maryland, New Jersey, Illinois, Hawaii, Washington, Massachusetts, the District of Columbia, Vermont, California, and Rhode Island. Both houses in New York have passed it and it's on Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s desk. Blue states all, so it becomes readily apparent who it is that make up these forces of darkness behind this insidious plan.

But it has also already passed in the House in Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Oregon. These states, plus New York, represent 107 votes. And when combined with those who have already acted these enemies of freedom are up to 242 votes, or just 28 short of the 270 that they need. And who is it that is pushing so hard for this sinister plan to become a reality? Well that should really come as being no surprise. Because all of those who are behind this covert attack on this nation, also voted for Barry "Almighty".

And something else that should come as no surprise is the fact that the funding for this attack on our Constitution is coming, at least in part, from the Center for Voting and Democracy, a George Soros-funded election group. So while ‘Dingy Harry’ Reid stands on the floor of the U.S. Senate and essentially slander the Koch brothers, the real villain here also happens to be a very big supporter of the Democrats and their many socialist causes, and one who is more than willing to use his vast resources in assisting them in their drive to destroy our country. Again none other that George Soros.

Essentially, what is being attempted here equates to being nothing more than an end-run around the regular constitutional amending process. Rather than securing a two-thirds majority of each house of Congress and three-quarters of the states, this proposal would take effect when a simple majority approves it. So why is it that the Democrats are pushing this plan? It’s quite simply really, Democrats usually see a smaller percentage of their people go to the polls than do the Republicans. They figure why beat the drums to get a high turnout in a state that is known to go Democrat anyway?

But, if it's the popular vote that matters, the big city machines can do their thing, with devastating effectiveness. And are they perhaps planning to take things even further by allowing noncitizens to vote? If the Popular Vote Movement succeeds, there will be nothing to stop them and everything to gain by doing so. The Constitution does not require that the franchise be limited to citizens. It's up to the states. If the popular vote is all that matters, won’t many blue states simply bulk up their popular vote totals by letting noncitizens vote? I’m pretty sure that we all know the answer to that question.

Historically, there have been several states that have allowed noncitizens to vote. The last to do so was Arkansas, and it repealed its law back in 1926. The Harvard Political Review reminds us that noncitizen voting was "once commonly accepted in the United States." California and other blue states have been moving to obliterate the difference between citizens and noncitizens, letting even illegal immigrants serve on juries or become lawyers. The insanity of doing so is beyond description. It’s all nothing more than an attempt to dismantle that which has stood for over 200 years.

And as is always the case there are those few RINOs who are supporting this plan, providing sufficient window dressing that the Democrats need in moving forward with their plan. These ‘establishment Republicans’ naively dismiss the possibility that any state would ever let illegal immigrants and other noncitizens vote. But why? If the Democrats can steal the White House by doing so, why wouldn’t they do it? Of course they would! And to assume otherwise is either an act of complete stupidity or worse, proof of their being complicit in this barbaric attempt to gut our Constitution.

So at the end of the day if the Republican Party is going to do nothing to derail this plot against our nation, than once again it will fall to We the People to put a swift end to this madness. We MUST gather our forces and work together in preventing these communists, who are continually allowed to refer to themselves as Democrats, from ravaging our political system. They hate this country and because of that they must be stopped, and by any means necessary. What this is is nothing more than a blatant attempt to rig the ballot box. It’s banana republic tactics unbefitting the United States of America.

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