Tuesday, April 15, 2014


According to Joe Scarborough, who enjoys referring to himself as being a conservative, and is a commentator over on that ratings juggernaut of an opinion channel MSNBC, it is simply not a conservative stance for people to "wrap themselves around" the cause of Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy and his dispute with the federal government over grazing rights. Now I’d really like to know who this guy thinks he is that he feels he can tell me what is, or is not, a conservative stance. He’s really nothing more than a fraud. He’s no conservative, he only plays one on TV.

It was Mr. Bundy who stared down 200 federal agents of the Bureau of Land Management over the weekend, as he watched agents seize 400 head of his cattle. The proper way to handle the issue, according to Scarborough, was through the court system. That would be true were it not for the fact that Democrats have essentially flooded the courts with all manner of activist judges, judges who can no longer be counted on to do that which they were appointed to do, that is to interpret the Constitution AS IT IS WRITTEN not as how they wish it were written.

Scarborough said, "Anybody that calls himself conservative and tries to wrap themselves around this cause where the federal government has land, you go to the courts, you do it legally, and every court decides that you don't have a right to graze on federal land without paying the United States government for that right is not conservative." Like I said, our judiciary has for the most part been pretty thoroughly infiltrated by progressive ideologues who care far more about advancing the leftist agenda than they do in safeguarding the sanctity of our Constitution.

People should "attach another label to it" if they defend Bundy's actions, Scarborough said. It's not a conservative position to "ignore one judge after another judge after another judge after another ruling after another ruling," he said. It should come as no surprise that he’s a member of the bizarre cadre of Matthews, Sharpton, Maddow and Schultz. Quite the gaggle of imbeciles. Scarborough, who is I’m told a former Florida congressman, said the dispute was a cut-and-dried choice between paying the federal government money or having cattle seized. Not so!

As the standoff intensified April 9 Bundy's son, Ammon, was allegedly tased by federal agents. The rancher's sister also said she was knocked to the ground by a car driven by a federal parks ranger. Federal officials did back down over the weekend. Scarborough said it was possible the government went too far, but maintained the decision in the courts should prevail. "Did the federal government overreach? Perhaps they did in their reaction. There was an overreaction to this. But, at the same time, the courts have decided," he said. Our courts are a joke.

One final thing here. I’m really getting tired of all these wanna-be conservatives trying to define for me what it means to be ‘conservative’. And did you ever notice how it is with these people that they are always rather selective when it comes to them identifying themselves as conservative? And it’s people like this who seem determined to slow whatever forward progress there is to be made in advancing conservatism. They constantly spew their own brand of drivel in what is nothing more than a blatant attempt to sabotage the conservative agenda. It’s best if we just ignore them.

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