Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Praise the Lord, the child produced by that loveless union of ‘Slick Willie’ & Hitlery Clinton, Inc. now claims that she is at least considering the possibility that she too may someday find her way into politics. So we may yet be cursed with yet another Clinton to have to put up with. And of course you can imagine how those in our state-controlled media were falling all over themselves at the news. So it was in a recent interview with ‘Fast Company’, that the less than intelligent Ms. Clinton admitted that she is now willing to leave the door open, a teeny, tiny bit, to a political bid.

Ms. ‘Airhead’, 34, told the business magazine, "I live in a city and a state and a country where I support my elected representatives." She went on to say, "If at some point that weren’t the case, and I didn’t support my mayor or my city councilwoman or my congresswoman or either of my senators, and I’m lucky to live in a state where I have lots of women representing me, you know, maybe then I’d have to ask and answer the question for myself, and come to a different answer." What is it about these people that makes them think that they are somehow so well-suited for politics?

The Fast Company story covered Ms. Clinton’s rather odd career evolution from her failed attempt into broadcast journalism to her working for mommy and daddy at their little money laundering ‘foundation’. And apparently she also took the time to recount how it is that she’s been asked about whether she’ll run for office ever since she could remember. So it would appear then that since she is really incapable to doing anything else, she’s now pondering a run for office. After all, that seems to have worked out pretty well for her mother. To say nothing of how well it worked out for Barry.

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