Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Isn’t it a shame what we’ve allowed to be done to our country? I sometimes wonder if we’ve lasted as long as the Founders’ thought we would, or perhaps not quite as long as they had hoped. But either way, I’m quite sure if they were able to see what it is that we have done with their legacy, they’d be more than a little disappointed. But probably not very surprised.

Because who it is, what people, other than we Americans, and at any other time in human history, who has ever been provided with something so special, so unique, so incredible, as that which was provided to us? And yet, look at what we have done to what was arguably the greatest gift ever bestowed upon any people. And with nary a moment’s hesitation.

What was given to us was something that was so near to being perfect that it has never been repeated since. And yet somehow we thought we would improve upon it, somehow transform it into something that would be better than the original. But all we’ve really succeeded in doing is to reduce it to something that is today a mere shadow of its former self.

And it would appear that we are not yet finished. We seem to be quite consumed, even possessed, by some perverted desire to relinquish all of our freedom. We seem to be hellbent in our effort to make sure that for future generations the entire concept of freedom will be totally unfamiliar. For those who come after us, the sense of what it means to ‘be’ free will be complete foreign.

And while I suppose we can deny having any responsibility, claiming that it really wasn’t ‘We the People’ who can said to be in anyway at fault, but instead our corrupt leaders, who was it, if it wasn’t us, who put those people into their positions? And yet when we do recognize what it is that they are doing and that they are up to no good, do we try to stop them?

No, we continue to reelect them time after time, because they say if we do there just might be something in it for us. Oh, there has been something in it for us, all right. But nothing that resembles anything that we might have been expecting. We have continued to willingly forfeit more and more of our liberty, and in exchange for what, exactly? Sadly, we’ve come pretty cheaply.

All it has ever taken for us to hand over more of our freedoms, is to be told by our overseers that they’ll take care of us. They’ll make all of those pesky decisions about how we live our lives so we don’t have to be bothered with such trivial things. And now here we sit. In the age of Obama, that time which some might call the culmination of all that has come before it.

Our country, that once proud and noble nation, once looked upon as being the shining city on the hill, has now been made destitute. Those traits once possessed by men and women who were proud to referred to themselves as being American, have been long forgotten. Once upon a time we looked forward to a hard day’s work, these days we’d rather do anything than work.

So the fact that our country has been allowed to waste away is no one’s fault but ours, We the People. We have done this to ourselves and I fear there is very little chance that, even if we wanted to, we’d have much chance of ever returning America to her former greatness. It’s all such a tragedy. At this point in time I’m afraid we can only imagine what might have been.

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