Friday, April 18, 2014


Ok, first of all, who in their right mind actually thinks that after witnessing everything that he has done, and still wants to do, that Barry’s true objective has been anything other than to make our economy worse? And if you’re stupid enough to believe that he is actually trying to make things better, then you’re either naïve to the point of being a child, ignorant to the point of being a retard, or you’re black. And the only reason I throw blacks in the mix is because to them he can do no wrong.

After having now been on the job for more than five years he has had more than enough time to fix things. Reagan did it in far less time. So is anyone surprised by the fact that more than half of all Americans say that they have virtually no confidence in Barry "Almighty's" ability to improve the nation's sagging economy, according to a new Gallup poll. But again, to have confidence in him to fix the economy, you must first believe that he actually ‘wants’ to fix it. And he most definitely does not!

This most recent survey found that the majority of survey respondents said they had little or no confidence in Barry making effective economic decisions, which was up 15 percentage points from previous surveys. On the flip side of that, only 42 percent said they believe that he even has the economic skills needed. Even that figure was a new low for Barry, and matches his current overall approval rating. Let’s be honest, what does a community agitator know about economics.

Generally speaking over the course of his reign Barry has hovered in the 50-to-57 percent approval range on the economy issue since his first year in the White House. That year, 71 percent of Americans told Gallup that they actually had confidence in Barry's ability to improve the economy. But that was before we all got to experience, first hand, just how much of a socialist this guy really is. We learned that when he’s speaking about the economy, or anything else, he’s simply lying.

Because the truth of the matter is that this guy came into office on a mission, a mission to destroy our free market based capitalist system. His purpose was to make it look as bad, as corrupt and as unfair as he could hoping then that people would then begin clamoring for something better, something more fair. And Barry could then produce just what the doctor ordered, European style socialism. And the basis for my making such a claim has nothing to do with his skin color, only his politics.

I’m sure most would have very little trouble remembering his threat that if elected he would set about to "fundamentally transform" America. What the Hell did anyone think he was talking about? And in looking around us today, we see the increased cost of energy, how the price of gas has doubled and how each trip to the grocery is more costly than the one before it. And we see the number of people now living off the government and who have now left the workforce.

The level of success that he has thus far been able to achieve is really quite striking and his drive to destroy our economy has created what can only be described as being a disastrous ripple effect, but it was just the ripple effect that he was hoping to bring about. And yet where are the demands to open up more federal lands for drilling, where are the demands to reduce, instead of increase, the mind numbing number of regulations that only serve to stifle job creation?

What he seems so determined to inflict upon this country is an economic and political theory that simply does not work, and has never worked anywhere it has ever been attempted. It has succeeded in creating nothing more than abject misery for all but the very rich, of which Barry is now one. And yet he insists on pushing forward with its implementation. Why? Is it because he hates this country so much? And still many in this country continue to be quite willing to make excuses for him.

And to resort to calling those of us who chose to disagree with him or to criticize his policies, ‘racists’ not only reveals the obvious weakness of the accuser’s position but it would seem to me that it also serves to dilute the meaning of the word, a word that should be reserved for those truly deserving. But that’s where we are today. Opposing opinions, if directed at Barry "Almighty" or members of his party, are not to be tolerated. All others, or so it would appear, are fair game.

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