Monday, April 28, 2014


Thanks to the nearly nonstop ‘news coverage’ by our state-controlled media complex I’m sure nearly everyone has now heard about the recently released audio of one NBA owner going off on what has been described as being everything from a racist rant to a setup by an angry girlfriend. And ever since the release of this recording of L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling, there have been more than a few of our faux journalists who have been making themselves quite busy trying to tie him to the Republican Party. But sadly for them, Mr. Sterling is in fact a Democrat, at least according to campaign-contribution records.

So once again what we have here is an attempt to ‘create’ news where no news really exists. What we also seem to have here are many in the media, as well as those who make a living by blowing such idiotic comments completely out of proportion, now trying to exploit the recordings of Mr. Sterling’s rant directed at a girlfriend where he apparently accuses her of publicly associating with black people. The comments have drawn condemnation from across the NBA as well as from many other sources, with of course, numerous attempts having already been made to link him to the Republican Party.

Such attempts seem to be based almost exclusively on campaign contribution records for some guy with the same name who lives in the state of Texas. Our fella lives in Beverly Hills, and besides having a rather long history of bigoted behavior in his business dealings, was a very occasional Democrat donor in the 1990s. Los Angeles Clippers Records show Sterling has donated just $6,000, with no activity since the early 1990s. He supported Gray Davis early in his career, as well as Bill Bradley, a Democrat. Bradley, you’ll remember, played for the New York Knicks before becoming a U.S. senator and an unsuccessful presidential candidate.

And as to be expected, old Al ‘Bull Horn’ Sharpton has now inserted himself into things and is already calling for the NBA to strip the L.A. Clippers from owner Donald Sterling. But since when is this racist boob someone who’s qualified for moral authority status on this topic? Old ‘Bull Horn’ said, "No one should be allowed to own a team if they have in fact engaged in this kind of racial language." He then added his often repeated threat of mobilizing a protest saying, "We are prepared at National Action Network to rally in front of the NBA headquarters if this matter is not immediately dealt with."

Meanwhile we have over at something called the American Power blog, some fella by the name of Donald Douglas posted an extended discussion of Sterling’s donations to liberal causes and the left-leaning ‘commentators’ who have lauded him in the past. And ya know I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to find old ‘Bull Horn’ on the list of those who have praised this guy Sterling at one time or another. In fact, at the time this tape was released, Sterling was actually scheduled to receive a lifetime achievement award from the NAACP. And rumor has it that this latest rant comes as being a surprise to no one who knows this guy.

But why is this news? The country is going down the crapper, America has become the laughing stock of the world and yet I’m supposed to care about whether or not some guy who owns a basketball team is a racist? Sorry, but I couldn’t care less. What I care about are the things that have the most direct impact on my life. Such as the fact that once again I’m spending nearly 4 bucks a gallon for gas. And the fact that in just 5 short years my utility bill has gone from roughly $100 a month to nearly $400 a month. Or about the fact that I recently lost the health insurance that I’ve had for 12 years have been forced onto a more expensive plan.

Every time I turn around I’m being forced to spend more of the money that I have coming in. But unlike Barry, I’d don’t have the luxury of being able to simply print more whenever I’m running low. What I need to find are place where I can make cuts. So all these cries about supposed racism are, as far as I’m concerned, much ado about nothing. Because whether or not this billionaire is a racist has absolutely zero impact on my life. And I have a sneaky suspicion that if this guy was black and was talking about whites there would be nary a word about in the news. So how about we focus on the truly important issues and ignore the silly ones.

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