Monday, August 26, 2024


According to the Democrats, and their ‘fake news’ media stooges, there is nothing President Trump can do that he is not doing simply for political purposes. Meanwhile, rarely is anything ever said about Democrats and their obvious pandering in their effort to garner votes. Democrats are so transparent in this regard and yet those in the ‘fake news’ media continuously turn a blind eye. And we saw yet another example of that just this past Monday when during the broadcast of CNN’s ‘Newsroom,’ when CNN host Jim Acosta asked if President Trump should be at Arlington National Cemetery to lay a wreath to mark the third anniversary of the attack on Abbey Gate.

Acosta said, “Former President Trump was at Arlington National Cemetery, where he marked the three-year anniversary of the bombing that killed 13 service members during the Afghanistan withdrawal. This is someone who, according to his own former chief of staff, said Americans who died in war are, ‘suckers’ and ‘losers.’ Trump denies that, although John Kelly confirms that Trump did say that. He more recently said a civilian award is, ‘better than the Medal of Honor.’ You’re a former Army Ranger. Is he politicizing these soldiers’ deaths? Should even be at Arlington National Cemetery if he’s going to make some politics out of this?"

Democrat Jason Crow said, “Well, I also mourn the death of those 13 service members. Every death of a service member is a tragedy. At the same time, I mourn the deaths of the over 2,400 service members who died during the 20 years we were at war. And I just look at President Biden, under whose leadership we actually ended, and made the tough decision to end our nation’s longest war. It became very clear to me that this war was not winnable through military means. Sitting here today, we are honoring the death of those who died in service to our country. And at the same time, we are not at war in Afghanistan. And that was the right decision by President Biden."

I think we can all agree that had Joey done so, Acosta would be praising his courage and patriotism for the Arlington event. President Trump was not politicalizing anything, only showing respect for our fallen troops and their bereaved Gold Star families as he always has; this is his normal response. Joey’s and Cumala’s response is what should be considered as typical and blatantly political. They politicized it by being no shows. And fuck this boob, Crow. Democrats, and I mean every single one, have no respect whatsoever for those who serve. To these people the military is considered as nothing more than a Petri Dish for all manner of social experimentation.

Let’s face it, if Acosta didn’t have President Trump to attack, he’d have nothing to talk about. He screams his bullshit to his fellow sufferers of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). They are the audience to which he plays. Also, in the years to come, when all this nonsense about President Trump gets exposed, CNN, MSDNC and the rest will be exposed as the supporters of tyranny that they really are! And what might have Acosta said if President Trump had chosen not to attend this memorial. Clearly when it comes to dolts in the ‘fake news’ media like Acosta, President Trump is to be damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. But then, what’s really new about that?

There’s no cure for this level of TDS and those afflicted with it need to be safely institutionalized where they can no longer do any harm. Some people are purely evil. Many of them work in the ‘fake news’ media. And contrary to the drivel spewed by Mr. Acosta, President Trump seems to be the only current, or former president, who seems to care about the memory of these American soldiers. This is what a good and decent president should be doing on a day like today. God bless President Trump for remembering these Americans who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Meanwhile, those in the ‘fake news’ media once again simply play wag the dog.

President Trump cared enough about active-duty military members to not get us involved in unnecessary wars where they could lose their lives for no good reason. He always has. Apparently, Acosta has never seen the reaction he gets from troops in theatre, at the academies or academy football games. President Trump has always, and consistently, cared about and honored veterans, before, during, and after he was President, and this will continue when he is President again. And Acosta totes out the proven lie of “suckers and losers” again because lies are all the Democrats have. And just consider how the Democrats have ‘honored’ veterans through the years.

If President Trump were the sitting president and chose not attend a ceremony such as this, like Joey and Cumala, the lying, corrupt, despicable media hacks would be criticizing him for that. Joey and Cumala were missing because they didn’t want to attract attention to a military catastrophe they were responsible for and that showed the world what an incompetent administration we have in these two which, in turn, led to Russia invading Ukraine as well as the October 7th attack on Israel. Cumala is politicizing these soldiers deaths by essentially boycotting them, thereby, choosing to cater to her political base, those who cater to the terrorists around the world.

It’s called honoring those that made the ultimate sacrifice, Mr. Acosta, you CNN imbecile. It is what Cumala and Joey should be doing today but won’t as it would likely remind the American people, and the voters, that they are responsible for these 13 military members deaths along with the many who were maimed and disfigured on that horrific day. Cumala and Joey are in hiding out of guilt, President Trump is standing in their place to honor the dead and wounded and let their loved ones in attendance and at home know their sacrifices are remembered. Funny Acosta didn’t ask why Joey is on vacation again, instead of laying the wreath himself.

Acosta is a waste of both skin and oxygen. Of course there’s politics involved, you fucking dolt! And it was all about politics when Joey left 7 billion dollar’s worth of American military goodies for the Taliban and managed to kill 13 U.S. service members and left an untold number of American citizens behind? And whatever happened to all those folks. Ms. Acosta? Or did you simply choose to overlook all that? Somebody has to stand up and say what a travesty the cut and run embarrassing withdrawal was. Joey just lies about it, trusting that the American electorate is so forgetful and thoughtless that they can get away with rewriting history.

If Acosta was what he actually professes himself to be, a bona fide journalist, he would choose to go interview the Gold Star dad who complained about Joey checking his watch after each of his victims was removed from the transport? That man is a hero. ‘BO’s puppet is a national embarrassment that those like Acosta did their best to turn into a legitimate leader. Joey is a criminal as are those in the ‘fake news’ media who are guilty of aiding and abetting every lie. They are accomplices in every criminal activity undertaken by the Biden Crime family. When the hammer comes down, it needs to include the criminally complicit media and that includes Acosta.

And finally, a word on the “suckers and losers” comment that was long ago proven to be lie, regardless of what John Kelly said. Like most everything else that they have thrown at President Trump, it was nothing more than a figment of the imagination of yet another disgruntled employee. And it’s none of these people who can be believed, their lack of credibility is epic. Acosta, simply put, is nothing more than a fascist enabler at best. He has zero positive to put forth to endorse Cumala. In-fact the entire fascist Democrat Party is playing hide the idiot, while voters are force-fed fascist Democrat propaganda. Acosta is nothing more than one of the fascist puppets.

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