Saturday, August 17, 2024


So, what’s in a name, really, when discussing what it is that the Democrats insist upon bringing about here in the U.S., because it really is all the same. Whether they want to call it progressivism or liberalism, what it really is, is Socialism on the way to becoming full blown Communism. And make no mistake, my friends, what the Democrats really do have in mind for us is Socialism, a political and economic system that has never been a success anywhere it has ever been attempted. It is a system that does nothing more than to virtually guarantee universal suffering and abject misery for all except those at the very top responsible for its implementation.

And yet it is what the Democrat Party is determined to shove down the collective throat of the American people. And while that has always been the goal, it was in the past that they’ve always been a bit more clandestine about it, but these days not so much. These days, or so it would seem to me, they seem to be a bit rushed, which I would also argue has made them a bit careless. But why the sense of urgency on their part? Personally, I think it has a lot to do with President Trump, and his willingness to talk about just how great America can be and the opportunities that every single American has, regardless of race, gender or religion, to become a success.

Which brings me, in a roundabout way, to none other than that self-proclaimed Socialist Bernie Sanders. Sanders, as you would likely expect, is a very enthusiastic supporter of the Democrat dynamic duo of Cumala Harris and Tim A-Walz. And while there are apparently some in her party who would prefer that she wait to present the specifics regarding what it is that she wishes to inflict on the rest of us until after the election and she is sitting safely in the Oval Office, Sanders does not appear to be one of them. He’s salivating over the prospects of finally achieving that which has always been the goal of those in the Democrat Party. And that should scare all of us.

You see, it was Sanders who said Friday on MSDNC’s “All In” that Kamala Harris laid out a “strong progressive agenda” during her economic speech earlier today. Right, a plan to turn the U.S. into a larger version of the failed state of Venezuela. That's great. Not. You know her plans are bad when Comrade Bernie, who honeymooned in the former Soviet Union, is praising it. Make all of America one giant project and give us all about 250 bucks a month for slop, can’t wait!! What they have in mind will prove to be nothing more than a nightmare for everyone but them. We may well be on the verge of taking that step into the 1000 years of darkness Reagan warned us about.

When asked for his reaction to the speech, Sanders said, “I think given the fact she has been a candidate for only three weeks I think she’s doing really really well in a whole lot of ways. I think what she laid out today was a strong progressive agenda. Obviously in the weeks and months to come, I think she will add more specificity to some proposals and she’s going to add to it. I have always believed that good policy is good politics. What she is talking about today is raining and the outrageously high cost of prescription drugs that’s enormously popular and the right thing to do.” Sanders loves that Cumala Is laying out a ‘strong anti-America progressive agenda.'

He added, “She’s talking about building 3 million units of affordable housing at a time when we have a housing crisis in Burlington, Los Angeles and everyplace in between. We have to lower the cost of housing in America. She’s talking about ending medical debt so that a quarter of the people in this country who have cancer do not have to deplete their savings or go bankrupt. She’s talking about controlling the cost of groceries when we know there’s been massive concentration of ownership in that industry. They spike prices up and going after them is exactly the right thing to do and very good politics.” Sanders is a commie crook grifting off idiot Vermont voters.

Sanders, a communist who loves HIS money while complaining about others having money. He is a fraud and a hypocrite who has never worked a day at a real Job in his entire life. He was the Mayor of Burlington, hired his wife and friends. His wife then became President of Burlington College, thanks to Sanders, which she then bankrupted by defrauding the Catholic Church on a land purchase. These two were, quite literally, made for each other. And Sanders probably likes the idea that people will be starving in America like they are in Venezuela, with her latest idea for price controls on food. Democrats doing their best to make my dollar worth a nickel.

What’s a little frightening is the fact that there’s far too many gullible Americans in today’s society. They have no clue about her politics, but they like the VIBE. They just haven’t realized that VIBE means nothing when it comes to actual policy. You see, they’re more concerned with all that FREE stuff they think they’ll be getting. They’ll pay with misery tomorrow for their folly at the voting booth today, if Cumala succeeds. Liberalism is a disease with deadly consequences. She is ignorant on all things economic. She is nothing more than another puppet following instructions from the puppet masters who continue to remain hidden behind the curtain.

Sanders offering commentary on anything is quite literally like the blind leading the blind. He is as economically challenged as is Cumala is herself. They’ve been live testing some unique economic theories, ignoring the fact that massive deficit financed government spending under then economic circumstances would ignite inflation on a scale not seen since the late 1970s. Cumala is doing nothing other than to lay out her plan for further destroying America and American lives. And I think we can all agree that nobody knows communism better than Sanders. Sanders dreams may be coming true, Communism is coming to America by way of Cumala and A-Walz.

Hopefully Sanders’ approval will be the usual kiss of death as far as most Americans are concerned. Gun confiscation, wealth confiscation, abortions up to, and after, the moment of birth, and banning automobiles, at least he admits that's progressive. I guess we weren’t conspiracy theorists after all! The Democrat Party of today is rotten to the core. Those Democrats who still love this country, if there are any, should break free from it and form a real American Democrat Party. But the hard part in doing that would be, like I said, finding any Democrat anywhere who still possesses some love for their country. Most are only looking to see what they can get.

I would like to have hope that the commonsense Americans outnumber the gullible ones, and the former will vote enmasse for President Trump in 2024, even as the lesser of two evils misguided perspective. Free stuff is not the American Way. From an objective perspective, Cumala does not have what it takes to the leader of the world's largest economy or Commander-in-Chief for the world’s strongest military. She lacks judgement, leadership skills, and executive experience. Even her political experience appears to be limited, and her highest achievement is a product of DEI/Affirmative Action, and blowjobs, not merit. The fawning liberal media just gives her a pass.

There’s nothing new here, it’s the same old hate-filled, fearmongering, racist, sexist, Christian-phobic, agenda: White people are the oppressors, non-white people are their victims, Men are the oppressor, women are their victims, Heterosexuality is bad, Homosexuality is good, Capitalism is bad, Socialism is good, Judeo-Christian’s are the oppressor, Moslems are their victims, White majority nations are the oppressor, black and brown majority nations are their victims, Western civilization is the oppressor, third world civilization are their victims. So what’s not to love about any of that. Cumala should win in an absolute landslide, right?

In Orwell’s 1984, the endless war enables the ruling class to remain in power while the lower classes remain powerless. In the manifesto, it is observed that a country that is productive will eventually become prosperous, unless something is done to destroy the fruits of that productivity. Karl Marx himself told us that the only thing which could stop his worldwide revolution were those nations which harbored a thriving Middle Class. If we keep these two things in mind, everything the One Worlders' and the Socialist Left makes perfect sense. History is again repeating itself, and will the American people sit back and allow it to happen?

In the last century alone, more murder, mayhem and misery have been wrought upon the human race in the name of the ‘socialist brotherhood’ than by all of history’s previous despots combined. Yet the left continues to be apologists, blaming the individuals rather than the institutions. As they continue to believe in the utopian nature of these models. If they weren’t so dangerous they would be pitiful. And make no mistake, this is what the modern-day Democrat Party has become and it’s naïve to think that this not what they have in mind for us. Beware of Democratic Socialism. No thanks I have seen that movie before, and it doesn't have a happy ending.

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