Wednesday, August 21, 2024


So far, it’s been from those speaking at this ongoing national gathering of flaming lunatics in Chicago that we’ve heard absolutely nothing about how Democrats intend to make our lives, and our country, better. All we’ve heard is hate filled rhetoric about how the only guy capable of making everything better is nothing more than a racist piece of shit. And it was in his speech delivered to those assembled that ‘BO’ spewed much the same drivel we’ve heard from him before. And it continues to amaze me how it is that people can worship someone who hates this country and who did their absolutely best to wreak as much havoc upon it as was humanly possible.

While I have not watched any of this garbage, from what I’ve been reading, this convention has been nothing but lies, accusations of racism and insults directed at President Trump. Now I thought the purpose of such a gathering was to convince those watching that the Democrats are the ones to fix our problems. Now the Democrats have had the White House for 16 of the last 20 years and yet they still blame President Trump for all of America’s problems. All this trashing of President Trump tells me that they’re running scared of President Trump. No mention has yet been made of any policies to be enacted, just trash talking about President Trump.

So what happened to integrity, to intelligence and to common decency? The answer to that is Barack Obama. And it’s because of him that we’re now living in a very dark period of time, to the point where I look forward to the light of justice and accountability when it prevails over such hatred and corruption. I wish he would come to his senses and be ashamed of the man he has become, but it’s far too late for that. President Trump must pull back the curtain on all of the insanity and reveal to all just who is really responsible for all the wounds inflicted upon America. Big task, big ask, but doable for President Trump, provided he equips himself with the right people.

The only thing the Democrats have proven thus far is that a large segment of the U.S. populace is truly uninformed and ignorant. Hate is in the air and Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is very much alive and well. I have not watched as I have no desire to listen to these authoritarians who hate America and who do nothing more than to tell one lie after another. The party of anger, hostility, anti-patriotism. There’s been no talk of God, no talk of unity, rather only the pigeon holing of identities. How many times have they acknowledged the flag or those in the military? Your average American has no reason to watch such antics from those who hate average Americans.

President Trump has provoked the American Left into hysterical convulsions. They’ve lost any semblance of discipline and restraint. All they want to talk about is President Trump, because when they’re talking about him, they’re not talking about their many failures. It will be hilarious to see the look of utter shock on the faces of all the boobs should President Trump win. And priceless to watch them as the economy improves, inflation comes down, the border is fixed, while they bitch and moan in grief because “white supremacists are everywhere” and all the other self-pitying slanderous excuses for why prosperity for everyone is evil and President Trump is the Devil incarnate.

‘BO’ is such a sanctimonious fraud. How dare he lecture us on decency while the entire convention is lying through its teeth and we’ve just witnessed four years of lawfare, illegal attempts to keep President Trump off the ballot and even an assassination attempt. President Trump has been investigated for seven plus years with the full force and resources of the entire federal government, and all they could come up with are some BS ‘crimes’ that no one else would ever be charged with. And he took no salary while doing a fantastic job running the country. Meanwhile, it was the Clintons, the Obamas and the Bidens who all got rich by selling influence.

And so out of the entire progressive liberal Democrat Party the best choices they could come up with is a cackler whose entire claim to fame is giving blowjobs and a guy who while serving in the military suffered from delusions of grandeur. Democrats are united by hate. All hate, all-the-time is their standard interaction with anything and anyone they feel does not sufficiently validate the leftist's hate-driven agenda. All most of them need is to be told whom to hate. The reasons can be lies, truth or misunderstandings but once they are told to hate, they seldom revert to neutral for any reason no matter if the lies are exposed or the misunderstanding cleared up.

‘BO’ continues to behave as nothing more than the petulant child that he is, masquerading as a man of dignity to a public blinded by their own dependence on others to achieve some false sense of self-worth. ‘BO’ appeals to all of those phonies who desire a steady diet of lies. People seem to forget that he had rather low approval ratings. He was widely regarded as a slow-witted dolt, whose only asset was his ability to play ‘Mr. Smooth’ as long as he had a teleprompter in front of him. This is 2024, those on the Left have now managed to convince themselves that he is a very popular figure. Clearly ‘BO’ is so jealous of President Trump he can’t stand it.

It was a rather vile speech ‘BO’ gave last night. Calling President Trump “stale.” Stale is being lectured to by an America hating Marxist who funded Iran to increase terrorist activity around the world and to subdue and execute its own citizens. Who is so afraid of global warming that he bought two beach front properties. Who set back race relations 60 years. Who destroyed the greatest nation in the history of mankind all in an effort to make it over as a third world nation run by elites who will rule much like Hitler did. But you have to know history to know what’s coming, that’s why the first step in overthrowing our Nation was to dumb down the population.

The Democrats like to act like he got to where he is through being a brilliant visionary. The truth is, ‘BO’ was your average garden variety community agitator with a particular knack for taking advantage of situations he found himself in. He definitely wasn’t dumb and knew how to game the system with race baiting and grifting. But a true ‘post racial visionary?’ No, he wasn’t that at all. As evidence, I would like to offer up how he got his senate seat in Illinois. Did he campaign on being a post racial visionary? Nope. His “hope” schtick was BS. He won out through typical dirty Democrat politics. His opponent for the senate seat was Republican John ‘Jack’ Ryan.

Ryan was at the time in 2004 going through divorce proceedings from his wife, actress Jeri Ryan. ‘BO’s campaign managed to get hold of the sealed custody documents from the divorce proceedings and leaked them to the press. This detailed allegations that Ryan had wanted to have his wife perform sexual acts in public which she refused to do. This tanked Ryan’s campaign, and he withdrew with not enough time for the Republicans to put anyone else in place to effectively compete against ‘BO’. So yea, ‘BO’ became a U.S. Senator not because he was some ‘messiah.’ He was a typical Democrat politician who didn’t mind humiliating an innocent woman and her kids.

Finally, at the end of the day it becomes quite clear, or at least it should, that ‘BO’ is nothing more than an out and out Communist Marxist demagogue who spews anti American propaganda as if he was the offspring of Joe Stalin. He’s done a good job protecting himself using the race card whenever he’s exposed. Without help from the ‘fake news’ media camouflaging his true intentions and identity we would be in a lot better place without the likes of him. The choices couldn’t be clearer in this presidential election. You have the communist Democrat Party of ‘BO’ or the constitutional freedom get the government off our back President Trump Republican Party.

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