Monday, August 12, 2024


Why is it that when someone dares to speak the truth about the shady past of some Democrat, a past that said Democrat has worked hard to keep hidden, it’s always the one who has dared to expose that past that’s somehow accused of taking part in some personal attack. But is it really an attack to want only to end a charade the purpose of which is to garner support from those who if they knew most likely would not be very supportive. Case in point would be none other that the current Democrat nominee for vice president, Tim Walz and those who have come forward to point out the liberties he has taken regarding the rank he achieved in the National Guard.

But that said, old Walz is certainly not without his ardent defenders, both within the ‘fake news’ and without.  And one of those on the outside is fellow Democrat, combat veteran and Harris-Walz campaign surrogate. Jason Crow. And it was during an appearance on Sunday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox News Sunday,” that Crow stated that the veterans who served with Walz have “overwhelmingly” lauded his service record and that, for those who haven’t, “I’m sure there’s some kind of personal grievance there.” Crow began by saying that he’s saddened to see Walz’s Republican counterpart, JD Vance “perpetuating these false attacks” on Walz.

Host Shannon Bream then said, “[T]here are National Guardsmen who served with him in that period who felt abandoned by him, the man that was supposed to command and take them forward. They’re now speaking out, saying they did feel like he left them behind.” Crow responded, “No, they are not, Shannon, just to be very clear, overwhelmingly the people that served with Tim Walz said that he served with distinction.” Bream then cut in to note that not everyone who served with him says that. Crow responded, “Yeah, and military units are like families, Shannon. They’re like families, right? You’re brothers and sisters, and they don’t always get along."

Crow went on to say, “People have personal grievances, people are angry at each other, and it’s very sad to see that. I don’t know what’s motivating these folks that have spoken out. I’m sure there’s some kind of personal grievance there. But, overwhelmingly, people who served with Tim Walz know what type of person he is, even those who are Republicans, even those who said that they’re not going to vote for him, said that he served with distinction. That’s the true story here. His record is very clear, and it’s very exciting that we’re going to have the most senior enlisted person on a presidential ticket in American history. That is a monumental thing."

Keep in mind that Crow was one of those who made comments about the shooter having missed President Trump. He actually wished President Trump had been killed. People who have no honor, integrity or values could not possibly understand why that actions of Walz would be considered unconscionable. He was the one who did the deeds, all of them, that are being highlighted and the motivations of those discussing them is of little consequence. If he weren’t a dirt bag and hadn’t done everything he is accused of, none of that would matter. It is understandable why former comrades might have both professional and personal problems with his piss-poor behavior.

Their “personal grievance” with Walz is that he abandoned them just before they were set to deploy. How come it’s not ok to express that? It’s their opinion and they are entitled to it. We have seen the faces of Walz’s critics, heard their names, their former ranks and we have heard their individual reasons for why they hold Walz in contempt. I notice that Crow names no one, we see no faces and we hear nobody saying why they hold Walz in high regard. This tale told by Crow is as phony as A-Walz’s claims of being a warrior Command Sergeant Major. Another Democrat defending the indefensible. The lengths these Democrats go to cover for each other.

And the people that spoke out were not just anybody. It was his Lt. Colonel, his direct superior, his replacement, and even his Chaplin! On top of all that, he lied about combat duty and rank. This man has absolutely no honor. Walz is weird as are all the Democrats who have come out to defend him. The man has supported more stupid policies than he can possibly defend. From putting tampons in the boys’ bathrooms to signing a bill disallowing parents to be involved in making a decision on their child destroying his body. He watched a city to be burned down, and people killed as his wife opened the window and commented she enjoyed the smell of burning rubber.

And for some bizarre reason or another, Democrats truly believe that the American People have no right to know every aspect of the personal lives of those seeking to lead this country. They are wrong! The American People have every right to know exactly who is sitting in OUR White House! And the more damage control they do, the deeper the hole they dig. The facts are clear. But then, what tends to be most important to Democrat voters is not whether those for whom they vote are honorable people, only that they keep the freebies coming once they’re safely in office. I have a personal grievance against all Democrats. And it goes double for this clown.

And lastly, I take it very personally as both an American and as a veteran myself, that this liar trained with his troops and left them high and dry when they needed him to be there. Command changes at the last minute are extremely disruptive to the team and to the mission. Choosing to ditch his men quite literally endangered their lives while on deployment. Every American should take his cowardice personally. Nobody is disputing his 24 years of service; we’re simply calling out the dishonesty. Walz deserted his men once he found out that they are going to Iraq. He bailed on them, and he lied about using his weapons in combat. The man is a joke.

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