Friday, August 2, 2024


While Kamala Harris, the bottom of the barrel Democrat nominee for president, continues to avoid the ‘fake news’ media by refusing to give any sort of interviews and/or press conferences, members of the same ‘fake news’ media have become some of her loudest cheerleaders, with some going to far as to claim “Kamala-Mania” has now gripped the country. Now I for one am someone who never underestimates the stupidity of the American people, and so I must say that if they actually elect this woman as our next president this country is officially dead, over, kaput, no ifs, ands or buts about it. We will have had a nice run, but it will definitely be over.

And frankly, the fact that someone without a single accomplishment to her name is now being considered as a viable candidate for president is both mindboggling and more than a bit scary. And the fact that there is anyone who would actually vote for her is, to be quite honest, pretty frightening. This woman has done absolutely nothing her entire life. And to say that she has gotten where she is today by sucking dick, is not an exaggeration by any stretch. And that there are those who wish to be taken seriously and who are still able to support her tells us much about them and the lack of seriousness regarding their party’s desire to do what’s best for the country.

Which brings me to CNN ‘political analyst,’ self-proclaimed communist and ‘BO’s former ‘Green Czar,’ Van Jones. You see, it was this past Thursday, during an appearance on CNN’s “The Situation Room,” that we heard Jones make the rather bold claim when he said that there is “Kamala-mania” in the 2024 presidential election because people are excited about Harris. And when asked about her fundraising, Jones said, “Kamala-mania, Kamala-mania. Just energy, energy energy. A big percentage of those donors are first-time donors in this cycle, hadn’t given to Biden, had not given to anybody. People are excited about Kamala Harris."

Jones went on to say, “And it’s showing up in the numbers, it’s showing up in the polls. What a turnaround in the past two weeks in terms of energy, momentum and enthusiasm for Kamala Harris.” And he continued, “She has not got a chance to debate Trump yet so there’s things on the horizon, but where she is right now, there’s — sometimes, the person makes the moment, and sometimes the moment makes the person. This was a moment that was crying out for some kind of breakthrough, some kind of hope.” Jones then added, “Most Americans didn’t want Trump or Biden. There was this death watch for democracy after the debate."

Jones said, “Democrats are looking at this thing like, ‘Holy crap — are we going to have democracy after this election?’ And you got a heartbeat of hope, Kamala Harris raising her hand and saying, ‘I’ll handle this.’ And it has just released a flood of energy. And I think it’s going to continue for a while.” So I’m curious, in exactly what alternate universe might any of this actually be happening? I’m thinking that what we’re actually experiencing here is a rift that may have opened in the fabric of reality affording us a glimpse into the Democrats’ bizarre parallel universe. Because it’s everything that Jones seems to see taking place that few in the real world see.

After all, it was top campaign manager to Kamala Harris who has admitted that he doesn’t think she’ll win, and that she has no accomplishments. And then we have Compliance Manager for the Democratic National Committee and the Kamala Harris campaign, Joyce DeCerce, who was caught on camera admitting as much. This bimbo was overheard saying, “I don’t think Kamala Harris would win this year.” And so in comes boobs like Jones acting as the cavalry riding in to rescue Harris and attempting to pump her up by starting with the gaslighting again, this time trying to rewrite her record of “accomplishments” and doing a 1984 on what is her very empty record.

Jones refers to the emptyheaded Harris as the “heartbeat of hope.” I guess that’s the very same Harris who loves men in women's sports, supports those policies that resulted in record high inflation, rampant violent crime and that gave us wide open borders that resulted in an invasion of roughly 15 million illegal immigrants all of whom were provided with Medicare and social security while our own families are made to suffer. Harris is incompetent and unqualified to be anything more than the local dogcatcher. Jones is a moron, thinking he can hype Harris into popularity. Either everyone is that stupid or it’s all part of the ruse to steal another election.

The amount of gaslighting that will be required to show Harris as being a reasonably moderate candidate will likely surpass all of that which resulted in the effort to convince us all that Joey was mentally and physically fit to hold office. The ‘fake news’ media is now doing a complete 1984 rewrite of her entire record of “accomplishments.” This narrative of “excitement” is so transparently manufactured, it’s hilarious. She is universally despised, and they all know it. I can’t believe that all after three years of listening to her endless word salads and her socialist ramblings that there are people who would actually vote for her. I am absolutely dumbfounded.

And on what, exactly, does Jones base his claim that people are afraid for democracy and looking for hope that it can survive? Everybody remembers the first three years of Trump’s presidency with nostalgia. With President Trump, we all know what we’re getting. With Harris, at best we’re getting a continuation of Joey, but it could be worse, much, much worse. No one views Harris as a “heartbeat of hope.” You only need look back a few months to see what the Democrats themselves were saying about her. So what changed? This is all manufactured enthusiasm. These people would be just as enthusiastic about Joey if they were still stuck with him.

What the Democrats actually have is a candidate that no one voted for as their nominee. A candidate dumber than a sack of potatoes, who will do ANYTHING for celebrity status, and a chance to live in the White House. Harris knows she won’t be required to do anything if elected, the actual running of the government will be done by the higher ups. Harris, like Joey, would serve as nothing more than a stooge to be presented to the public. Hence the desperation to sweep her far left record under the rug. All the anti-cop, abolish ice drivel, the support for illegal immigrants, the trans nonsense, open borders, anti-Israel, support for Hamas and on and on it goes.

Finally, I’m amazed at just how gullible some people have become. It’s very clear that our ‘fake news’ media is controlled. They’ve launched into her attributes as a great leader going so far as telling outright lies as they go about the covering up of her record as prosecutor. Yet we continue to see bogus polls and are supposed to believe that people are flocking to her support. She has stated she will violate our Second Amendment and she isn’t shy about what she wants to do to our nation. Elect her and you will have been complicit in converting our nation into one ruled by tyrants. Is President Trump perfect? No, but he does stand for America and with her people.

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