Sunday, August 25, 2024


I gotta tell you, Democrats seem to be pinning a lot on their loser of a presidential candidate, Cumala, in being able to pull out a win in November. Democrats now seem to be of the opinion that a victory by their candidate, who has yet to sit down with anyone in the media for an unscripted interview, will somehow bring an end to the MAGA movement. Clearly anyone who dares to make such a claim lacks even the most basic understanding of, and has an overall ignorance of, what exactly the MAGA movement actually is. Which shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. Democrats don’t understand those who comprise the movement, because they don’t want to.

Which brings me to Cory Booker, Democrat. And it was during an appearance on Sunday’s broadcast of CNN’s “State of the Union” that he made the silly claim that the November election could very well “kill” the MAGA strain of the Republican Party. Host Jake ‘The Joke’ Tapper said, “America is wanted for a new chapter. America is ready for a better story a, new, chapter. I mean, she’s the incumbent vice president. Democrats have controlled the White House for 12 of the last 16 years. How can Democrats talk about a new chapter? Turning the page, you guys are the ones writing the book?” Booker said, “Well, you know that that’s not true, Jake."

He said, “Because we see the MAGA Republicans in Congress killing all kind of pragmatic policies that we need to get done. On the most contentious issue we had a bipartisan deal settled on by Senator Lankford a right-wing Republican and Chris Murphy, a blue state Democrat. And what killed that deal were killed the pragmatic progress wasn’t the sensible Republicans, but really people that were kowtowing to Donald Trump has influence is egregious and incredible from his appointment of three people to the Supreme Court that are now rolling back the most fundamental of our rights and freedoms like bodily autonomy and reproductive rights."

He added, “So to say that the MAGA Republicans are not still undermining common sense pragmatic, sensible politics is just wrong and what I know this election can do is finally kill that strain of the Republican Party in a way that I think helps the pragmatic Republicans come back.” Spartacus, of course, has this all wrong. But then that’s not surprising. Booker is another of those elitists, another of those out of touch ‘swamp creatures’ who reside quite comfortably there within the beltway bubble. Someone really does need to tell this guy that the Bush Era is officially over. We are not stupid, unlike the slobbering idiots who continue to vote for Democrats like Booker.

Booker is another of those seeking only to divide and conquer, trying to make MAGA Republicans out to be the cancer in needing of being removed. The two ideologies are to antithetical to each other, either one or the other is going to have to be completely destroyed. And as General Patton once said, “Your job is not to die for your country, it’s to make sure the other guy dies for his.” This will likely be a struggle to the death, and not just ideologically, but literally, the path the left is trying to force upon us, heads to the ovens, it always has and it always will. Fight this fight as if your life, and the lives of those you love, depended upon it. Because believe me, it does!!!

All of America is in a fight for its existence. The real enemies of this nation are using the illusion of a two-party political system as a means of keeping citizens divided and arguing amongst ourselves. Anything which serves to prevent large numbers of citizens from uniting and focusing on their real enemies, only serves the Democrat effort to destroy this country. At least there is a clear choice between the two candidates. No one can dispute the tide lifting all under Trump. Not so true with this administration and as well ‘BO’. So much for “hope and change.” The only hope blacks had was a black President. That’s where it died. Change never happened under that con.

Booker claims that the next election could very well “kill” the MAGA strain of the Republican Party. You could almost hear the fear in his voice. Because it is far more likely is that it will kill the communist Democrat Party and neuter the failed ‘leadership’ of those who operate from behind the curtain, pulling Joey’s strings since day one with all their failures and tyranny without a smidgeon of progress being made. ‘BO’ has been instrumental in helping to destroy his own political party and cast doubt on all of those associated with it. May it be gone for good starting in 2025 when America gets a chance to say, “Good riddance to bad rubbish."

Booker is nothing more than another of those sounding like a proverbial broken record on the issue of abortion as those of his political persuasion murders more of the unborn than any other. Abortion is not the survival issue that America has been made to face, and he knows it. If he doesn’t, then I’m afraid that he doesn’t deserve the job that he has. Booker is a parasite and dumb as dirt if he thinks that most Americans believe him. He’s terrified of the greatness of what America once was and will be again with a Republican presidency. He won’t be part of it. He was never part of It. He's just a lingering dreg of the anti-America and anti-Semite hate fest.

We must keep in mind that underneath all of this so-called joy is the never-ending desire for one party rule in the U.S. with that one party being the Democrat Party. We also have to remember the projection of the left. Many times have they accused other political groups of committing certain sins only because they are committing these sins themselves. In other words when the Democrats claim that the MAGA movement, or President Trump is a threat to democracy, they are projecting. The desire for ultimate power knows no bounds or ethics. Their goal for years has been to flood the country with migrants and then get the migrants to vote presumably for them.

People like Booker being in government is what drags this county down. Low intelligence buffoons with zero concern for the people. The Democrats are saying they are against making America great again and so are in favor of making it worse. They support spending billions of dollars the country doesn’t have on another endless war. They are also against stopping our country from being invaded by tens of millions of Illegals from who knows where. They are against giving parents and children the opportunity to opt out of their assigned public school that is failing and unsafe and to choose a better one. They are against cheaper gasoline and electric prices.

Booker is delusional. The universal yearning of all men since society began is to breathe free, live free from the yoke of big, corrupt government and to make their own choices in life. That is why people take extraordinary steps to come to America even though Democrats denigrate it at every opportunity. Booker and his fellow Marxist-socialists seek to deny the people their dream and enslave them in the bonds of a Marxist-Communist society. They will not succeed; Booker and his fellow travelers should have no expectation of living. Their type should be killed just like they kill unborn babies with no expectation of a quick and relatively painless demise.

The MAGA movement is not President Trump’s movement. It is the Peoples Movement. And as such it’s not going away. Tens of thousands attend President Trump’s rallies, and all of the gaslighting from Democrats cannot erase that fact. Normal Americans are fed up with Democrats celebrating their Socialist/Communist utopian fantasies. It’s Cumala, and Democrats like Booker who are in for the rude awakening. And it will be then that we see a repeat of President Trump’s first term and how it was on day one back then that he commenced to undo much of the damage done by ‘BO’. He took us out of the UN Refugee Plan and out of the Paris ‘climate change’ nonsense.

And then he set to work securing the border and built 400 miles of fencing. He stopped NAFTA and replaced it with an agreement that is fair to the USA. He got the NATO countries to pay their fair share. He stopped Iranian funding of any kind. He stopped China, Russia and North Korea from further compromising us in anyway. He defeated the workplace violent people called terrorists. He was slowly and systematically taking us out of Afghanistan. He did what the people wanted him to do and more. He did all that while fighting off the Democrats, the RINOs and the press. He never faltered; he never dodged an issue. He is still fighting the Democrats.

And finally, it was the southern plantation Lord of 1850, of course, a Democrat, who would have claimed he was doing those people right, that he provided them with  food, housing, medical and all he asked for in return was their labor. But what did he do to lift them up, did he educate them? NO! The Progressives view the people in much the same way, as ignorant masses, as the deplorables. Do they lift them up? No, because if they did, they would run those Progressives, that keep them down on the plantation, out of town! So, they do the only thing they can, they continuously accuse the opposition of being the villain, of being the threat to our ‘Republic!’

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