Monday, August 5, 2024


So riddle me this, is there an individual that can be found anywhere in all of the ‘fake news’ media that serves as being a better example of what a joke our entire ‘mainstream media’ has now become, here in 2024, than ABC’s George ‘Stephy’ Stephanopoulos? And while this guy may like to play pretend at being a bona fide ‘journalist,’ in truth this pathetic little prick is really nothing more than the very worst kind of political hack whose major claim to fame is the fact that he’s a former employee of old ‘Slick Willy’ Clinton. And it’s every week, just like clockwork, that old Stephy demonstrates just how much of a phony propagandist he really is.

And it was just this past Sunday that ‘Stephy’ once again made it abundantly clear that he really needs to do a little work on his ability to at least appear as the unbiased and objective ‘journalist’ that he routinely professes himself to be. ‘Stephy’ is like that old broken record that always seems to get stuck in the same place, and it was another example of that very thing that came about during the appearance of Rep. Byron Donalds, a Republican, on ‘Stephy’s rather idiotic little show, “This Week.” And it was clear that old ‘Stephy’ seemed to be looking for a fight when he asked, “Why is former President Trump questioning the vice president’s racial identity?"

Donalds said, “Well, first, George, in Chicago he was responding to a question from, I believe, Rachel Scott. This is really a phony controversy. I don’t really care, and most people don’t, but if we’re going to be accurate, when Kamala Harris went into the United States Senate, it was AP who said she was the Indian-American senator. It was played up a lot and she’s running nationally.” He added, “Obviously the campaign has shifted. They’re talking much more about her father’s heritage and her black identity. It doesn’t really matter. The president mentioned it.” While I’m certainly no expert, it would seem that using the race card to gain a “leg up” only hurts Harris’ cause!!!

Donalds said, “What he also talks about far more frequently is the fact that Harris is the person who created this massive inflation, which is destroying black families, white families, Hispanic families. It’s her failure as border czar that has left our southern border wide open, more than 10 million illegal immigrants coming into our country, record fentanyl coming into our country which has killed more Americans than any other point in the history of our country with respect specifically to fentanyl. And the fact that she and Joe Biden have unleashed one of the worst foreign policies in the history of our country that has us on the verge of World War III."

Donalds concluded by saying, “That is Kamala Harris’ record. President Trump talks about that frequently, but yes, he did mention it in Chicago in response to a question.” Donalds answered the attempted gotcha' question by pointing out that President Trump was simply answering an attempted gotcha question posed by yet another ABC faux ‘journalist.’ One wonders why those in the ‘fake news’ media never bothered to question Harris’ hypocrisy in the first place?  Yes, that’s a rhetorical question because we all know the answer. And yet we’re all still supposed to believe what these hacks tell us and to believe that they are as unbiased as they claim.

Yup we can always trust old ‘Stephy’ to fan the flames of contrived outrage. President Trump very accurately pointed out the hypocrisy of using identity politics for the purpose of pandering to certain groups of voters, instead of speaking to all Americans. The left is very adept at creating brush fires to obscure the truth of the matter. But Donalds did good and simply shrugged it off as an irrelevant issue, subtly suggesting that only morons like ‘Stephy’ seem to think it’s an issue and immediately pivoted to the real issues of Harris’ weakness on inflation and border security and how that has harmed people of all races. As far as I’m concerned, Donalds was utterly brilliant.

President Trump answered the question he was asked correctly and backed up his answer with a bit of factual historical context, pointing out Harris’ hypocritical racial shift as she now feels it benefits her more nationally to be black. Harris is Indian. But more importantly Harris is obviously incompetent and blatantly unqualified. After all, Harris was part of the team that gave us this high inflation and economy crushing inflation and open borders. Everything these media clowns do is done to protect Harris. She has a record of divisiveness and strong dislike for the American institutions that made this the best country in the history of the world.

‘Stephy’ is nothing more than a snake. He’s on television every single day on ABC’s ‘Good Morning America,’ and again every Sunday, spewing nothing more than pure Democrat propaganda. It’s everything that he says that must be taken with a grain of salt. But that’s what our modern day ‘news’ media has now been reduced to. A bunch of liars spewing nothing but shit!!! Look, try to imagine what this country would look like today without people like ‘Stephy’ working so hard to ‘defend’ it. If those in the media actually performed the role they were intended to perform, that of being a watchdog over those in government and not as their lapdog.

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