Wednesday, August 28, 2024


When it comes to our many political soothsayers today, I’m not exactly sure who the bigger crackpot might be, whether it’s James Carville or Karl Rove. Neither am I sure why it might be that anyone still cares what either of these political has-beens might have to say about the crucial election headed our way. After all, neither of them has been at the top of the game for a very long time. And yet it’s still that various ‘news’ networks continue to go out of their way to drag these two clowns out as if they have something relevant to add to what has become an increasingly important conversation when neither possess any level of credibility on the subject at hand.

Most recently it was Rove who was dragged out with his whiteboard in hand to explain to anyone stupid enough to have tuned in to watch, his bizarre logic as it pertains to the coming election. You see, it was this past Tuesday during an appearance on Fox News’ “Americas Newsroom” that Rove pointed out that Democrat candidate Cumala is polling worse than both Joey and Hitlery at this point in their presidential races. Rove said, “The other point about polling, I want to, if possible, let’s talk about that a little bit, because I think let’s put this in perspective. On this day in 2020, Joe Biden was up 7.1% above Donald Trump in the RealClearPolitics average."

And he went on to say, “And at this point in 2016, Hillary Clinton was up 6.3. And as you remember, the election came down to a handful of votes in a handful of states. And today, in the RealClearPolitics average, Harris is up over Trump by 1.5 in the RCP average and 3.5 in the” Once again it’s Rove, and his idiotic little whiteboard, who is such an insult as he has a total lack of respect for anyone listening to him. He added, “So this, you know, she’s ahead in both averages, but she’s nowhere near ahead by the numbers that both Biden and Clinton were in. And as we know, Clinton lost and Biden won by 42,000 votes in three states."

This genius then continued, “To complicate it further, these are national numbers we’re talking about, and we’ve got a number of polls, 8 to 10 polls that make up these averages, but how is she doing and how is he doing in the battleground states, the 6 or 7 battleground states? We have nowhere near, we have a few polls in several states, but we certainly don’t have 6 or 7 or 8 polls that would give us an average and therefore give us a better idea of where they actually are.” I can’t help but wonder if this is Rove’s way of trying to sabotage President Trump by breeding complacency out there in Trump Nation before the election. He is certainly no fan of the man!

I feel pretty confident in saying that no one with any amount brains listens to this jerk or cares what he has to say! This is the guy who lost it in real time when trying to say how Romney would win on 2012 election night. And quite frankly, it’s anyone who still listens to this guy that’s a fool. And to be blunt, Rove is about as useless as the polls he cites. He’s just another dinosaur that needs to be put out to pasture like his kooky counterpart, Carville! These two are nothing if not a matched pair of bookends. Whenever their lips move, lies fly out into the air. If it wasn't for fake numbers and creating situations to spin stories off of, neither would have anything to do.

Personally, we should be taking neither the recent polling data, or what clowns like Rove and Carville are saying about it all that seriously. Now don’t get me wrong, I very much do hope that President Trump comes out of this contest on top. If not, this country will officially be over. That said, I will most definitely be voting for him come this November, it makes no sense not to. Donald Trump has already been president for four years and he has a very successful record as president. Meanwhile, Cumala has been spinning on her thumb her entire life. Her record is essentially joined at the hip with Joey’s record, which has been nothing more than an abysmal failure.

It’s hilarious to watch these infantile, childish and immature ‘fake news’ media types. These hacks are doing their best to manipulate the public every day and they believe that they’re invisible or that people don’t see through their lazy attempts at influencing the election this fall! It’s astounding! While it would be nice of those in the ‘fake news’ media would stop with all the lying and attempts at manipulation and simply do their job with honesty and objectivity, that is likely far too much to ever hope for. Cumala continues to be all the rave amongst those of indoctrinated elite, BLM, ANTIFA and every other leftwing nutjob fringe group.

And after all that our nation has been through over the course of the last four years, there is no way in hell that I would be complacent about the vote. I am, though, very upset with those who can be so blind as to vote for those whose only goal seems to be one of causing destruction. This election is about the saving of our country as we have come to know it and love it. Stop being a low information voter and listen to the news on both sides and you will soon discover just how much is NOT being reported. Don’t vote for Cumala before knowing all that she stands for! Don’t stay home. Don’t think your vote doesn’t matter. An election cannot be stolen if it’s a landslide.

There is no way on God’s green Earth that we’re going to get to an accurate picture of where Cumala and A-Walz stand 70 days out from the election. And that is pretty sad. Those in the ‘fake news’ media continually lie in a continuing effort to make their chosen candidate, Cumala, more palatable to those Americans who tend not to vote Democrat.  And the only reason she has any poll numbers is because of the water-carrying press who won’t force her to speak. When she finally does open her mouth, she’ll tank, and they’ll rue the day they dumped Joey. Joey losing can be attributed to his cognitive impairment; Cumala losing will be attributed to her being stupid.

Cumala was arbitrarily put on the ballot even though she received not a single vote in the Democrat primaries. Democrats waited until Joey officially got the nod before then proceeding to stab him in the back, not that he didn’t deserve that. So riddle me this, just who is it that’s the President right now? It seems that Joey has been spending most of his time on vacation. What a gig!!! The Democrat operation in America is a study in absurdity and contradiction. There is nothing authentic or revealed or consistent about the party; it exists as an entity to power itself, at the expense of the people, through the use of lies, deception, and propaganda.

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