Friday, August 23, 2024


As I have previously stated I chose not to watch any part of this week’s shit show from Chicago, including that which was the point of the entire thing, Cumala accepting her party’s nomination for president. Instead, I chose to go to those who get paid to do so, or they too would likely not have bothered to watch either. Regarding Cumala’s speech, it’s from these paid observers that I’ve heard critiques that pretty much run the gamut. From some it was described as being rather bland and underwhelming, while others described it as being something one might have heard coming from ‘BO’ himself. But as is always the case in life, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

And knowing Cumala as we do, to describe her speech as being powerful would be, in all likelihood I think, a bit of an exaggeration. Also, we must consider the source of such accolades. And I only say that because it’s those who had such a glowing opinion of Cumala’s speech who also tend to be those who view all things Democrat through rose-colored glasses. Case in point would be none other than one of CNN’s jokesters, Jake ‘The Joke’ Tapper. You see, it was Tapper who, on Thursday during his network’s special coverage of the Democratic National Convention, argued that Cumala had indeed given what could only be described as a “very, very powerful speech."

Tapper said, “Vice President Kamala Devi Harris, age 59, daughter of Oakland, accepting her party’s nomination. It was a speech that four weeks and five days ago, she was not preparing to make. But as she said, she is no stranger to unlikely journeys. She shared with us her origin story as a prosecutor, with her childhood friend, Wanda Kagan who is here tonight, being molested by her upon stepfather. She talked about representing the people, Kamala Harris for the people.” He continued, “She discussed how she would be a president for everyone. And wanting to perform an opportunity, economy for the middle class."

And he went on to say, “It was a speech of progressive politics and unifying rhetoric. A speech with many, many shots across the bough, at Donald Trump, her opponent. And a speech in which she sought to portray herself as a credible commander-in-chief, patriotic, firm, confident and credible. She discussed Israel and Palestine. She discussed Ukraine. She discussed the threat from Iran.” Tapper added, “It was a remarkable address, one that I’ve never seen her give quite like this before, a very, very powerful speech. You gotta go back, I think, to Barack Obama in 2008 for a Democratic speech like this, perhaps even a speech like this at all."

Barack Obama, the same guy who promised “unity” in 2008, with it all being a pack of lies. He was uniquely positioned, more than any American has ever been, to make race relations in America far better and permanent. But he didn’t. He had no desire to do so, because what else would the Democrat Party have to run on in the future other than abortion. By 2016, ‘BO’ had done more damage to race relations than anyone else in the previous 50 years. Those like ‘BO’ don’t want racial harmony in America, because racial animosity and friction is how they stay in power and wealthy. And Democrat voters are simply too stupid, lazy and irresponsible to see that.

When President Trump says he that wants to make America great again, you would think that in itself would be unifying. But those in the ‘fake news’ media spin it in such a way as to make it somehow controversial. When Cumala makes vapid, empty statements the media clowns clap like trained seals and say how unifying it all is. And no one ever bothers to challenge the fact that she has no plan to get where it is that she says she wants to go or how getting there would be anything by disastrous for our country. It’s not that she’s more unifying than President Trump, it’s just that those in our ‘fake news’ media fight him every step of the way, but not her. And that’s all by design.

Democrats say all manner nonsensical things in their effort to create chaos. Because, you see, they need chaos in order to, first destroy what currently exists before they can then build their ever-elusive socialist utopia on top of the ruins. When will the American people wake up to the fact that those media are simply not to be trusted. They are simply stooges of the party. It’s time to ignore their blatant contempt for ‘We the People.’ And while I do not support the silencing of anyone, as we all have the right to speak our mind, we do have the ability to ignore the platform from which they continue to promote their garbage across the airwaves as they do!

Personally, I’m thinking that the Democrat missed an opportunity this past week. Their contradictory messaging was astonishing. They had two of the most successful black women in the country on stage and instead of expressing their great success, and what you can do in today’s America as a black woman. These two have a combined worth of nearly 3.5 Billion dollars and yet they chose to attack prosperity and successful people. In another segment, millionaire Bernie Sanders attacked the rich and their need to pay their fair share. Everyone claps. Another speaker was a Billionaire who says that he’s a real billionaire, and again everyone applauds.

So how does any of what was witnessed over the course of this past week make any amount of sense. There was Moochelle Obama attacking President Trump’s wealth while being wealthy herself and without ever having created a single job. We had the Democrat candidate for vice president attacking his opponent for having gone to Yale while it was every speaker at this circus like event who also attended an ivy league college. I mean, WTF. Not one of the speakers, including the candidate herself, spoke of any solutions to the many problems in this country because they have no idea what they’re doing. All they chose to speak about was President Trump ad nauseam.

And finally, after the last four days what is it that we know now that we didn’t know before? What brilliant new policy initiatives were presented that would prompt any of those who may still be sitting on the fence to choose Cumala over President Trump? What was said by any of the speakers that made it clear that Democrats understand the pain those in middle class are forced to contend with each and every day. Well, I’ve heard of nothing that was said by any of the attendees that would put my mind at ease regarding what would take place in this country under President Cumala. Telling me how bad President Trump is over and over again did not lay my fears to rest.

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