Saturday, August 10, 2024


There is nothing that proves better just how fraudulent those in our ‘fake news’ media are, or how deep in the tank they continue to be for one side over the other, other than their blatantly dishonest effort to provide all manner of cover to our two Democrat nominees, Cumala Harris and Tim A-Walz. Both of these clowns have made it abundantly clear that they are nowhere near sufficiently qualified for the positions they are seeking. But what’s even more obvious, or should be, is the fact that neither are worthy of those positions. After all, it’s one who got where she is by spending a great deal of time on her knees, and the other who’s a coward and a bit of a weirdo.

And it was during Friday’s broadcast of MSDNC’s “Chris Jansing Reports,” that we once again heard yet another Democrat, Rep. Robert Garcia, from Cumala’s home state of California, make what has become a recurring claim when he actually argued that 2024 Republican candidate President Trump “is scared” to debate Cumala, and that after the September 10 debate the two candidates agreed to, Cumala is “happy to have conversations about other debates. But we want to make sure that we focus on that debate that’s been agreed to by both parties.” So again, we’re to believe that President Trump is terrified of the bimbo who can’t string two words together.

Garcia said, “Let’s also be clear, Donald Trump didn’t want to debate Kamala Harris. He is scared to do so. He couldn’t agree to the debate. Now, that his poll numbers are dropping, he’s finally agreed to debate the Vice President. She’s going to do that September 10 debate. And then, from there, like she has said, she’s happy to have conversations about other debates. But we want to make sure that we focus on that debate that’s been agreed to by both parties. And she’s also going to be sitting down and talking to more members of the media. So, it’s going to be a good few weeks ahead, capping off, with, of course, our big convention coming up in about a week."

What a joke. President Trump isn’t afraid of anything, the man took a bullet for Christ sake. Why would be afraid of someone who, unless her comments are very well scripted, rarely makes any more sense than Joey did on his best days It’s clear who trying to avoid the media, and any opportunity where she has to respond off the cuff. It was President Trump who, just the other day, gave a 70-minute press conference. When might we expect the same from Cumala? Such an illusory little world these Democrat live in, rife with misinformation and outright lies. And yet the party faithful simply choose to ignore it or are just too stupid to see it.

Reality is too hard for Democrats to live in. They’ve constructed for themselves an entire delusional world to live in and then demand that everyone else say that that is the real world. The fact their campaign is falling apart with Cumala forced to use concerts and celebrities to even draw a crowd while her VP pick is getting eviscerated over his lies is something they don’t want to believe is even happening. Remember, these are the people who will tell you with all seriousness that science can’t tell the difference between a man and a woman. They’re so far gone mentally that even losing this election won’t wake them up. They’ll just get even more crazy.

So we all know that Democrats don’t care much for facts, but the fact of the matter is that the original agreement regarding the September 10 debate was for it to be between President Trump and Joey, not Cumala. The candidates have changed, so that agreement is null and void. As for President Trump fearing a debate with Cumala, that’s ridiculous. The woman is afraid to hold an impromptu interview with the friendly press. She’s repeated the exact same speech at all of her campaign events thus far. They’ve got her on a leash to avoid her lack of skills at unscripted events. She’s a disaster waiting to happen and a train wreck as a presidential nominee.

Cumala will only agree to a debate moderated by ABC because she’s confident that they will provide with her soft ball questions and not challenge any of her likely incoherent answers. Meanwhile President Trump will be in the position of having to debate both Cumala and the moderators. And I wouldn’t doubt that the questions would be given to her in advance. President Trump never agreed to debate Cumala. He agreed to debate Joey who was the presumptive nominee at that time. Cumala has not answered any questions since becoming the nominee. She’s the coward that only wants a friendly forum with a network that is the extension of the Democrat Party.

And it continues to amaze me how it is that so many people are so stupid and gullible. Seriously, how much of a complete moron must you be to actually believe this nitwit could actually perform the job of Commander in Chief? I have no doubt that our enemies are absolutely salivating over the prospects of dealing with this imbecile. Between the fiasco at our southern border and an economy that is essentially a shambles, how can anyone with any brains vote for these two commies. I guess they must be either independently wealthy or just on the government dole. If neither, then I guess they’re just downright stupid, ignorant, illiterate or a combination of all three.

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