Thursday, August 22, 2024


So I have a question. How many American flags have been seen, or chants of “USA, USA, USA” heard, at any point during what has been nothing less than the weeklong hate fest that is the Democratic National Convention. Now if I’m correct, which of course I am, that would be none, on both counts. And also, while I’m on the subject, if there is one thing you can say about Democrats, and I do mean every single one, it’s that they can never be called anything that even remotely resembles patriotic. That said, you can always tell when Democrats feel they may be in trouble, politically, because it’s only then that they start bragging about how patriotic they are.

All of which brings to what has been CNN’s masterful coverage of the Democrat goings on in Chicago this past Wednesday, just kidding. You see it was during Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s ‘Anderson Cooper 360,’ that everyone’s favorite avowed communist, “BO’s former ‘Green Czar’ and now CNN senior political commentator Van Jones made the claim that 2024 Democrat presidential candidate Cumala has a “muscular patriotism.” Personally, I always find it a bit funny whenever assholes like Jones, who have used terms like “patriotism” as little more than a punchline for the last 60 years, think they will now be taken seriously whenever they bring them up.

He said, “It’s like there’s a distinction between what I would call a cheaper patriotism and a deeper patriotism. This is a deeper patriotism, it’s not the raw raw stuff, they are asserting the value of freedom is not just the freedom to not pay your taxes or the freedom to say get off my lawn, it’s the freedom to live a full life. And to be able to live a full life we need each other, and our government.” He continued, “I haven’t seen so many USA signs. There is a muscular patriotism associated with Kamala Harris. There is a musculature, she wants to fight. She said I believe in this country and believe in this particular vision of freedom, and we are going to fight for it."

Jones went to add, “And it’s an interesting, new conversation I haven’t seen before.” And he said, “I feel like this idea of the future being so much more important than the past, like there’s a nostalgia here for a kinder country, but there’s also a determination to go.” Oh, come on, Jones, can you find something vaguer than that to say about Cumala. I want to hear more about silly stuff like the freedom to keep what I earn and own. This is nothing more than hyperbolic nonsense, pure leftwing drivel, clearly they’re grasping at straws. Jones never gets tired of shoveling leftist tripe that is nothing but complete BS. Communists know nothing about patriotism.

And it’s all manufactured. What we’re watching here, or what those who are watching are seeing, is nothing more than a really bad movie. They thought they would be able to steal the genuine joy and enthusiasm that everyone felt at the RNC, but their smoke and mirrors just aren't working. The speakers are spewing hate, and the crowd goes wild. There is no joy or patriotism in Chicago. It must be like what one experiences when watching ‘The View,’ only multiplied due to the crowd size. The speakers spew hatred towards President Trump, and the audience cheers and claps like the trained seals that they are. It’s just all so disgustingly transparent.

The Democrats love their scripts, don’t they? All has likely been crafted by a panel of Ivy League pencil necked soy boys sitting around a room wondering what might actually appeal to all those ‘regular’ folks. And do they all laugh out loud when sitting together deciding what BS they’re going to say? It’s nothing more than zany political theater. And it’s my guess that a phrase like “muscular patriotism” was designed to appeal to some kind of homosexual fantasy for those men who may be watching the Democrats this week. But anyone who is still buying this Democrat swill after all the rotten crap they’ve pulled over the last 16 years has clearly got shit for brains.

They’re delusional if they can’t see what a joke they’ve become. I used to think they just said what they were told to say, but it’s obvious at this point that they’re so far gone that they actually believe the idiocy they spew. And I doubt that losing will wake them up. If they go down in this election, they’ll just triple down on the crazy and be even more insane by the time the next election gets here. They didn’t just find a slippery slope to go down, they leapt off a cliff into insanity. There is nothing that will make these people leave crazy town and return to normalcy, because they were never normal to begin with. They’ve always been this crazy, and no longer try to hide it.

Cumala and the Democrats have always had a rather odd, even bizarre, way of demonstrating their patriotism, “masculine” or otherwise. There’s nothing patriotic about trying to destroy one’s own country. There’s only one patriot vying for the presidency, and it most certainly ain't her. There are no muscular patriots left in the Democrat party. What ones there might have once been either died or were long ago made to extinct, voted out for the specific reason that they were patriotic. And can you even be patriotic about something that you are actively trying to destroy? I wonder. What Jones calls “muscular”, the rest of us call “limp-wristed."

And Jones talks about being nostalgic, but nostalgia suggests that you’re missing something that you once had, but Democrats keep telling us that they don’t want to go back. These frauds are so full of shit that they no longer know up from down, right from wrong, or anything about anything! They have no policies except to support abortion anytime and anyplace, transgender kids without parental consent, free everything and more government debt. Oh, and ‘Orange Man’ bad, very, very bad! They count on an ignorant voter base that has no concept of the truth or any idea about what they’re actually voting for, except for all the good vibes!

And after nearly four years of tearing this country apart and this goof, Jones, now wants to insult our intelligence by claiming that this cackling imbecile, Cumala, is patriotic. This whole administration is nothing more than a corrupt, America hating embarrassment! The policies that have been put in place over the last four years, which Cumala has played a role in bringing about, have been extremely devastating to the country. Patriotism is the feeling of love, devotion, and a sense of attachment to a country or state. So how is it that anyone can argue that the behavior we’ve seen coming from Cumala can be referred to as patriotism. Yet Jones seems to think so.

And what exactly does that even mean, “muscular patriotism?” That’s getting very close to being racist, and improper use of pronouns, a real breech in degenerate pervert etiquette. The Democrat Party comes up with some of the most baffling and amusing phrases, and comments. They must make them up on the spot. It is like Cumala’s word salads, they make no sense, have no definitive meaning, are a heap of garbage that should a person try and sift through it, they would still find nothing of meaning or substance. The convention speeches, so far, consist of nothing more than lies atop lies, gibberish word salads, and fanciful delusions and fairy tales.

There has been nothing said about their many failed policies, nothing on what they plan to do to make our country better or to improve the lives of working-class Americans. The convention, up to this point, has been nothing more than a hate fest, trying to make everyone feel better by lying about everything and telling them what they want to hear. Democrats have always confused freedom with licentiousness. Their freedom is divorced from all responsibility from their actions as they believe someone else should foot their bills. Freedom isn’t free! It came with blood and tears from those who were true patriots, not from government subsidies!

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