Friday, August 30, 2024


Yup, you sure can tell it’s another presidential election year, one in which the Democrat nominee, Cumala, has no more credibility than the man she seeks to replace as president. The motto of her campaign should be one that says, “Don’t Believe What I’ve Said My Entire Career, Believe What I’m Telling You Today.” Because regardless of the topic being discussed, it seems that the Cumala of 2024 bears little resemblance to the Cumala of the past. And yet, it’s she, the ‘fake new’ media, as well as her fellow Democrats, who all seem to be of the opinion that we should believe the Cumala of 2024 and to do otherwise is nothing short of insane. Oh really?

And one of the issues where there seems to be a glaring difference between the two Cumalas is on the subject of fracking. And it was just this past Thursday during the broadcast of CNN’s ‘News Central,’ that one of Cumala’s Senate colleagues, Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut, was asked about Cumala’s apparent 180 degree change in her position on the issue, and he argued that it would be “insane” to criticize Cumala over the change in her fracking position because there are new technologies. I can’t help but wonder, did these new technologies just come about in the past three months? She seems to have been against it, before she was for it in her run for office.

It was faux ‘journalist’ and show host John Berman who asked, “What’s your position senator, on fracking?” Murphy said, “I think increasingly we can do fracking in a safe way. It depends on the site, it depends on the process. But I think anybody who serves has paid attention to the technological developments over the past several years understands that there are places that this can be done safely. I think you have to have a strategy in this country where are you continue to develop our natural resources.” Berman said, “The reason I was asking is because Vice President Harris was against fracking when she ran for president in 2019."

Berman went on to say, “Now are her campaign says, she supports fracking. She is doing this interview with CNN just in a few hours. Do you think she needs to explain her change on this issue or her changed on Medicare for all, her change on some border issues?” Murphy said, “I mean, does America really want candidates who never, ever changed their position on anything and never look at new evidence and come to a different conclusion?” He added, “I’m telling you that part of the reason that I am more open to fracking today is because the technology has changed because we can do it in a way that protects groundwater and protects the safety of local residents."

Murphy said, “I look at new information and occasionally I change my position. Now, Vice President Harris can explain for herself why she thinks differently about this topic. But I think it would be insane to punish anybody in political life for not being open to new information.” Murphy will be anti-fracking the day after the election. By his own logic, that makes him “insane.” Personally, I very much doubt that Cumala even understands what fracking is. The only thing she understands is that there may be votes to be gained by saying she’s now for it. These days her position on the issue, as well as on any number of issues, seems to be etched in Jell-O.

Murphy seems to be implying that Cumala’s change of heart is due to her familiarity with the latest fracking technology. You’ll have to excuse me if I seem more than a little skeptical. Cumala, along with every other flaming nutjob of a Democrat have stated over and over again, for years, that they are against any and all fossil fuels. Now all of a sudden, they want us all to believe that she now suddenly supports fracking. And this ‘new technology’ became available the day Cumala became the nominee? What became suddenly evident, is that Cumala will likely lose if she keeps pushing the same failed police’s that we’ve tolerated for nearly four years!

Fracking IS itself one of those “safe new technologies” that both Murphy and Cumala have vehemently opposed for years. What these suddenly pro-fracking Democrats are reacting to is the polls! Meanwhile, Connecticut has the most expensive electricity in the country thanks to Democrats and their war on clean domestic energy. The state also has multiple laws aimed at banning LNG and has windmills falling apart, when they aren’t killing wildlife. So it should come as no surprise that the folks there chose to be represented in the U.S. Senate by this dolt Murphy and ‘Mr. Stolen Valor’ himself, Richard Blumenthal. But I digress and that’s a subject for another day.

But look, it’s not only on the subject of fracking, Cumala has changed her position on absolutely everything! And coincidentally, it’s only been in the last two months after she found out she was going to be anointed as the Democrat nominee. And when a politician has supported such demonstratably bad policies, such as allowing 30 million illegal aliens into our country and straining our social welfare system to the point of having money shifted from serving our needy citizens to these interlopers, do we give them a second chance to do even more damage or, do we simply choose to fire them? I think, at least for most of us, the answer to that question is painfully obvious.

Cumala needs to be called out regarding her endless attempts to try to bury her extreme leftist rhetoric, and her dangerous positions. But that’s not likely to happen any time soon, if at all. And that would only be because those in our ‘fake news’ media have now taken it upon themselves to do all that they can to keep the many skeletons in her closest firmly out of sight. After all, a spoonful of sugar helps the nasty communist medicine go down. The problem is she, and they, are lying to Americans as she has no intention of implementing any other policies except those ones she has advocated for years. Communism will be front and center.

These Democrats are nothing if not absolute scum. They will say anything they think the American people want to hear. Even if what they’re saying blatantly contradicts what they’ve said in the past. In flip flopping in Cumala’s case that means changing your policy statements to match the poll numbers, but when in office, doing whatever you damn well please, which in her case would be anti-America and anti-American citizen. The borders will be open, criminals and aliens will be free to rampage, drugs will be all over the place, and Cumala will be vacationing on a beach somewhere and/or shopping while her subordinates run the nation further into the ground.

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