Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Have you ever noticed how the Democrats seem to have this peculiar knack of being able to look at the world through what has become, over time, and for lack of a better term, a pair of rather powerful rose-colored glasses. I mean, how else can you possibly explain their ability to look at what has taken place in this country over the course of the last nearly four years and argue that it is somehow so much better than the four years that came before. And more bizarre still is the fact that Democrats actually expect the American people to see things as they do and not what they see before their own eyes and are forced to live through every single day of their lives.

And it was Sen. Tim Kaine, Democrat from Virginia who recently argued on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday” that Cumala can win in November because she has both “vibes and accomplishments.” Now I while realize that I can speak only for myself, when it comes to Cumala, all I get is bad “vibes” and all I see are zero “accomplishments.” And it was host Shannon Bream who asked Kaine, “We are just a few days out from people beginning early voting. Last I checked Kamalaharris.com still doesn’t have any policy prescriptions there. Is the idea to ride this out on vibes? Because they have been good, the momentum has been good for the ticket."

Kaine said, “I think vibes and accomplishments. I remember that first interview that I did with Hillary Clinton right after the convention or maybe the day before the convention, it was similar you can’t get into everything with a short interview and in that case, it was with “60 Minutes.” Look on fracking, let’s use it as an example. She took a position in a presidential debate in 19, but now she’s been part of an administration that has rocketed ahead with alternative energy investments.” He added, “America is the largest exporter of LNG in the world under the Biden/Harris administration.” But what the Hell are Cumala’s accomplishments, TELL US, please!

Kaine said, “Fracking is one the reasons for it and we are helping our allies especially in Europe not have to rely on Russia. Campaigning is one thing and governing is another. What governing has shown with Vice President Harris is she will try and bring the team together and make something happen. That team includes the administration, it includes Congress, it includes government, and it includes the private sector.” Kaine disqualified himself from logical discussion when he became Hitlery’s running mate in 2016. Here is a man who himself has accomplished absolutely nothing, talking about the “vibes and accomplishments” of another loser.

So says Hitlery’s disastrous pick for running mate, one of the most pathetic clowns ever to run for the elected office. This guy is an embarrassing joke with the intelligence of an earthworm. Accomplishments? Vibes? What actual accomplishments has she had that prove to those who remain unconvinced that she has what it takes to lead our country? As for that vibe thing, a vibe can’t fix an economy, reduce inflation, give us safer communities, more jobs, secure borders and a vibe also certainly can’t successfully deal with world leaders. This woman on the world stage would be a disaster for America, and the world. Kaine is just another Democrat village Idiot.

I think it fair to say that the only accomplishment Cumala can justifiably lay claim to was her ability to parlay sexual services provided to a VIP into a political career far beyond her capabilities. If old Willie Brown hadn’t been there to help her along, Cumala would, today, likely be a lowly public defender in that ‘jewel’ of the ‘Garden State,’ San Francisco. Clearly, she has no positive accomplishments, and the only vibes she has are battery powered. Look, being able to suck a football through a garden hose doesn’t exactly bode well for being the leader of the free world. Her only hope of winning any election is millions and millions and millions of fraudulent votes.

And since vibes can’t be measured, and no one has yet to provide a list of her accomplishments, I’m throwing the BS flag. And how is it that Cumala has managed to keep all of her wonderous accomplishments so well hidden? Might Kaine be talking about inflation or the invitation of terrorists and murderers into the country? I mean, if that’s the case her number one accomplishment is 10 million illegal border crossings since was charged with being the Border Czar. And as for inflation, cost of food has skyrocketed, the price of gas has doubled, nobody wants those electric cars they are attempting to ‘mandate’ and then let’s talk about lockdowns and vaccine mandates.

Kaine, along with most low-T Democrat men, is incapable of real leadership. He’s nothing but a panty-waist, a POS, who has done nothing for Virginia, and if not for the idiots in Richmond and Fairfax County, i.e. the DC suburbs, he and the other POS Warner would have been gone long ago. He’s just another moron who rode a woman’s coattails to ignominious defeat. An all but forgotten inconsequential nobody supporting another soon to be forgotten inconsequential nobody. Nothing reeks of desperation like an old man trying to sound like one of the cool kids by using “vibes” in a statement. The only vibes Kaine is familiar with are the ones he inserts into himself.

Kaine is as evil as A-Walz is stupid. There is just something about these Democrat girl-boss candidates. Democrats have the right to remain silent (and appear wise) but instead they choose to speak and reveal their stupidity. Kaine is an ignorant fool, just another Democrat court jester. Cumala has neither good vibes nor any beneficial accomplishments. To put it nicely, anything Cumala touches very quickly turns to shit. Ironically, it’s neither the Democrats nor the ‘fake news’ media who can seem to find, state or prove any of her supposed accomplishments that are, accomplishments. The ones they do not want to highlight do not do well with majority or real Americans.

Kaine is an idiot, has always been an idiot and will always be an idiot. I swear, A-Walz and Kaine are a real pair, they both matched up perfectly with corrupt, nasty hags who have taken them down! Democrats, both men and women, are some of the most ignorant, sanctimonious assclown liars that exist. They are so stupid that it actually becomes sort of funny watching them as they try to convince people that their lies are actually the truth! These people actually believe that we, the voting public, will accept platitudes and catchy slogans as firm delineation of what they are planning to do to us. The Democrat Party is very dangerous, and we must vote for Trump in 2024.

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