Wednesday, September 25, 2024


You know, while I detest liars, it’s even more that I detest being thought of as stupid. And while I may be far from being a genius, I am most certainly able to recognize what it is that’s taking, and has taken, place right before my eyes for the last 16 years. And for someone to think that they can somehow convince me that what I’ve seen, and been forced to live through for 12 of those years, is beyond insulting. Democrats think they are just so much smarter than the rest of and seem confident in their ability to create the perception of what has taken place over the course of the last nearly four years compared to what took place during the previous four years.

And so it was, during Tuesday’s broadcast of CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” that Cumala/A-Walz Co-Chair Sen. Chris Coons said, “Americans, when you ask the question, are you better off today than you were four years ago, many Americans misremember just how bad the economy was four years ago and how strong our economic recovery from the pandemic has been. And, next year, the biggest fight’s going to be over taxes. Lots of folks don’t remember the details of the very complex TCJA or Tax Cut[s] and Jobs Act fight of 2017.” It’s not misremembering, it’s that people are no longer buying into the lies. Smart people know how much better off they were under President Trump.

Anyway, this dolt then went on to say, “A lot of those provisions expire next year, and so, early next year, Congress and the president are going to have to roll up our sleeves, sit down, and hammer out what’s it going to look like for the next five years, what are we going to do in terms of spending through the tax code, what incentives will there be? Joe Biden made a promise he wouldn’t raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000, and he’s kept that, Donald Trump is promising he’s going to impose a 20% tariff, that’s a tax, on every imported product, that’s a national sales tax.” Gaslighting and outright lies are all these leftwing clowns have.

I’m not misremembering anything! The price of groceries, the cost of going out to eat, the cost of energy, healthcare, and of purchasing a house, along with the price of gas have all skyrocketed over the course of the last three plus years. And let’s not forget that it was Cumala who broke the tie in Senate for the so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ which was, of course, the root cause of all the price increases. No, I haven’t forgotten how everything was running quite smoothly here in the U. S. of A., and in the world, before Joey and Cumala were able to finagle their way into office. I remember very well how better things were before they came into office.

We’re reminded, very much in real time, just how bad it’s been for nearly four years every time we buy groceries, buy gas or pay our utility bills. And some bald imbecile on some ‘fake news’ media program will not be able to convince us otherwise. Every time one of these leftwing pukes open his, or her, mouth another attempt is made to convince us that down is now up, bad is now good, “yes, the border is secure,” “yes, we do support the Second Amendment,” “yes Trump is a threat to democracy,” “yes Trump is Hitler,” “yes people should be arrested for disinformation,” “we oppose the Parents’ Bill of Rights,” and on and on and on. They really do think we’re that stupid!!

Nope, we must not believe our lying eyes! Not believe our grocery bill, or the price at the gas pump nor the increased cost of all goods and services. Believe only what the Democrats and their ‘fake news’ media minions tell us! Nothing more and nothing less!!! Now contrary to what this moron may say, my wallet damn sure remembers what the Trump years were like, and they were a damn sight better than the last three plus years. My memory must be much better than that of those like this boob Coons. I can’t be told that I don't remember what they don’t want me to remember! While they may wish it was that easy, it most certainly is not.

Apparently, this moron misremembers how much pain his party has inflicted on the middle class! Everything got more freaking expensive, under the dynamic duo of Joey and Cumala, and everything became less freaking affordable. Wages fell massively in comparison to prices and prices for everything shot sky high. There is no misremembering. We remember very accurately the way things were. We’re not to believe our own eyes, ears or intuition. We just don’t understand just how bad things really were during the Trump years, nor do we apparently understand how much better Joey and Cumala have improved our shabby little lives. What a fucking crock!!!

Unemployment is still higher than were the Covid levels under President Trump. Inflation is still 10 times higher than it was under Trump; workforce participation is vastly lower that it was under Trump; median household income, was multiple times better under Trump than it is today. It cost me $24.50 to fill up my gas tank up under Trump but upwards of $50 now to fill the same amount under Cumala. We had a secure border under Trump, but today we have no border whatsoever and our enemies pour over the border pretty much at will. And or financial rating was higher and better under Trump than it is under Joey and Cumala. I could keep going!!!

It was the Democrats who insisted on shutting things down because of Covid resulting in billions of dollars in lost revenue, thousands of jobs lost, businesses shutting down, significantly high costs for food/utilities/goods that were needed but have never reduced in prices. Now housing, utilities, gas prices, food remain even higher. The Democrats own this catastrophe. They don’t get to blame it on President Trump. The economy was great for those years we had Donald Trump in the White House, everything was affordable and the party in charge made no effort to bankrupt the country. Then the Democrats took over, and all came to a screeching halt.

Coons speaks of a recovery, but a recovery from what, exactly. Oh, I know, a Democrat self-inflicted lock down of our economy over totally bullshit science? A Democrat, self-inflicted, quadrupling of oil prices in Jan of 2020 to March of 2020 from 16 dollars a barrel to over 80 dollars, to accommodate the Green New Deal? Democrats allowing millions of illegals across our border that we can’t pay for? We never should have even needed a recovery in the first place, if not for Democrats and their archaic policies. It had to be on purpose, the law of averages dictates that every once in a while, you would luck up and do something right. It just hasn’t happened.

Misremember? What kind of ideocracy is that? Look there is simply no way that you can, if you’re being honest, defend Bidenomics. It’s impossible. Food prices have doubled - the cost of homeowners insurance and car insurance has gone up 20% this year and utilities are through the roof! Homes are still out of reach for the working class and you are full of shit if you’re arguing that the economy is great! Add to that the fact that Joey has drained the strategic oil reserves to record lows! And what’s truly scary is that we are on the verge of WWIII! We also have reached paying a trillion dollars a year in interest to the national debt which is absolutely insane!

When Donald Trump was in the White House, wages and the stock markets both went up faster than inflation. That’s prosperity. With Cumala and Joey in the White House, wages haven’t kept up with inflation and stock market gains have been largely eaten up by higher inflation and higher interest rates. President Trump was good for both workers and investors. When he was in the White House, income inequality went down, not by harming the wealthy, but because there was more opportunity for working people. With Cumala and Joey, income inequality has gone up. Cumala has been good for the ultra-rich plutocrats, but nobody else.

President Trump was good for everyone. We remember that. Cumala and Joey inherited a good economy with only 1.6% inflation, but immediately set about spending billions of dollars, borrowing billions of dollars, and running the presses 24/7 printing even more dollars. People remember very well the incompetent, incoherent, indifferent, ineffective, people that got us into this mess each and every time they pay their hyperinflated grocery, gas, insurance, electric, medical or rent bill! And people, if they have any sense, aren’t going to vote for four more years of the same. And try as they might Democrats are not going to be able to convince them to do so.

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