Saturday, September 21, 2024


You know, there’s an old adage that says, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” And it would seem that after over eight long years the NeverTrumper RINOs would have learned from it. I mean, after all, even President Trump isn’t going to live forever, so why not simply bide their time, act like they’re his biggest fans, and then once he’s gone, they can at least try to return to their business as usual and again team up with Democrats to further advance the destruction of our country. But nope, they’d rather endlessly attack President Trump, no matter how futile their efforts continue to be.

This time around we heard from ex-LT governor Geoff Duncan, RINO from Georgia, who said Friday on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” that the Republican Party needs to “move on” from its worship of former President Trump. Actually, it’s Duncan, and those like him, who need to move on. A month and a half before the election and now this boob says Republicans should give up on the current candidate that most polls show is favored to win. What he doesn’t understand is this is not the Bush, Romney or McCain party. This Republican party is ‘America First’ and we will not go back to the old ways!

Cooper asked, “Your reaction to this hand-count rule in your home state?” Duncan said, “This newly reconfigured state election board, they got their way. They’ve been carrying Donald Trump’s water for months now, ankle-biting. It’s solutions in search of a problem. Today, they injected the ultimate asterisk mark into our November election.” He continued, “This whole thing from day one for me is not about trying to get popularity. It’s about trying to fix the Republican Party, and it needs to start here in Georgia. We are broken at our core as Republicans here in Georgia."

He went on to say, “We have a state party that is dysfunctional and only solely worships one person and one person only, and that’s Donald Trump. He could say jump off a bridge, and they would do it. He could say rig an election and they would try to do it. That’s exactly what’s happening with the state election board.” Duncan added, “We need to move on as a country, we need to move on as a party from this hyper chaotic period of time that we find ourselves in.” Funny how this guy never bothers to volunteer that he gave a speech at the Democratic National Convention.

It says much about this guy Duncan that continues to be provided opportunities to spew his drivel. He should understand that if the Republican Party “moves on” from Donald Trump, which I take to mean going back to the way things were before, the bulk of the people who support President Trump will “move on” from them. Their traitorous behavior is no longer tolerated. These Democrats running, and winning, as Republicans have come to disgusts most Republicans voters today. Clearly, he doesn't support the agenda of the people and is fighting for the other side.

These RINOs think there’s a cult of personality. And while there may be some of this, most folks are just worried about what could happen if the current trajectory isn’t changed. And the denizens of the ‘fake news’ media seem congenitally incapable of understanding that “I like Trump” and “I’m voting for Trump” are distinctly different concepts. Which is ironic, since it’s the opposite of a personality cult. There are millions of people who are ardent Trump supporters on the basis of policy and job performance, who wouldn’t be all that eager to spend a weekend with the man.

They are far more afraid of us than we are of them. Don't listen to their words - Watch their actions. Look at how they changed the vote counting. Darkness always fears light - Light NEVER fears darkness. They know Cumala and A-Walz are ridiculous clowns, they know the old GOP is dead and they see America First as a threat to their business model. They hope that by assassinating Trump, we'll just go away. What they don't understand is that it's a movement based around a philosophy, not just a man. This philosophy will be here a hundred years after Trump is gone.

It’s the ideas and the passion for America that makes President Trump who he is. What’s to move on from? These lunatics think the pro-America crowd will vanish post Trump. This is the Republican party. With or without Trump, MAGA is the Republican party. The Republican party was dead. Trump breathed life back into it. The 10 percent of ‘Republicans’ who hate President Trump are nothing more than outliers, and not even really Republicans. They are what’s left over after the ‘deep state’ left assumed control of the party. Those people were never ‘the party.'

Duncan is either dishonest or an idiot (maybe both). The only thing Republicans need to do right now is get President Trump (and every other Republican candidate) elected. And who is Jeff Duncan anyway? What has he actually ever accomplished? Sorry to be asking such basic questions but I have no idea what he actually cares about. Because it most definitely is not those Americans who are continually made to struggle under the blatant mismanagement that taken place under the team of Joey and Cumala, while being aided by those like him, the RINO scum in Congress.

Another Never Trumper who accuses fellow Republicans of worshipping Trump. Pretty funny when our Democratic opponents believe Kamala is a goddess who will (somehow!) work miracles, whether at the border, or on the economy, and so on, despite the obvious feet of clay, and even mouth and brains of clay, which are on full display. She is the epitome of an empty suit and they project abilities onto her which are sheer fantasy. But somehow, we worship Trump. Look, Trump will be good enough. But they think Kamala is positively magical despite all proof to the contrary.

As I said, Donald Trump the politician would never have exist if those in the Republican Party, those like this turncoat Duncan, have governed as they had campaigned. Had they made good on their many promises it’s doubtful that Donald Trump would have ever decided to run for president. But those like RINO scumbag Paul Ryan thought they could promise us anything and make good on nothing. Donald Trump was the first Republican presidential candidate in decades who promised to put ‘America First,’ and proceeded to do just that AFTER he was elected.

Even when elected these go-along-to-get-along these RINO politicians do nothing more than show up at the beginning of each and every battle with a white flag already in hand. The left always gets everything it wants from the go-along-to-get-along RINOs. However, Republican voters want pro-America/America First policies advanced, and the RINOs just can’t bring themselves to do that. The majority of Republican base understands this and so in many cases have proceeded to take matter into their own hand by sending many of these RINOs back where they came from.

Look, what we’re hearing from this guy, Duncan, is nothing more than more uni-party garbage. Yup, always promote an storyline that focuses on a politician’s personality flaws, as long as that politician is President Trump. But what about Cumala’s personality, or lack of? Cumala, who did nothing more than to sleep her way to the top? Or Biden's personality? It’s all a distraction to get us to take our eye off policy. Cumala can’t even spell “policies”. Yes, President Trump is a flawed man but aren’t we all. President Trump’s policy worked before and will work even better again.

If it’s anyone who needs to move on, that would be RINOs like Duncan. If President Trump had the power to single-handedly destroy democracy and wanted to be a dictator, as Democrats, and some RINOs, have been shrieking since 2015, he would have used the unprecedented emergency powers handed to him with the global Covid pandemic to cancel the 2020 elections, he’d still be in the White House, and all of his enemies would be in prison. Instead, he followed the Constitution and allowed each Governor to run their State and the pandemic emergency as they saw fit.

And I’m sure many will remember how it was that Democrat governors, and some mayors, saw fit to abuse the powers of their elected office. You remember, events which included the allowing of millions of people to rampage through many of our largest cities in the middle of a deadly pandemic, and the allowing of our election process to be bastardized to the point where the entire process upended in ways never before seen in this country. You would think that that is where those like Duncan would be focusing more of the energy, instead of on President Trump.

And the ‘Establishment Republicans,’ aka RINOs, have never “carried water” for President Trump, on the contrary they did everything they could to sabotage his efforts to make good on the promises he made to the American people in exchange for their votes. And it’s without the support President Trump, and those in the MAGA Movement, that the ‘Establishment Republicans,’ and we all know who ‘they’ are, will lose because they are essentially leftist Democrats. For sure it is the MAGA Movement that needs to move on from these ‘Establishment Republican’ like Duncan.

Finally, I too was very skeptical of Donald Trump when he first ran, he was not my first choice, even though he said all the right things. I was nervous that, because of his New York connections, he would prove to be another YUGE disappointment. But the proof's in the pudding, as they say, and he turned out to be a great President. So, while there’s no ‘worship’ there, just the realization that, with the Democrat Party having gone full Marxist, and a lot of Establishment Republicans being okay with it, President Trump is the only hope we have of saving America as a free Republic.

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