Thursday, September 19, 2024


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again because, quite frankly, I just like saying it, DEMOCRATS SUCK!!! They always have and they always will. There is not a life form on this planet that is lower than one who proudly calls himself, or herself, a Democrat. Can you possibly imagine how much better off this country would be if the Democrat Party had never come into existence? There would be no need to “Make America Great Again,” because there would never have been a time when America was not great. Democrats will lie, they will steal, and they will cheat. In short, they are the most vile and disgusting creatures found anywhere in the entire universe.

And then, when you consider the fact that over half of those who call themselves Democrats think the country would be better off if President Trump were killed, you come to realize, or at least you should, that the Democrat Party is nothing more than a weird collection of some of the sickest fucks found anywhere. And you have to wonder just how much of a sick fuck one must be to proudly identify oneself as a Democrat. Never in my life have I ever met, seen or heard a Democrat that was worth a fuck. And I’m sure that if you look around yourself it’s most likely that the most worthless individuals you come into contact with on a daily basis are Democrats.

Which, of course, brings me to one of the sickest of these sick fucks, Susan Rice, accomplished liar, former Obama hack and all-around lying sack of shit. So why do I bother to even bring her up? Well, that would be because Rice is yet another of those worthless fucks now working so hard at sounding the alarm regarding the many horrors that will supposedly become a reality should President Trump be re-elected. And her most recent claim came just this past Wednesday during an appearance on MSDNC’s ‘Morning Schmo,’ during which she claimed that if President Trump is re-elected he will implement “mass deportation of American citizens."

Co-host, and resident bimbo, Mika Brzezinski got things rolling in the right direction by saying, “I’d love to hear your comments on what Trump plans to do in Springfield and across the board when it comes to denaturalization processes and mass deportations.” Rice took her que and said, “This is really quite terrifying. We’ve heard for many, many months about his plans for mass deportations of undocumented persons here in the United States. That would be hugely violent and disruptive, separating families, causing millions to be expelled through the use of force, but what he’s saying now is something quite different and even more scary."

Rice then went on to say, “What he is saying is, you recall last week Donald Trump went out and said that he was going to expel the Haitians in this country starting in Springfield who are here in this country legally, legally, working with authorization and send them to Venezuela of all places. He has said very clearly that he is going to deport immigrants who are here legally, but he said something that’s even more outrageous, and that is what is reflected in Stephen Miller’s social media post, and that is that he will expel and denaturalize American citizens, American citizens who were not born here.” And she said all of this nonsense with a straight face.

She continued, “There are over 25 million American citizens who are naturalized, who are law-abiding, who are taxpayers, who have families in this country. They are fathers, they are mothers, they are children, they are our neighbors, they are American citizens. Back in the Trump administration they set up an office in the Justice Department to denaturalize American citizens.” She added, “We’re talking about a massive increase in the number of people that they try to ship out of the country on false pretenses because perhaps they don’t like the countries from which they came.” Deportation of illegal immigrants is not deporting American Citizens.

She said, “Can you imagine what that means for this country when American citizens living here lawfully, living their lives with their family, can one day wake up and find themselves denaturalized and deported? Now that the Supreme Court has said that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, if God forbid it were to be him again, can do whatever he wants in the office of the presidency with immunity, this is a recipe for mass expulsions of American citizens.” ‘BO’s little ‘agent provocateur’ still playing her word games of deception. Again, we see how the truth is simply unimportant to the Democrat leadership and to those in the ‘fake news’ media.

Rice concluded her idiotic screed saying, “With the Supreme Court saying that a president has literally no constraints on what he does in that office, then there is nothing preventing the federal government from literally without due process walking into people’s homes and separating families if they don’t like, you know, the color of the skin, or the country of origin, or the religion, or you name it, of whomever it is who is here in this country legally as an American citizen.” More lies thrown out with total impunity. The whole Democrat platform is based on lies about President Trump, and no one seems to care how blatantly untrue anything they say might be.

Oh, the horror of it all! Getting rid of terror cells, aka, parasitic border invaders. Who will clean the hotels and ‘picks da cotton?’ What about all those just sitting on their collective butts collecting welfare and food stamps? All typical leftwing bullshit coming from yet another professional leftwing bullshitter. Rice is a lying sack of shit who knows no president can expel U.S. citizens and that most Democrats are ignorant enough to believe that he can. Blatant fear mongering, you cannot denaturalize law-abiding American citizens, and yet there are Democrats stupid enough to believe such garbage. Which is the whole point of spewing such bullshit in the first place.

And, of course, she received no push back from neither of the two boobs, Mika and Joe, who host one of the biggest wastes of time in all of television viewing. All three of these clowns are corrupt and shameful. They have absolutely zero credibility and are desperate because they know open borders is a disastrous policy that the majority of Americans do NOT support. I believe they’ve overplayed their hand this time around. Every single one of them lies without a compunction of guilt. Every one of them. Every Democrat. It is no different than breathing for them. In terms of their corruption and evil, they are beyond the pale and beyond redemption.

And only someone like Rice would say something so obviously false while claiming it to be true, and only a propaganda outlet like MSDNC would allow something so stupid and ridiculous to pass as the truth. Now perhaps if she had said mass deportation of illegal immigrants, she would have been much closer to the truth, but mass deportation of American citizens was a blatantly untrue and rather ludicrous thing to say. You would have to be complete moron to believe the president, any president, would actually have that kind of power. But I guess there are those Democrats who are now so desperate, like Rice herself, they will now say absolutely anything.

Rice lies, just as everybody else in her little sewer lies, because they fear no consequence. Those in the ‘fake news’ media whose job is supposed to be to call on those like Rice to justify their lies, long ago abandoned that responsibility. So, they simply go unchallenged and are even allowed to be repeated ad nauseam. A lie that might normally qualify as legal slander or libel is free to be ignored if it’s aimed at the proper political target. Democrats spew lies because they know the idiots who vote for Democrats will believe the lies. Rice and the many others like her wish to cause panic so that people behave irrationally. They have a self-serving agenda.

And you know, the part of the story that this lying sack of shit doesn’t want to talk about is how none of these deportations, and potential separating of families, that she continues to fret about would have to happen if Joey had simply chosen to keep the border secure. So, this isn’t President Trump’s fault, his only desire is to protect the American people, and to remove as many of those millions that Joey and Cumala have allowed in. And how dare Rice claim to think it’s so horrific for President Trump deport those who do not belong in this country, those brought in by Joey and Cumala, when there are so American citizens suffering because of this ludicrous policy.

None of the calamities predicted by these loons happened during President Trump’s first administration. Why would they happen now? Unless President Trump takes a page out of the Democrats playbook and starts acting like them. President Trump will do mass deportation of NON-citizens who are here in the U.S. illegally, as in breaking the law. There are laws, and procedures not being enforced by the current administration, worse they’re simply being ignored. President Trump will enforce our laws. That’s the truth of it. Rice is peddling a false narrative. It’s complete bullshit. She’s either an idiot or is deliberately lying to the American people. Or both.

Not only is EVERY single thing she said a lie, but the majority of it is nothing more than product of her own warped imagination, while what remains is all the stuff the Democrats have done, or are doing currently. This is nothing more than blatant fear mongering. And in using her same logic, it’s Cumala who is going to kill babies, abduct and imprison citizens, decertify the Constitution and replace it with an as of yet unannounced manifesto based on fascism and tyranny. She will eliminate ownership of personal property, displace millions of citizens with her own population of loyal global immigrants and reward them with the fruits of the labor of generations of Americans.

And finally, I must say that I have a very difficult time trying to grasp how it is that any reasonably intelligent person, regardless of political persuasion, could actually want someone like Cumala as their president. What am I missing? What skill and/or expertise has demonstrated that would make someone say about her, “That is someone I could call president.” I mean it’s absolutely laughable that this woman is apparently considered by so many American to be a viable candidate for leader of the free world. Do they hate President Trump that much? Do they hate having money left over after buying gas and groceries? I can only say…apparently so.

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