Tuesday, September 10, 2024


So, what is it that might motivate those in the Democrat Party who, as we approach the next election, seem to be spending far more time and energy trying to dissuade voters from voting for their opponent than on trying to persuade those same voters to vote for their candidate. And what’s so odd is how they’re going about it. You see, what they’re doing is to claim that if elected, President Trump with do to them everything that they’ve spent the last eight years doing to him. It really is a most remarkable thing. It’s as if they think no one is actually going to notice. So, are they really that arrogant, or do they actually think voters are really that stupid?

And it was just this past Monday that we had yet another Democrat, Senator Mark Kelly from Arizona, who said during an appearance on CNN’s “OutFront” that President Trump is willing to prosecute and jail Americans for disagreeing with him. But, again, isn’t that exactly what the Democrat have done, and will continue to do, if we are stupid enough to allow them to continue in power. But what else is it that we can expect from politicians such as this guy, Kelly? What else are they to do when their candidate in this particular contest has absolutely nothing on which she can run except more of the same? They have to talk about something.

Host Erin Burnett said, “He is though laying senator the groundwork to claim election fraud if he loses in November, I just want to make sure people know that because if you weren’t listening all weekend, you might have missed that. What he said. He said that the only thing that stands between him and victory in this election is widespread fraud and cheating. Here’s what he said.” She then proceeded to play a video of President Trump campaign rally on Saturday where President Trump had said, “We got to stop the cheating. If we stopped that cheating, if we don’t let them cheat, I don’t even have to campaign anymore. We’re going to win by so much."

Burnett said, “Do you think that this is just an empty threat or not?” Kelly said, “No. I mean, his threats were not empty in 2020. I was there in the Senate chamber when he sent a mob up to Capitol Hill to change the outcome of a free and fair election, something unprecedented in our country’s history. So no, I take his threats very seriously.” He added, “If you don’t agree with him on what’s happened here in the 2024 election then he says he’s willing to send you to jail or prosecute you for just disagreeing with the former president.” I wonder what skeletons that old Mark might have in his closet or bank accounts built on Chinese Communist Party funding?

All that we really have here is yet another example of how Democrats love to make shit up to fit their agenda, and those in the ‘fake news’ media refuse to their job in pointing that out. They like to falsely misattribute truths. President Trump is vowing to restore justice and order, and if that means criminals disagreeing with the actual laws will be held accountable, and perhaps jailed, so be it. Being on CNN Kelly is able to get away with his outlandish statements. Burnett should have pointed out that Kelly was describing Joey’s administration, but then she’s not a real journalist, only a Democrat Party water carrier. But to be fair, she is far from being the only one.

But just who is it that is actually trying to put who in jail? The sheer lack of awareness on the part of Kelly is absolutely mindboggling. Kelly appeared to suggest that it’s only the Democrat Party that now has the right to send people to prison if they dare to disagree with the party’s anti-America agenda. Ya know, this bonehead would be funny if he wasn’t so disgusting. The other side again accusing MAGA of exactly what they are doing right now with January 6 participants. Coming from someone who actually cheered all of those who took part in the “mostly peaceful” riots of 2020, this leftwing puke has a lot of nerve accusing anyone of anything!

Democrats have been doing this to Donald Trump since day one. The sad and scary part of it is that I think these people actually believe their own lies. The Democrats, with their enforcers the communist BLM and useful idiots of Antifa, did billions of dollars of destruction and kill numerous innocents in the summer of 2020. But the Democrats called it the summer of love. And idiots with no knowledge of the Constitution called January 6 an insurrection when it was nothing of the sort. The Democrats accuse President Trump and his supporters of what they themselves do and have done. Speak against the Democrats and risk harassment by the rabid left.

Franky, I don’t know if the U.S. of old is even salvageable anymore. I’m just not sure it can be done. Too many Americans have been convinced to come over to the dark side. The side where everything is free, and you never need to take responsibility for anything. Those who vote for Democrats are merely feeding off the carcass of the nation that was. They fail to realize that there is simply no way to keep creating magic money, and when the crash comes, the freebies will stop but the tyranny will explode and spread against anyone unable to defend themselves. Too many Americans are busy living for today without a care about what tomorrow may bring.

The only ones I see going after their critics and political opposition are the Democrats. President Trump never did any of that in his first term, and he wants to end such nonsense in his second term. I’m so SICK of the lies about President Trump and how those in ‘fake news’ are nothing but laps dogs for the left.  This lost in space clown believes that illegal immigrants voting is not a problem. Kelly is projecting his Marxist ideals onto President Trump. He, and his Marxist Democrats are the ones trying to put President Trump in jail on bogus accusations that would never stand up in a real court of law accept for the involvement of a politically motivated judge.

All the Democrats do is mirror their own agenda onto other people. Which really, if you think about it, speaks volumes because they know the majority of sane people would never support their twisted agenda. And the irony here is that Kelly would use President Trump as an example, considering the incredible abuse of power and laws that they have used to convict him of things for purely political purposes. Kelly should be ashamed but of course, he isn't. It’s called a lack of integrity. They lie while those in the ‘fake news’ media just nod in agreement. As a retired Navy Chief Petty Officer, I find him to be nothing more than an opportunistic dirtbag who discredits the Navy.

This is one of the more blatant examples of projection from the Democrats. They are the ones jailing people and prosecuting people for disagreeing with them. They are the ones demanding that everything be censored. So Kelly, of course, has it all ass-backwards, it’s the Democrat Party that believes that they can imprison people for crimes that were not committed. It’s the Democrats who behave as if this is a dictatorship, because they continue to prosecute, persecute and imprison people for events that they deem to be crimes, which in actuality are not. Always on the politically motivated Democrat agenda. Donald Trump would never do this.

Kelly is claiming President Trump will do what it is that has been done to him, but President Trump never once weaponized the DOJ, IRS, Department of State, FBI, CIA or and attacked U.S. citizens. Kelly’s comments reveal just how much of a clown and a liar he truly is. When you take a closer look at the massive train wreck the Democrats have created her in the U.S., and around the globe, which touches everything from illegal immigration, wars in Europe and the Middle East, the energy markets, interest rates, inflation, the housing sector, utility rates, food costs and supply chain, they can’t campaign on their policies or principles.

The only option they have is fear mongering that President Trump will do all manner of bad stuff. People need to ask one question, and the answer is as clear as the nose on their face. Were they better off during the Trump years or during the last three and a half years. Most Americans, as well as people around the world, will likely respond they were far better off when Trump was president and have suffered immensely under Joey. But Kelly isn’t concerned about what’s best for America, he’s just another member of the Democrat cabal who wants to maintain the status quo and push their terrible agenda, which is destroying the country a day at a time.

Kelly can say those obvious lies with a straight face with no push back from the Democrat doing the interview. It’s only the Democrats who have prosecuted and jailed the Republican opposition to their dictatorial rule. Do Democrats ever think? They’ve been disagreeing with Donald Trump since he first came down the escalator. He was President for four years, and not one Democrat was imprisoned for disagreeing with him. On the other hand, how many of President Trump’s allies have been raided by the FBI and imprisoned on spurious charges? And they are chomping at the bit to imprison President Trump himself for being too effective a political opponent.

The (Democrat) Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. These people are not the least bit interested in the good of others; they are interested solely in power. Power is not a means; it is an end, and not power over things, but power over men. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. There will be no loyalty, except loyalty toward the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever. 1984 meets 2024…

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