Monday, September 9, 2024


As many others have already said before regarding the rise of Donald Trump, were it not for the fact that he decided to run for president and then to, courtesy of God’s good grace, to actually get elected, we never would have found out the degree to which the Republican Party has been infiltrated by those who have long portrayed themselves as something they most definitely are not. These ‘Republicans In Name Only,’ aka RINOs, and again because of President Trump decision to run for reelection, have since proceeded to further out themselves by actually endorsing his Democrat opponent and actually claiming that she poses less of a threat to the country.

And it was one of these RINOs, Liz Cheney, who appeared this past Sunday, on this week’s broadcast of ABC’s ‘This Week,’ to again do what she takes great pleasure in doing, to malign President Trump. And it was then that Cheney actually claimed that Cumala’s speech given at the Democrat’s National Convention could very well have been given by President Reagan. She said, “If you look at Vice President Harris’ Speech for example, at the Democratic Convention, it is a speech that Ronald Reagan could have given.” Now while I have not heard the speech in its entirety, the portions of it I have heard didn’t sound like anything I could ever imagine Reagan saying.

Cheney went on to say, “It is a speech that George Bush could have given. It’s very much an embrace and an understanding of the exceptional nature of this great nation, a love of America, a recognition that America is a special place, a recognition that we all have to work together to ensure that, and you contrast to ensure that we maintain it. You contrast that with what we hear from Donald Trump, again, on a daily basis, that America is a failing nation, that America is a laughingstock.” And she said, “The trash talking of the United States of America very much is part of the message that Donald Trump is pushing.” President Trump does not trash talk America!!!

Cheney added, “So at the end of the day, I think it’s important for people to recognize he’s not a conservative. The policies that we’re seeing him put forward including, you know, again, on an almost daily basis, this notion of embracing global tariffs, that he’s going to impose 100%, 200% tariffs. that is fundamentally an anti-conservative policy. It’s also a policy that I point out to friends of mine who say, well, we’re going to vote for him because of his economic conservatism it will choke off global trade, will likely lead us down a path that we’ve seen before, for example, in the 1930s, lead to, at that point, it was a depression."

It’s kind of a pity, really, watching Cheney trying so desperately to hold on to some semblance of relevance. And if it weren't for those in the ‘fake news’ media, she would have long ago disappeared. But was long as she is willing to attack President Trump there will always be a microphone waiting for her! Since being thrown out of office by her constituents she’s been relegated to making such appearances! The ‘fake news’ media complex has nothing to offer but a RINO who lost! Cheney has absolutely no shame nor loyalty. She’s still pretending to be a thinking, thoughtful Republican, but instead comes off as a lying, thoughtless Democrat full of hate.

Yes, I suppose Ronald Reagan could have given Cumala’s speech. But to have done so he would have had to have been a worthless, America hating, Marxist POS. But, of course, he wasn’t, so therefore, he couldn’t have given such a speech. I’ve always found it to be rather amazing how these pathetic RINOs suddenly start sounding like pro-America Republicans when they’re desperately trying to win elections because, they know Americans will reject their true selves. The ghoulish Cheney family, and the corrupt Bush crime family have much blood on their hands. And they’ve reaped much in the way of treasure from the foreign policy debacles of the past few decades.

Cheney now seems to have gone full retard with this latest claim of hers, and as we know, you should never of full retard. To actually compare Cumala to Reagan is quite a stretch. Another war mongering, self-serving politician who would gladly sacrifice young soldiers to line her pockets and gain some level of influence. Only the most ignorant and uninformed persons would believe anything that she says. Cumala is a Communist. She was raised as a Communist. All of the policies that she’s supported for years, are right out of the Communist manifesto. Whatever Cumala said does not echo Reagan; but Joseph Stalin most certainly would have praised it.

Sorry Ms. Cheney, you do not get to invoke the great Ronald Reagan, ever. Democrats hated Reagan and called him Hitler. And he too had to deal with the RINOs of his day. And it would seem that she now thinks she can step in and vilify President Trump assuming that she has a legitimate argument? The sons and daughters of middle-class Americans are not going to be sent off to die in wars that RINOS want to participate in in order to pad their bank accounts. Cheney must be made to understand that her kind no longer represents the Republican Party period!!!! She’s just a disingenuous POS, who can’t seem to grasp the reality that normal people live in.

Cheney is a nothing burger. I’m so sick and tired of seeing her face and hearing her irritating voice. Few on our side really care what she has to say, and I find it strange how bitter losers, such as herself, can so easily abandon their principles and resort to spite work to satisfy their own craving for revenge The Democrats claim that President Trump, if reelected, will somehow be a threat to democracy. This despite the fact that he was nothing of the sort during his first term as president. There was a time when I thought she was sharp, even though I didn’t always agree with her. That was before her erratic, hormonal power play, agenda-driven January 6 production.

It's pathetic how it is that she seems to be on call 24/7 for anyone in search of a ‘Republican’ needed to bash President Trump. She has been mindbogglingly complicit in all that has taken place in this country over the course of the last nearly four years. Cumala is the candidate of the ruling class. Her biggest supporters are uniParty politicians and bureaucrats, billionaires, Wall Street financiers and CEOs, and the over credentialed urban elites. They’re blanketing the country with the biggest propaganda campaign and snow job in U.S. history in an attempt to hide that fact. They want to only to “fundamentally transform” this country, we must not let them.

And so, ABC once again shows its bias as a Democrat propaganda platform, and Cheney was only too eager to spring from the inner recesses of her own dark kingdom to spout nonsense. We’re a failing nation now and it’s because of those like Cheney that the Democrats have been so successful in their effort to destroy the country. What on Earth makes her believe that anyone still cares about what she has to say? How far removed from reality must you be as a conservative when can you compare Cumala to Reagan. It’s ironic she claims President Trump isn’t a “conservative” but in her next breath says she will vote for a card carrying Communist, go figure.

If this does not prove Cheney is insane, what will? Choosing to vote for a dangerously radical Marxist. And a blatantly incompetent woman who can barely communicate. For her to say that Cumala’s speech was even remotely like anything Ronald Reagan would have given, is proof that she’s completely mad. President Reagan is turning over in his grave. What a horrible insult to him. Communists do not give speeches that are about America first, patriotism, or anything of the kind. Or about freedom. And that she would actually go on any ‘news’ show and rant such drivel is astonishing. Cheney has very clearly lost it, finally, and forever. Stick a fork in her. PLEASE.

It’s not surprising to see self-promoting Cheney reemerging into the news so close to the election! She just so predictable! What a self-serving vile creature she is! She is no longer in power, she is irrelevant and a relic of the past who is clinging to any grasp of relevance to continue to line her pockets. Now she tries to cling onto Reagan? You can’t make this shit up. She is an opportunist, nothing more. Like her daddy, she’s made millions off the industrial military complex and is always searching for her next payday and next region of conflict to light a match. Democrats have what can only be described as a dumpster fire. And Cheney seems to be all in favor it.

Granted, President Trump may not be your typical conservative, but he does love this country and does believe in putting ‘America First,’ which is likely why Cheney is really not a fan. President Trump has turned the Republican Party into the party of the people, and if your average Democrats could be made to understand this, the Democrat Party would come to unceremonious end. The ‘fake news’ media is hiding it from them and making them believe that President Trump is evil because if they really knew the truth, what he stands for and what he’ll do for the country, there’d be no one left on their side, except for the elites and the terrorist supporting liberals.

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