Saturday, September 28, 2024


While I’m not all that sure where certain accusations may come from, what I am certain about is where they don’t come from. Take for instance comments regarding similarities between President Trump and Adolf Hitler. Comments made despite the fact that during his first term in office President Trump never once exhibited any of the traits that were so often exhibited by one of the most reviled men in history. And yet, these accusations persist and have become more than a little tiresome. And they continue to be made, ad nauseam, by the same cast of characters in what I can only assume is an effort to convince the weak minded that he’s something he clearly isn’t.

And if we’re being honest, it’s they who are guilty of using tactics that are far more Hitleresque than anything President Trump could have ever possibly imagined during his first term in office or anything he’s said, or done, since leaving office. And while there is certainly no shortage of those hurling all manner of insults and working so hard to convince anyone who will listen that he is somehow the second coming of Hitler, it’s no one that puts more energy into making such claims than the buffoons there at MSDNC. And of course it’s of those more so than that racist homophobe, Joey Reid. One of the many ignorant kooks there on this supposed ‘news’ network.

And it was Reid who, on Friday during on her show, “The ReidOut,” said that if President Trump wins in November, he will implement a “Hitlerian dictatorship.” Reid is likely just warming up for the next four years of blaming President Trump for these last four years of misery that he’s had nothing to do with. Amazing how that works right? Blame President Trump when he’s in office, blame President Trump when he’s out of office. Clearly they’re all warming up, getting ready to burn everything down again for four years when he’s back in office. And it’s none of us that should be at all surprised. After all, it’s become their ‘Standard Operating Procedure.'

Reid started off saying, “We begin tonight with just 39 days to go until election day, with early and absentee voting already underway in some states. While Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are barnstorming the country, talking about what they call an opportunity economy and making things more affordable for Americans, including housing, food, and starting a business, Donald Trump has forced another issue into the center of the campaign, with a lot of them from right-wing media including Fox, his running mate’s admitted lies, the internet and social media, and conspiracy theories cooked up by literal white supremacists. That issue is immigration."

She continued her idiotic rant by saying, “Donald Trump knows he can’t win the election based on the crappy job he did as president or his frankly crazy ideas for another administration, like spiking the cost of everything we buy through tariffs. So instead, he’s going with fear of immigrants.” Reid added, “A majority ovoters say they trust Trump more when it comes to dealing with the border. A man who doesn’t know the difference between political asylum and an insane asylum and his plans to deport every immigrant would send our economy into a freefall because fear, whether real or irrational, can be an effective political tactic."

And she continued saying, “The question now for America is, have we gotten to the point where we would destroy our own economy and walk willingly into a Hitlerian dictatorship because of the fear Donald Trump and his MAGA cronies are perpetuating solely for their own political benefit.” You really do have to wonder what planet it is that she might be from, because it ain’t this one. The fact that she can look at what has taken place in this country for the last four years and say, with a straight face, that it is somehow far better than what took place during the preceding four years, should cause intelligent people to laugh in her face and to tell her to go pound sand.

Because I gotta tell ya, I do remember President Trump’s economy, and very fondly so. It was terrific. It was the fools who came after him who worked so very hard to destroy it. And make no mistake, this boob Reid is far from being an actual ‘journalist,’ but she did graduate from Harvard University in 1991 and with a bullshit degree in film studies. And it was from there that, thanks to the color of her skin, she has managed to use that bullshit degree to build quite a lucrative career for herself. As I have no doubt she gets paid rather handsomely for doing nothing more than to endlessly spew that which essentially nothing more than political, and racial, hate.

And I have no doubt that as the odds of President Trump being reelected improve, it’s a given that the hysteria heard from those like Reid in the ‘fake news’ media will only continue to intensity. They simply ignore the fact that Donald Trump has already been President, and seem to think they somehow have the power to convince those watching into forget that inconvenient little truth. Not only that, but when he was president, our economy did well, every ethnic group in the country improved financially, that’s simply a fact. Reid has virtually zero credibility regardless of the topic she wishes to rant about. They’re trying to set us up for failure, on purpose.

Reid again demonstrates she knows nothing about Hitler or Fascism. If she did, she would know that it’s the Democrats who promote it. And apparently, a “dictatorship” to her means that you can’t murder preborn babies at will, you can’t allow your children be mutilated in the name of “transitioning” and you can’t protect yourself and your loved ones with a firearm. All she is interested in is letting evil run wild and because President Trump, and the millions you support him, oppose such lunacy, both he, and his supporters, continue to be pointed out as being the problem for this country. Those like Reid should be shunned by all rational people, she’s a paid liar!!!

Remember, of course you do, how the Democrats and their ‘fake news’ media cohorts claimed that President Trump would try to have his political opponents assassinated? And how they also said that President Trump would prosecute whistleblowers and how he would alienate our allies and would get us into a nuclear cold war? And how that all claimed that President Trump would get the U.S. into another war? And then there was the claim that he would “destroy the economy.” They also said that inflation and the price of gas would skyrocket and that he would "force people to take his dangerous vaccine.” But it was all of that that happened only under Joey and Cumala.

Oh, and let’s also not forget how they said his family would benefit by selling out the country, trading on his office to make himself even wealthier. They also said that the Middle East would break out in war against Israel, but oddly enough it was under President Trump that just the opposite happened! And, of course, they also said that he would arrest his political opponents like a totalitarian dictator. But, again, it was none of that that happened during his tenure in the White House. But oddly enough it was all of those things that happened, and more, once it was that Joey and Cumala occupied the Oval Office. Proving yet again that truth is stranger than fiction.

But the ‘fake news’ media’s job is to lie, spin, and push leftwing propaganda for the specific purpose of inciting hate against their political opponents. It’s not like they are ‘journalists’ which, as I have already pointed out, most are definitely not. Personally, I miss is the good old days of a brilliant leader, record low unemployment, energy independence, a strong-safe America, no mask-vaccine mandates, freedom, low gas prices, low energy bills, low food prices, low inflation, low interest rates, high wages, a secure border, store shelves full of goods and food. But I guess for many the priority is to simply hate the man who made all of that a realilty.

So I think it fair to say that the Democrats have officially declared war on America to the point where they now represent the Number 1 Threat to they country! Just take a moment and ask yourself the following question; how much more damage to you, your family, your friends, your neighbors, your community, your state, your country do you need experience before you comprehend that the Democrat Party is, has been, the problem and not the solution? And why in Hell would any God-fearing, law-abiding, family oriented, honest, hardworking, taxpaying, responsible American, regardless of skin color or gender, EVER vote for a Democrat? I really don’t get it.

And it’s none of these people who ever really say what will be the cause of all those bad things to happen, they simply imply that it’s President Trump who will be the one responsible. Do they think that deregulation will cause the economy to crash? Or tax cuts? Are they bad for the economy? And while there are those who disagree with President Trump on the subject of tariffs, they are likely necessary if we are to succeed in reining in the massive outsourcing of manufacturing. And immigration remains an issue because of the Democrat’s fixation with and insistence on population replacement. So, if you are looking to find the culprit, that be the Democrat Party.

And finally, think about it, there is NO Democrat Party anymore, it exists in name only! It’s long gone, done, kaput! The Democrat Party of JFK has drastically changed, it has morphed into the New Socialist Party. And yet we still have people voting Democrat because they always have, which makes absolutely no sense. I mean, what the fuck, over? The bottom line here is that it takes a special kind of stupid to want four more years of what we’ve had during the last four! And love him, or hate him, if you’re being honest with yourself, it’s easy to admit that things were running pretty damn smooth before Joey and Cumala came along. Pretty damn smooth indeed!!!

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