Monday, September 30, 2024


I find it pretty funny how those in the ‘fake news’ media always appear so giddy every time they find what they think is a bona fide Republican willing to badmouth President Trump. And while at the time they may think they’ve taken one step forward in trying to derail President Trump’s effort to get re-elected, in reality all they’ve done is to take two steps back. Because it’s all of these ‘Republicans’ who are nothing but RINOs. And while these media types are always quite pleased with themselves, nothing these RINOs say really matters since RINOs supporting Cumala has long been considered a given since RINOs are simply Democrats in disguise.

Which brings me to ex-U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake, RINO, who recently made it official that, yes, he is in fact the useless piece of shit that we all always knew him to be. And it was this past Sunday during an appearance on ABC’s “This Week” that Flake rather boldly declared that if voters believe in the rule of law, they “can’t support” President Trump. Flake was kicked to the curb by Arizona voters and now seems to openly support Democrat open borders, massive crime, failed foreign policy and high inflation. Just another pocket liner who’s obviously nervous about being outed, that’s exactly what I see and hear when the RINO trash says something like this.

It was host, and resident bimbo, Martha Raddatz who started things off saying, “You broke some news this morning on X announcing that you will support and endorse Kamala Harris. Why Now?” Flake said, “Well, I couldn’t do it much before obviously as ambassador. You can’t participate in partisan politics, but I’m certainly happy to do so now.” He continued, “Well, I think Republicans believe in the rule of law in particular, and it’s difficult to support a candidate who, having lost an election, tries to use the powers of the presidency to overturn that election. That is anything but respect for the rule of law.” This was a rather strange way to come out as gay, but you go girl.

Anyway, he went on to say, “So I know that a lot of Conservative Republicans feel the way I do, that you just can’t support a candidate like that.” He added, “With regard to tariffs as well, there are reasons to impose tariffs, but to pretend that we’re going to get a wind windfall of money from some foreign government because we’re imposing tariffs just doesn’t jive with what and where conservatives have been on free trade.” Flake concluded, “Vice President Harris can win Arizona, and I think she’s gaining here. So, I think she ought to court all voters.” Another stooge crawls out of the swamp to expose his true self and validates the need for a serious house cleaning.

Flake said, “I do believe that that includes moderate Republicans and Conservative Republicans who believe in the rule of law and limited government to economic freedom and individual responsibility. She ought to court everyone, and I think she’ll do well here.” The fact that Raddatz and ABC News would actually dig up Jeff Flake, a tried-and-true RINO, just to demonize President Trump is a perfect example of the left-wing bias at Disney-owned ABC News. Flake is an irrelevant, washed up, unelectable politician. A guy who’s been out of the public eye for a while now but remains one of the RINOs kept on speed dial, for just such occasions like this.

Jeff Flake? Seriously?!? And from which mausoleum did old Martha find him and the rest of the washed-up RINOs they’ve been trotting out to croak out their moldy old NeverTrump propaganda one more time? And just what might be Flake’s idea of a law-abiding Presidency? The lawless, open-border, high-crime, Constitution-defying Joey/Cumala regime? This was just another desperate attempt on the part Flake to remain, or to once again become, relevant and for the ‘fake news’ media to try and make believe that President Trump is bad and Cumala is good. Clearly the RINOs would rather lose the general election if it means keeping control of the party.

One of President Trump’s major contributions to the American political system has been to flush big-government scum like Flake, of which there are many, out into the open and hopefully out of the Republican Party. And yet Flake continues to live up to his name. With a 17 percent approval rating when in office, he did the only smart thing he ever did his entire life, he decided not to run for re-election to the U.S. Senate. He retired rather than suffer the humiliation of being primaried. Clearly, it’s desperation time when the ‘fake news’ media clowns start throwing RINO has-beens at us. With Flake they seem to be scraping the bottom of yesterday’s dumpster.

Flake seems concerned about the rule of law, but would that be the rule of law that allowed 11+ million illegals, including half a million known criminals, into the country, millions via the border of Flake’s home state? Or the rule of law that allowed protestors to demolish their own cities, created a Russian collusion story and spend billions of taxpayer dollars to frame their political rival, allow the sitting president to walk away from prosecution for decades of stealing classified documents, use government agencies to go after political rivals, get government agencies to lie to FISA judges in order to go after political rivals.....and on and on and on.

This guy is yet another bitter idiot whose career President Trump ended. As I’ve said, one of the best things about President Trump is that he exposed the liars and phony Republicans in the party. Even more amusing is that Flake lacks any sense of self-awareness, as he thinks anyone would care who he endorses. According to Flake, if you believe in the rule of law, you can’t support President Trump. Meanwhile, Cumala and her Democrats ignore the Supreme court. They violate the Constitution, arrest people for political views, repress freedom of speech, suppress freedom of the press. These people hate President Trump because he exposed them for what they are.

Rule of law? Really? Flake of all people trying to tell us about the rule of law? What about the lawfare used by the Democrats against the Republicans? What about Hitlery and Joey both being found to have violated the law, but the FBI chose not to prosecute? What about all of the insider trading that takes place, you know, that way members of Congress are able to make a few extra bucks and make themselves richer? So says another clown who fooled a lot of people into thinking he was a Republican when in truth, he was just another leftist out to destroy America and our Constitution. Citizens need to ignore the smooth-talking clowns and watch their actions.

And so by asking to PROVE an election was won, that is attempting to overturn the result? Flake’s statement begins with a false premise. President Trump did not try to use the power of the Presidency to subvert the law. He tried to pursue legal avenues to combat unconstitutional actions by Democrats to swing the election. Rather than consider President Trump’s excellent arguments, the courts refused to evaluate them, citing “lack of standing.” If our electoral process was as free from fraud as the Uniparty claims, why not just show us? Instead, people are deemed a danger to democracy if they seek to question anything. Those like Flake can go to Hell.

An open-border RINO has virtually no credibility when it comes to talking about the rule of law. He proves once again that he was never conservative and never a Republican. And if he actually cared about the Republican Party and the country, he would choose to simply keep his opinions to himself. He most certainly wouldn’t offer his support to a hardcore leftist Democrat. Instead, he would be coming to the defense of the American people who have been reduced to living from paycheck to paycheck because of the archaic policies that have been put in place over the course of the last four years. But nope, instead he is ruled by his hatred of President Trump.

So, I guess if I believe in the rule of law, I should vote for Cumala, the candidate of the Democrat Party? The party that forced their chosen candidate out of the race after a poor performance in a debate and poor polling numbers. The party that forced him out of the race, disenfranchising over 10 million of its primary voters, only to replace him with a candidate who never received one vote in the party primary. And I should vote for a candidate who was assigned the task of dealing with the border and designated Border Czar and made no attempt to enforce any Immigration Law. Now, lecture me again about who it is that’s upholding the rule of law.

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