Sunday, September 22, 2024


You know, it would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetically dishonest of the Democrats as they continue to deny how it is that they have played any role in the two, and counting, attempts to assassinate President Trump. Let’s face it, there are countless video accounts of numerous Democrats using all manner of incendiary rhetoric directed squarely at President Trump, as well as those who continue to support him. And in so doing they have exposed their virulent hatred of the one man who has the best chance of being able to bring down their tenuous house of cards. Democrats thrive on hate. Hate is what makes them tick. They eat, sleep and drink hate.

And it was during an interview with ABC News on Friday that Sen. Tim Kaine, Democrat, responded to charges from Republicans that rhetoric about 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump might have led to the assassination attempts of Trump by stating that we should “look at the identities of these two deranged individuals who carried out these attacks.” And “Donald Trump inspired an attack on the Capitol on January 6. And the Republicans might want us to stop talking about that and what that means, but it’s a fact.” How is it that people this stupid continue to be elected and re-elected to public office? It’s mind boggling.

ABC ‘Reporter’ Jay O’Brien asked, “Quickly, Senator, before we let you go, I do want to have you respond, some of your colleagues in Congress in the House of Representatives, specifically, have accused Democrats of perpetuating a certain rhetoric about former President Trump and saying that he’s a threat to democracy and things of that nature and accusing Democrats of creating an environment that may have led to those assassination attempts of the former President. Does Speaker Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) have a point when he says something like that?” Perhaps if we had a bona fide ‘news’ media we would also have reporters pushing back on the lies.

Kaine answered, “That’s a desperate lie to make that up. First, look at the identities of these two deranged individuals who carried out these attacks. And second, Donald Trump inspired an attack on the Capitol on January 6. And the Republicans might want us to stop talking about that and what that means, but it’s a fact. I run into people all the time on the Republican side who try to downplay that, it’s a fact. I’m really, really glad the Secret Service did — I think, in the first instance, in Pennsylvania, did not do a good job. I thought they did a marvelous job in Florida, thank God.” Whenever a Democrat, any Democrat, speaks, it’s all just lies.

Kaine went on to say, “And we need to, and Democrats are uniformly supportive, more resources for the Secret Service, and if it’s a question of not just resources, but leadership, well, we’ve got to get that right, too.” So once again we have a Democrat who is either a complete moron or is purposely lying. He says look at the shooters. Both shooters were anti-Trump. He also brings up January 6. He must be aware of President Trump’s offer of National Guard troops that was refused by both Pelosi and DC mayor. He must also be unaware of latest evidence showing Trump in discussions with military leaders on placing National Guard troops in DC before January 6.

According to morons like Kaine the two, and counting, assassination attempts made against President Trump are clearly his own fault. But then, every adverse event that has taken place in the known universe can be blamed on President Trump, no matter how improbable! And what is Kaine referring to when he talks about the identities of the two shooters, what identity is he talking about? They weren’t Republicans, they were both Democrats, and both apparently hated President Trump. The most recent one has been flying all over the country and world and has no visible means of support so it kind of makes one wonder just who it might have been that was financing him.

And you have to wonder if any of these lying Democrat hacks ever actually listen to the shit that comes out of their mouths? I mean, Democrats continue to blame President Trump for everything, including two assassination attempts on his own life. Somehow, they’re able to reason that his calling the Democrat Party a threat to our freedom somehow prompts a couple of mentally ill individuals to want to go out and murder him. And yet they’re never forced to accept responsibility for their own rhetoric, the clear purpose of which is to inflame their nutjobs supporters. Name the last time a Republican tried to assassinate any Democrat. You won’t find one, EVER.

But look, all Democrats lie, it’s in their DNA. Granted some lie more than others, but they all lie. The Democrats are the radical contingent in American politics, together they are an unhinged, out of control party. It’s the Democrats who tried to remove President Trump from the ballots and created the law fair attacks on him. The Democrats are the ones wanting to corrupt the Supreme Court and allow the flooding if the country with millions illegal immigrant to assist them in their effort to force socialism, which they all seem to love so much, down the collective throat of the American. Their rhetoric is increasingly over the top, radical and crazy.

Democrats own the vile, vicious rhetoric that’s heard today. But at least Democrats don’t seem to discriminate when it comes to who they’re willing to lie about. Because you see, it’s not just Republicans they lie about, Democrats lie about Christians, about Jews, and when you get right down to it, Democrats will lie about anyone who dares to disagrees, even slightly, with their warped, destructive ideology. Democrats lie as easily as they breathe, and so if Kaine says it’s wrong to claim that Democrats are in way at fault with the two assassination attempts against President Trump, then you know that it’s the opposite that’s true and the Democrats were really behind it.

When the Democrats continue with their toxic rhetoric about how President Trump is somehow a danger to Democracy and has to be stopped, that’s their cue for one their wackjob Democrat followers to take him out. Democrat Party rhetoric is then echoed by a complicit ‘fake news’ media encourages the sought after murder of President Trump. Democrat lies are so bold you almost can’t believe what’s coming out of their mouths. I honestly think they personally believe it themselves, that’s how deranged they are. Kaine is worthless, he has not a single accomplishment to his name as he has climbed the political ladder at the expense of his constituents.

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