Thursday, September 5, 2024


Ya know, if I was a Democrat I too would yearn for a return to the days when Democrats were free to run roughshod over squishy RINO Republicans who simply took all of the insults, and accepted the abuse, before skulking away afraid to retaliate in any way. And, of course, Democrats think that that’s just the way things are supposed to be, that it’s the natural order of things. And it’s now many a Democrat who are of the opinion that the only way things can return to what they see as ‘normal,’ is for there to be a total repudiation of President Trump come this November. Now I don’t know how to break it to them, but that just ain’t going to happen.

And, of course, one of those eager for a return to those good old days is none other than that supposed Democrat strategist James Carville. You see, it was just this past Wednesday, during an appearance on MSDNC’s “The Beat,” hosted by that Ari Melber, that Carville argued that the only way Republicans will move to a different leader than President Trump is if Cumala has a “blowout” victory in November. Personally, me thinks Jimmy needs to stay in his own lane. So Carville wants the Republican Party to recover? Now you would think that if he really believed President Trump is so toxic to the party, he would be thrilled that he’s the Republican nominee for president.

Melber said, “Politico has real reporting, and this isn’t just speculation about Republicans who say they’ve had it. It’s a tight race, and if Trump actually lost, they could rebuild instead of being stuck with him. Quote, ‘Republicans wishing for a Trump loss include long-standing GOP figures throughout the nation who believe and wouldn’t dare say this publicly but are more than ready to move on from the Trump era.’ What does that mean?” Not to contradict this supposed political genius, but the only ‘Republicans’ that I’ve seen wishing for a Trump loss are those very same squishy RINOs who are need of being separated from the party as quicky as possible.

Carville went on to say, “Remember, Republicans got blown out in ’64 and won the presidency in ’68. Democrats got blown out in ’72 and won the presidency in ’76. So, what I tell my Republican friends — if you want your party back if you want the kind of pro-business, lower taxes, lighter regulatory cuts, you know, stand erect at attention during the anthem, the only way you’re going to get that back is through a blowout. If Harris gets 280 electoral votes, it’s not going to change. And I think there’s a growing recognition of that not just from kind of elite, Washington, never-Trumpers, but there seems to be a sense of that on the ground also."

So the nutty leftwing host builds a straw man with no basis in reality, then invites the guest to slice it and to dice it and to set it on fire? It’s really quite astounding these days to see what passes for a news interview on MSDNC. They just do not give one single flying flip about making any pretense to journalism. And too, I guess we’re all supposed to believe that the only guy all of those very prominent Republicans who secretly can’t stand President Trump are willing to let in on their little secret, anonymously, of course, is this boob Melber from MSDNC? Do I have that right? I just don’t understand how anyone can any longer take either of these two guys seriously.

Carville doesn’t get it. We don’t want ‘Establishment Republicans,’ aka RINOs, back. The Democrats are hard core communists now, and the RINOs are nothing more than their bootlickers. And I’m not sure what it is about President Trump getting more votes in 2020 than any other Republican candidate in history that convinced Carville that the Republican Party is better off without him. The fact is, many of us in the Republican Party want the party, as it presently exists, to implode. We need to get back to a smaller, less intrusive government, fewer bureaucrats and a country-first mentality. In other words, positions that Republicans are supposed to stand for.

As a lifelong Republican, I don’t ever want to see a return to the Bush, Romney, McCain era of elitist globalist neocon liars. The simple fact is that those who strive for real originalist desires for freedom, liberty, and a vibrantly informed electorate are migrating to the new evolving Republican Party. Contrast that with the total takeover of the Democrat party by genuine leftist revolutionary mobster types. Democrats are the brownshirt fascists of today. Of course, the RINOs want President Trump to lose. The uniparty doesn’t want regular people to have a voice. They’d rather just screw the middle class and be nice to them once every four years for a vote.

The old guard on the right is slowly going away. Sorry to break it to Carville but the days of the left having a controlled opposition party on the right are ending. The rise of the right and the fall of the left would now seem to be inevitable. It’s a political realignment that he, and all of his ‘friends’ in the uniparty right, can’t stop. The left will continue its collapse into winning fewer and fewer counties, soon to win less than 400 during the elections. Tiny islands of blue in a sea of red. And if the trends of the swing states moving to the right continue, Carville might live long enough to see the Democrats get 40 years of irrelevancy, like the right suffered until the 1990s.

Apparently, Carville has managed to convince himself that If President Trump is again cheated out of the Presidency that the MAGA voters are just going to go back to voting for the ‘Establishment Republicans.’ But let me be the first one to say that, that just ain’t gonna happen. After over 50 years of voting straight Republican, I have had it with these goddamn RINOs! Never again will I be casting a vote for anyone who is not in favor of putting America first. Liberals actually believe that the Republican Party should return itself to something that they, the Liberals, find acceptable, simply for the sake of them being morally superior in their own minds.

If the Republicans do not set aside their petty political bullshit and vote for President Trump the party is toast. MAGA is not about Trump, it’s about the working man having had enough of government, tired of the debt, tired of the giveaways to parasites, tired of being treated as if they’re the problem, tired of the LGBTQ nonsense being pushed upon the children in the schools, they’ve simply had their fill of all it! Either we all unite behind President Trump or millions of conservatives will simply walk away, and stay home and not participate in any future elections. Which likely wouldn’t bother the RINOs since they have no interest in governing in the first place.

Just a couple of months ago, it was Carville himself who was saying that Cumala was a giggling airhead who couldn’t beat President Trump. Nothing has really changed, contrary to the lies from the dishonest propagandist mainstream media. Cumala is, by anyone’s definition, incompetent and would be a disaster as president. The country would be far worse off with her as president. But I do recognize the level of hatred for President Trump that’s out there, although I still don’t understand it. Anti-Trump Republicans and independents are allowing their blind, unjustified hatred of one man push them toward a candidate who everyone knows will further ruin the country.

To Carville’s point, he does recognize that we hope/pray that the blowout will be large enough the other way to utterly destroy the Democrat Party in its entirety. After four years of Joey, and Cumala, wreaking all manner of havoc upon this country, Republicans should be mopping the floor with the Democrats in elections for both the House and the Senate. That they are not means that many voters cannot tell the difference. In the run to the White House surely, they can see that electing Cumala would be a catastrophe. The RINOs need to fully endorse President Trump, or the U.S. needs a political entity/party properly dedicated to conservativism.

So according to Carville the only way the Democrats can gain unlimited future power, is for the old Republican Party, who lose every time, to be returned to their station as losers. If there’s a blowout for Cumala the Republican Party will never come back. It will mean that the U.S. will have been “fundamentally transformed” into a one-party country. It’s beyond understanding that NeverTrump Republicans think that turning this country over to a bunch of Marxists and Maoists will somehow result in the rebirth of a newly powerful Republican Party and a resurgence of conservatism. In reality, their Trump Derangement Syndrome will be the death of the Republican Party.

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