Thursday, June 13, 2013


Word has it is that there may be a mutiny, of sorts, now a-brewing on the GOP side of the House where seventy House Republicans are now said to be planning what has been termed a politically risky showdown with Speaker John Boehner. And it's all in an attempt to try to force additional debate on an immigration bill that they say will mean amnesty for illegal immigrants and therefore have dire consequences for the country. Now you would think that something like this wouldn't be necessary, and the fact that it is makes all the more obvious the fact that as Speaker of the House, Boehner SUCKS! Let's face it, he has essentially pissed away the mandate that the GOP received in 2010.

What these 70 members who are now said to be banding together are attempting to do is to petition for a special Republican conference meeting on the bill in question. The action being taken here is said to be the "highly unusual" move of actually going head-to-head with the speaker, at least that's how it's described by Reps. Michele Bachmann, Steve King and Louie Gohmert, who are serving as spokespersons for the group. Bachmann, King and Gohmert stated in a recent interview that the group is invoking the Hastert Rule: requiring support from a majority of the majority to bring a bill forward. Look, I'm for whatever measures that need to be employed here.

The petition is expected to go to our stellar House leadership on Friday, but it’s still possible that some of the more gutless signatories may choose to remove their names rather than risk facing any potential political risk. And it has also been noted that Boehner could head off the challenge by striking some sort of a deal. Going against leadership in such a way could have some harsh political consequences for the signatories, including retaliation such as permanently getting passed over for chairmanship positions. Ok, so what! What's more important here, a shot at some chairmanship or the future of our country? Seems like pretty much of a no brainer to me!

And it should come as no big surprise here that a Boehner spokesman did not immediately return a request for comment. Boehner is said to be on a tight schedule for getting immigration reform passed in the House, going for far as to predict this week that Congress could finalize a bill for Barry "Almighty’s" signature by the end of the year. Any major challenge could ignite push back from we the American public that could force lawmakers to scrap the bill, as happened in the 2007 immigration effort. This is yet another example of Boehner continuing to forget who it is that he works for. Ah, John, that would be, "We the People!"

Bachmann said more than half of the Republicans in the House were elected after 2007, and have no concept of how strongly the public opposed it. It was in a recent interview that Bachmann predicted that if the immigration bill becomes law, "the whole political system will change." She went on to say, "This is President Obama’s number one political agenda item because he knows we will never again have a Republican president, ever, if amnesty goes into effect. We will perpetually have a progressive, liberal president, probably a Democrat, and we will probably see the House of Representatives go into Democrat hands and the Senate will stay in Democrat hands."

And she is exactly correct in her assessment of how things will pay out if immigration legislation, in its current form is passed by Congress. Which makes me wonder all the more on why it is that Boehner is in such a freakin hurry and seems to be so Hell-bent on being Barry's bitch. Bachmann also said that if it passes, the bill will create a permanent progressive class. "That’s what’s at risk right now. It may sound melodramatic, I don’t mean it that way, but this is that big and that important," Bachmann said. It would seem to me that our House leadership seems to be quite determined, for whatever reason, in its effort to sabotage their own party regarding the winning of future elections.

The bottom line here is that our entire leadership team in the House needs to be replaced. But the sad thing is, is that it may already be too late. These guys are an absolute disaster on so many different levels and on so many different issues. And the fact that I'm even hearing Paul Ryan talking positively about the very obviously flawed immigration legislation current being discussed, causes me to call into question his motives as well. Those of us interested in saving our country seem to be rapidly running out of allies and a frightening pace. Except for these 70, at least as right now, determined souls, there seem to be very few others. It's not looking too good for the home team.

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