Tuesday, June 25, 2013


One of those perpetuators of racial hatred who seems to be forever stuck in the past, faux preacher Jesse "The Extortionist" Jackson, described the recent Supreme Court ruling that part of the landmark Voting Rights Act can no longer be enforced, as a "devastating blow." A piece of legislation, I might add, that were it not for Republicans would have never seen the light of day. But that's something that you'll never hear old Jesse talking much about, cause them racist old Republicans just wanna keep da black man down.

The longtime instigator of racial unrest as well as a former Democrat presidential candidate, makes the idiotic claim that Tuesday’s decision somehow threatens decades of what he called progress in ensuring that minorities aren’t denied the right to vote. Yup, old Jesse thinks we're still stuck in the past when such attitudes were something that actually existed. It was a time, in some ways, not that much different from today, where Jesse helps the Democrats in their effort to keep blacks firmly on the political plantation.

Stirring up things between the races has always proven to be a very lucrative enterprise for Jackson, as it has also been for Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton. While we haven't heard from old "Bull Horn" yet regarding this decision, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time. That it might somehow come to have an impact on Jackson's cash flow is most likely what Jackson finds so worrisome. Old Jesse always happy to use his fellow blacks anyway he can as a way to pad his bank account.

So anyway, what has Jackson's panties in such a bunch is the fact that the high court has now ruled that Congress can no longer enforce its current formula for deciding which states and local governments still need federal approval before changing voting laws. It says the formula in the 1965 act is based on old patterns of discrimination that might no longer be valid. Jackson says the ruling will destroy gains in "inclusion and expansion." Well no, not exactly, but I'm sure that will be the main story line we hear in the media..

So Jesse gets dragged into the 21st century kicking and screaming. Because as loudly as he will claim that it is otherwise, race relations in 2013 are not the race relations of the 40s, 50s or even 60s. It's time to move "forward", Jesse. Can't live your life as if it was the past anymore. Like it or not progress has been made, with it having been accomplished more in spite of you, than because of you. Martin Luther King you ain't, not even close. He wasn’t a huckster and he wasn't out just to make a buck.

Jesse says he is now calling on Barry "Almighty" as well as our race neutral Department of Justice to "speak out today" and to challenge the ruling. Challenge the ruling? What, so now besides Barry's constantly circumventing Congress, Jackson is now of the opinion that he should also do an end around the Supreme Court as well? What the Hell country am I living in? Last time I checked Barry's title is 'president', not 'Emperor for freakin Life'. Apparently Jesse thinks that it's the latter.

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