Wednesday, June 5, 2013


A statistic that I suppose I can't really blame on Barry as being the reason for it being so high, it is one that he has had something to do with why it's so high. The statistic to which I refer is the number of background checks for gun purchases that have been completed since Barry first took office. You see, that grand total now stands at a most impressive 73,441,399. So you can see that Barry has set the bar pretty high when it comes to the level of gun sales completed during one presidency.

Back in 2009 when this train wreck of a presidency first got underway, the FBI conducted 14,033,824 background checks. Now to be fair to Barry what we first have to do is to subtract those checks that were completed in the month of January because, of course, he didn’t actually assume office until the end of the month. When we do that we come up with a total of 12,819,939. The FBI conducted 14,409,616 background checks in 2010, 16,454,951 in 2011, and 19,592,303 in 2012.

Next we add to that the first five months of 2013 (2,495,440, 2,309,393, 2,209,407, 1,714,433 and 1,435,917 respectively) and that gives us a grand total of background checks thus far completed under our "Lord and Savior", Barack Hussein Obama that comes to that very impressive figure of 73,441,399. Since December 2012, when the gun sale surge hit its peak, background checks for gun purchases have begun to slowly decline a little each month.

With the exception of California, New Jersey and Utah, background checks for gun purchases decreased in every state from April to May. New Jersey - a state that awaits Governor Christie's decision on a number of new gun bills - saw its largest number of background checks in a single month since the FBI began tracking data in 1998. A total of 12,656 background checks were completed in the Garden State, up 41 percent from the previous month's 8,977 checks.

A little side note here is the fact that that total number of 73,441,399 background checks completed thus far during Barry "Almighty's" presidency, actually accounts for just a little less than half, or 43 percent, of the total number of 170,639,292 checks that have been completed since 1998. And when you stop and think about it, that's quite an accomplishment, but it's also a bit ironic. I mean here you have a guy who couldn't be more anti-gun, but who’s been solely responsible for what is a huge number of guns being purchased.

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