Sunday, June 2, 2013


Every time I see someone like Chuckie Schumer, or ‘Little Dick’ Durbin, or even Barry, on television, I find myself wondering, just what is it about these Democrats that drives them to want to wipe out freedom wherever it is that they find it? What makes them want to put the government in charge of absolutely everything? Is it something as basic as the need for personal power? Or, do they really think that, for some bizarre reason, those in government are more capable of running our lives than we are ourselves? Democrats love to brag that it’s their party that is genuinely more inclusive, is far more diverse, and much more tolerant. But the Democrat Party is a party of separate, but unequal, little groups designed to be used on an ‘as needed’ basis to advance the party’s leftwing agenda.

It is sad fact that Democrats hate America and all that it stands for. Oh, they’ll deny it, but their actions speak much louder than their words. The fact that people can actually be free to make their own decisions simply eats away at their insides. To their rather perverted way of thinking it is the government that should be in charge of making all decisions, from where one can live, to the job one can have, to the doctor one can see, even to the length of time one is permitted to live. All are things are to be decided by those on government. Now of course those involved in making such decisions for we the unwashed masses, would still remain free to make such decisions for themselves. It’s only those of us outside of government who must abide by various government decrees.

You see, where we Conservatives tend to see the good in all people and think that by giving them freedom and choice they will create good, even great, things, Liberals, on the other hand, think that everyone is just like them. Lying, lazy, dishonest scumbags that if given half a chance will only make some very bad choices. Liberals base everything on their own experiences, so therefore anyone placed in the same situation would do exactly what they would do. If they would lie or cheat, then everybody would. Therefore we need to allow the government to manage everything. The evidence that this way of thinking only stifles the human spirit and promotes a failure to thrive is readily apparent wherever the attempt has been made to put the government in charge of everything.

And also just as a side note here, have you ever noticed, I’m sure you have, how Democrats are rather selective when it comes to they’re being pro-choice? Oddly enough, they limit being pro-choice to only those things that they are in favor of. To try to take a position on any of those things that runs counter to where the Democrat Party stands on the issue, is to find yourself on the receiving end of any number of slanderous accusations. The only acceptable position on things like abortion or gay marriage or unions or home-schooling, or any number of other things, is the liberal position. You’re not pro-choice if you take a stand that is the opposite of liberals, if you choose to do so then you’re simply a bigot, a homophobe or some anti-government nut.

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