Monday, June 3, 2013


The top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, who also just happens to be a member of that bizarre little brain trust fondly referred to as the Congressional Black Caucus, and one of the stalwart defenders of our most corrupt president, E-lie-jah Cummings, in what was essentially nothing more than an attempt in his part to provide a little cover to Barry "Almighty", recently went so far as to reject suggestions from Chairman Darrell Issa that orders for IRS workers to target conservative groups came directly from superiors in the Washington, D.C. office.

It was yesterday that the brilliant Mr. Cummings released a statement that read in part, "So far, no witnesses who have appeared before the Committee have identified any IRS official in Washington DC who directed employees in Cincinnati to use ‘tea party’ or similar terms to screen applicants for extra scrutiny." The statement went on to say, "Chairman Issa’s reckless statements today are inconsistent with the findings of the Inspector General, who spent more than a year conducting his investigation." Reckless? Really?

Cummings made his unique little assessment of the present situation shortly after Mr. Issa went on CNN’s "State of the Union" and said that interviews with IRS workers from the Cincinnati office have shown that "they were being directly ordered from Washington." Issa added, "This is a problem that was coordinated, in all likelihood, right out of Washington headquarters. We have subpoenaed documents that would support that." Apparently E-lie-jah is of the opinion that such evidence is far from being conclusive as far as providing any indication of how far up this goes.

Both the House Oversight and Ways and Means panels are interviewing employees from the Cincinnati office, which reviewed groups seeking tax exempt status. The IRS has since provided an apology after disclosing last month that workers used what was described as being a higher scrutiny for conservative groups. I would that that’s putting it rather mildly. GOP lawmakers are seeking to learn when it was that top officials in both the Treasury and the White House first learned about the political targeting and what steps, if any, were taken to stop it.

But of course old E-lie-jah was quick to take the opportunity to describe Issa’s comments as being unhelpful. Maybe just a little too quick. He said, "Rather than lobbing unsubstantiated conclusions on national television for political reasons, we need to work in a bipartisan way to follow the facts where they lead and ensure that the IG’s recommendations are fully implemented," said Cummings. "We must have a sincere effort to uncover the truth so that we can restore the public’s trust in the IRS."

I just find it typically hypocritical, even more than usual, on the part of E-lie-jah to accuse Issa of doing exactly that which the Democrats did on more occasions than I care to count back when Bush was president. Granted two wrongs don't make a right, but I think it fair to say that at least as of this point in time, it doesn't appear that Issa is even close to being wrong. Whereas morons like E-lie-jah have a long and storied history of shooting from the hip if they think there is even the slightest possibility of being able to score some cheap political points.

Look, it's painfully obvious what old E-lie-jah is up to here. The last thing that E-lie-jah wants to see happen is to have the truth actually be uncovered. Especially if there is any chance at all that that truth may lead us straight back to Barry. Old E-lie-jah has finally got himself a bro in the White House and you can bet your bottom dollar that he's not about to let anybody, especially some white guy, get away with making statements, regardless of the fact that they're true, that his bro may, in fact, be implicated in what appears to be a growing scandal.

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