Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Everybody's favorite faux reverend, as well as that very robust Barry "Almighty" apologist, Al 'Bull Horn' Sharpton said Monday that Barry is not to blame for the National Security Agency's (NSA) secret surveillance program, but that, of course, former President George W. Bush is, because laws allowing it were enacted under his administration. Ok, so the mere fact that the law was enacted under Bush negates the fact that Barry took it upon himself to essentially misuse them and makes the fact that he did Bush's fault. Only a moron like Sharpton could come up with screwy logic like that.

Old 'Bull Horn' told the dozen or so viewers of his MSNBC ratings juggernaut, PoliticsNation, that "These are laws put into effect under President Bush. There are plenty of Democrats who are upset about this too. I do not agree with the Patriot Act, but you can’t blame President Obama for it." I tell ya, if brains were dynamite this blubbering boob couldn't blow his nose. You have to wonder where he comes up with some of this stuff. I mean he lets fly with all manner of pure bullshit that has absolutely no basis in fact, I guess, in the hopes that people will simply believe him. And some do.

But it was back in 2009, however, that 'Bull Horn's' good buddy Barry actually extended three provisions of the Patriot Act, allowing roving wiretaps, which would allow monitoring of an individual instead of a specific number; seizure of financial, medical, library and other records of suspected terrorists; and monitoring someone suspected of engaging in terrorism who may not be linked to a specific terrorist group, the Washington Times reported on Sept. 16, 2009. And now we have some dweeb who recently leaked details of the NSA’s secret program collecting data on phone calls and Internet activity of Americans.

Old 'Bull Horn' showed a clip of Glenn Beck who warned, "If we don’t stop this right now," the U.S. would be remembered "as the most evil nation in the history of the world." Beck was heard to say in the clip, "We will dwarf what Germany did. There wouldn’t be a Jew alive on the planet today if Hitler had this technology. Not a Jew alive on the planet. Not one." 'Bull Horn' then proceeded to ask some guy by the name of Joe Madison, who is supposedly some radio personality and civil rights activist, to comment about Beck’s comparison of the NSA surveillance program to Nazi Germany.

'Bull Horn' said, "Now Joe, the talkers are comparing this to Nazi Germany. I mean where was this talk pre-Obama? I agree [that] now we need to look at this, and I was yelling about it, and you were when Bush was in when this started." To which the esteemed Mr. Madison cheerfully responded, "And you’re absolutely right, and what one should do – and especially those of us in the media – is we ought to go back and get Rush Limbaugh, get Glenn Beck, who is very active with the other network, and play their tapes and how they defended the Bush administration when the two of us and others were saying this was an overreach on the part of the government..

Now look, these two leftist clones can pretend all that they want that during the Bush presidency similar abuses took place, but that's just not the case. And just because they say so, doesn't make it true. And it's more than stretch to try to make the claim that simply because the law came into existence under Bush, Bush is now to be considered as being at fault for the many abuses that have been, and continue to be, committed by Barry. That’s simply nutty, but it does reveal the lengths to which these psychopaths will go in their effort to defend Barry. That's how this mob works.

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