Monday, June 10, 2013


According to Barry "Almighty", Democrats "don't want to tax all businesses out of business." So I guess that they just want to tax some out of business? Barry made his rather idiotic statement while attending yet another fundraiser, this one for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign in Palo Alto, Ca. Idiotic because Democrats do continue their assault on businesses. It's what they live for. Barry went on to say, "I know that there are a few Republicans here in the audience." He then added, "If you talk to us, it turns out we're pretty common-sense folks." Commonsense folks, huh. He's kidding, right? I don't believe that I've ever met a commonsense Democrat.

But I guess what could be termed as the real laugher came when he said, "We don't think government can do everything." Well actually, they do. Barry went on to explain, "We don't think that top-down solutions are the right way to go. We believe in the free market. We believe in a light touch when it comes to regulations." A light touch when it comes to regulations? What the Hell is he smokin? Is that why in just Barry's first term alone there were nearly $70 Billion in new regulatory costs generated by this guy who says that he's favor of a "light touch" by the government? Come on people, are we really that stupid? At what point are we going to stop buying this leftist drivel?

That's when he made the absolutely unbelievable statement, "We don't want to tax all businesses out of business." But he added the caveat, "But we do think that there's a role to play for government." Barry made his idiotic remarks while at a private residence during, what else but, yet another fundraising tour last week in preparation for the 2014 midterm elections. Apparently he 's convinced that such rhetoric is what will bring in the most money. But again, his actions are far different than his words. Because what he and his fellow Democrats truly think is that government has much more than just a role to play. They want government to be in charge of all businesses.

Anyone who takes the time to stay informed will remember the fact that Barry has been known to make similar statements in the past. When speaking about implementing a cap and trade system, when running for president in 2008, Barry said he would bankrupt coal power plants. The coal industry "would have to meet the rigors of that market and the ratcheted-down caps that are being placed, imposed every year," he said. He then went on to say, "So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted."

And then I'm sure we all remember that bit of brilliance that we heard come from Barry during the 2012 election campaign, you know the one that earned for him more than just a little criticism. You know, where he said, "If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen." Now I think we can all agree that while Barry is far from being capable of creating and then building a business without significant assistance, be it from the government or elsewhere, there are millions of people in this country who can and do build businesses every single day and who do so, more often than not, in spite of the obstacles that government only places in their way.

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