Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Everybody's favorite faux reverend, Al 'Bull Horn' Sharpton, known mostly for his never-ending racially divisive rhetoric and as a media whore, political candidate, and talk show host, has now come out and laughably accused conservatives Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly, who he termed "the unholy triumvirate of right-wing reaction" of "exploiting differences between us for their own advantage" following the George Zimmerman verdict. Actually, it sounds more like Sharpton is actually talking about himself and his fellow racial anarchists, Jesse 'The Extortionist' Jackson and Barry "Almighty". But that's probably just a coincidence.

"We have a long history in this country of some people exploiting differences between us for their own advantage," Sharpton said on his talk show, and MSNBC ratings juggernaut, Politics Nation, on Friday. "It’s a cynical appeal to the worst instincts in our great country." Most, if not all of those to which he refers have been Democrat. Anyway, old Al then went on to denounce conservative talk show hosts who commented on the acquittal of Zimmerman, 29, who had shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin after an altercation in February 2012. Zimmerman said his actions had been in self-defense, and a jury agreed.

But old Al, who remains quite displeased with the verdict, wasn't done. Nope, not by a long shot. Because he went on to say, "And in the time since George Zimmerman’s acquittal, some right wingers have gone into overdrive to push the most negative stereotypes of the African-American community for their own gain." Sharpton then added, "The Rush-Hannity-O’Reilly crowd, the unholy triumvirate of right-wing reaction, has been desperate not to have a real conversation about the injustices of the criminal justice system." Personally, I heard no one pushing stereotypes of any kind. Except, of course, for Al and his fellow race baiters.

I think most folks, at least those possessing some semblance of a brain, are able to pretty easily recognize Sharpton for exactly what he is. Let's face it, he has always been, to some degree or another, nothing more than a purveyor of some of the most vile hatred imaginable. It was back in 1987, that this sleazy moron claimed that Tawana Brawley, then a 15-year-old black woman, had been abducted and then raped by a group of white men. After the case was later determined to be a fraud, Al lost a $345,000 defamation lawsuit, but refused to recant his allegations. This is the kind of slime that blacks insist upon putting up with.

Then we fast forward just a few short years to 1991, when a Hassidic Jewish driver in Brooklyn accidentally struck and killed a 7-year-old back child, Gavin Cato. Enter Al Sharpton, always on the prowl of an opportunity to stir shit up. It was then that this so-called 'Man of God' referred to Jewish people as "diamond merchants" during Cato’s funeral. Al also led demonstrations through Jewish neighborhoods in New York City. One of the demonstrations became violent and led to the stabbing death of a rabbi student. How many people have died needlessly because of the actions of Al Sharpton?

And then it was in just another 4 short years, in 1995, after the Jewish owners of Freddy’s Fashion Mart raised the rent on a black-owned music store, that this same loudmouth racist came riding into town to lead yet another demonstration, all in the name of racial justice, this one in front of the establishment. Al reportedly said, "We will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business." Yup that's right Al, make it all about race when race has nothing to do with. But I think we all are able to recognize that that's exactly how this piece-of-shit, Sharpton, operates

Let's face it, if there's anyone, anywhere, who can be said to be guilty of exploiting the differences between us, especially for their own personal, or political, advantage, it is none other than the slimy race baiters like Sharpton, Jackson and, yes, even Barry "Almighty." And, ya know, to be honest, I really don't think we can expect things to change unless, and/or until, enough members of the black community actually wake up and smell the bullshit that they're constantly being fed by these pathetic hypocrites! And Lord knows when that'll be. Because far too many still seem to be quite content to listen to the hate that these preachers, preach.

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