Saturday, July 13, 2013


Finding himself in the middle of roughly 5 ongoing scandals and apparently sensing a ready made distraction, Barry "Almighty" on Saturday urged Americans to press the Republican-led House of Representatives to approve an immigration plan that is at risk of stalling. Sorry Barry, no can do. As far as I’m concerned, that’s pretty much the last thing that the House needs to be focused on. What the Republicans ‘need’ to be doing is lining up an army of special prosecutors to bring down this the most corrupt president in my lifetime.

Barry used his weekly address to make his case for an immigration overhaul that was approved by the Democratic-controlled Senate and would create a pathway to citizenship for as many as 11 million people living illegally in the United States. Barry said, "Now the House needs to act so I can sign common-sense immigration reform into law." He went on to say, "And if you agree, tell your Representatives that now is the time. Call or email or post on their Facebook walls and ask them to get this done."

In his stupid little spiel, Barry attempted to seize on comments from his Republican predecessor, George W. Bush, who this week threw his support behind the overhaul effort. Barry has continued to blame all of his problems on Bush, but the two men seem to be in agreement on this issue. "If Democrats and Republicans - including President Bush and I - can agree on something, that's a pretty good place to start," Barry said. Look, I like Bush, but he did a lot of things that I didn’t agree with. And he did not act as a Reagan conservative.

Barry continues to make the idiotic claim that somehow immigration reform will boost the U.S. economy, contending that it would help the economy grow by 3.3 percent by 2023 and reduce the budget deficit by $850 Billion over 20 years. "If we don't do anything to fix our broken system, our workforce will continue to shrink as baby boomers retire," Barry said. Just how stupid is that? Barry is the guy responsible for our workforce having shrunk by 10 Million people in four years because there are no jobs. So his argument simply makes no sense.

Republicans in the House have vowed not to take up the Senate bill approved two weeks ago but instead want to work on immigration in a piecemeal fashion, with a priority on improved security along the U.S.-Mexican border. So Speaker John Boehner now has a decision to make. Will he simply try to convince ‘enough’ House Republicans that the Senate approach is not merely an attempt at amnesty or, will he chose to embark down a path that will end where the result is real immigration reform, one the begins first with us securing our borders? So we shall see.

But there is much cause for concern as Eric Cantor sets about drafting his version of the Dream-Act as well as Boehner moving the discussion behind closed doors. Also we have Paul Ryan, a vocal supporter of the 1000 page debacle passed by the Senate, playing a critical role in what may come out of the House in the way of immigration reform. Personally, I don’t trust any of these guys, and I am already quite leery of anything that they may come up with. Sadly, I have little doubt that these men will at least attempt to pull a fast one. They need to know we’re watching!

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