Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Well my friends, if this doesn't send a very cold chill down your back then I'm afraid, YOU MUST BE DEAD! Because, you see, just two weeks after Janet Napolitano announced her resignation as Secretary of Homeland Security, that odd assortment of racists, opportunists, and racial turncoats comically referred to as being the Congressional Black Caucus, has actually come out now and suggested that Sheila Jackson Lee be named to fill her spot. So now we might be considering replacing one moron with an even bigger one? Please, God help us!

In a letter dated July 25 and signed by another well-known racist and rabid imbecile, Marcia Fudge, Democrat from Ohio, and caucus chairwoman, urges Barry "Almighty" to consider Miss Jackson Lee for the position. In proving just how detached from reality she actually is, Ms. Fudge hysterically refers to Jackson Lee as a "voice of reason" that the agency could stand to gain. Actually, what Jackson Lee is, is much more like a voice of complete insanity! Let's face it, all you need to do is to hear her speak to know that he ain't got the brains of an ice cube!

This ridiculous letter actually reads, "Representative Jackson Lee would serve as an effective DHS Secretary because she understands the importance of increasing border security and maintaining homeland security." I'm assuming the basis for such an insane suggestion is the fact that Jackson Lee currently serves as a ranking member of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security, a position that the caucus said she "stands as a strong and honest ‘voice of reason.’" This would be funny if it wasn't so completely idiotic and dangerous.

You know, I've never actually heard anyone refer to Jackson Lee in such a manner before. She has shown herself to be anything but the voice of reason. If you were to ever look back over the years at some of the ludicrous things this loon has said, I think you'd be pretty amazed. Because 'reason' or, for that matter, any level of intelligence, is pretty much vacant. And to put someone, who possesses the mental capacity which has her barely able to tie her own shoes, into such a position is, at best, reckless and at worst downright insane. Which means that Barry will probably do it.

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