Monday, July 15, 2013


Judging by the level of rioting that has resulted from it having now been determined by a jury that a White-Hispanic man was justified in defending himself against a black thug, I'm assuming that it is has now become the perception, at least of those doing all of the rioting, that whites are no longer to be permitted the right of defending themselves, no matter what. Apparently there are now only two things that whites are now allowed to do should we ever be faced with a situation similar to that of George Zimmerman's. And those two options are that we either beg for our lives or, if able, to simply run away.

You know, and here's another interesting little 'fer instance' to ponder. What do you think that we'd be going through right about now if Zimmerman was black and Martin had been white? I would argue the riots most likely would still have taken place, but at the beginning of this circus and not the end. Because if by some miracle, a black Zimmerman would have even been arrested, which I doubt, riots would then have been instigated to demand his release. I can almost hear Sharpton and Jackson now, claiming that the charges were trumped up for no other reason than because the shooter was black.

And, as I have wondered aloud several times before, why is it that we never see this same level of anger whenever it's blacks killing blacks, by the score and on nearly a daily basis, all across this country. And rarely is it in the act of ever defending themselves, but for instead, what almost seems to be the pure sport of it. And yet can anyone recall how many times it's been that old Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton, or Jesse 'The Extortionist' Jackson has made a trip to Chicago to protest a night filled with blacks killing other blacks? Now I could be wrong, but I don't remember even one time. And Jackson lives there!

But such is the way that it is in the country that we live in today, all courtesy of those, including our president, who have made it so that they are now able to make quite a nice living off of stirring up as much hatred as they can between the races. Well, I for one, am not going to allow myself, or any member of my family, to become the victim of some punk who gets his jollies out of terrorizing whites. I own a gun, and trust me when I say, I am not afraid to use it. And if this is the road that these people wish to go down, even though I would rather not, I am prepared to do so. It's sad that things have gotten to this point.

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