Thursday, July 18, 2013


In what could likely prove to be one of his better political decisions, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick said on Wednesday that he will not be running to succeed Barry "Almighty" in Washington. I mean, after all, I’m pretty sure that he saw the handwriting on the wall. Who in their right mind would ever vote for another black man after witnessing the damage done to this country by the first black man ever to be elected president? Especially one with a record like Patrick’s who has succeeded, as governor, in doing not much more than raise taxes.

According to The Boston Globe, Patrick told reporters at the University of Massachusetts-Boston, "I am not running for president in 2016." Addng that, "I’m going to finish this second term. Patrick went on to say, "I’m going to go back into the private sector. And as Diane, my wife says, pay some attention to our family and friends while they are still willing to have us pay some attention." Rumor had it that Patrick’s 2016 prospects rose within Democratic circles after his well-received speech at the Democratic National Convention in North Carolina last year.

It was during that ‘well-received speech’ that he called for Democrats to "stiffen our backbone and stand up for what we believe." I think we all can by now very easily recognize what it is that the Democrats believe, and that would be nothing less than the wholesale destruction of our country. Those of us who stand against such an agenda must come together and oppose whichever Democrat it is who wishes to pick up the mantle from Barry and continue the effort to complete what has been called the ‘fundamentally transformation’ of our country.

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