Thursday, July 25, 2013


Barry and his team of political thugs have been very busy of late talking about what they claim is the continuing focus on "phony" and trumped up" scandals. But, as I have asked before, why would 'ANYBODY' need to take the time to come up with "phony or trumped up" scandals when we have a corrupt president who apparently has been quite busy creating scandals all on his own? Barry's little gang over there at the White House remains quite busy staving off questions about several controversies, including the IRS-Tea Party investigation and the National Security Agency telephone surveillance offense. And in a speech that sounded very much like a campaign speech, Barry again made the statement that Congress needs to move beyond "phony scandals."

Speaking at Knox College in Galesburg, Ill., on Wednesday, Barry gave the first of what we're told will be several speeches on his economic proposals during which he criticized gridlock in Congress and again pledged to take action via executive action. "With this endless parade of distractions and political posturing and phony scandals, Washington’s taken its eye off the ball," Barry said. "And I’m here to say, this needs to stop. This needs to stop." I beg to differ, because if anyone has "taken their eye off the ball", it's Barry himself. Whether it be spending time trying to gut our Second Amendment right, or on what he calls "comprehensive immigration reform", or even weighing in on the George Zimmerman trial, he most certainly has NOT had his eye on the economy.

And our Liar-in-Chief went on to say, "This moment does not require short-term thinking,." Going on to say, "It does not require having the same old stale debates. Our focus has to be on the basic economic issues that matter most to you, the people we represent. That’s what we have to spend our time on and our energy on and our focus on." Barry said his key focus will be "job security with good wages and durable industries, a good education, a home to call your own, affordable health care when you get sick, a secure retirement even if you’re not rich, reducing poverty, reducing inequality, growing opportunity, that’s what we need." He also made it quite clear during the speech that he has absolutely no qualms about acting like a dictator and ruling through executive action.

Barry said, "Some of these ideas I’ve talked about before. Some of the ideas I offer will be new. Some will require Congress. Some I will pursue on my own." He later said, "I will welcome ideas from anybody across the political spectrum. But I will not allow gridlock, or inaction nor willful indifference to get in our way. That means whatever executive authority I have to help the middle class, I’ll use it." Now of course Barry did not specify what he was talking about when he referred to "phony scandals." It's rather confusing, really, since all of the scandals that either involve him or those around him, are anything but phony or trumped up. They are very real, and were it not for the fact that he is a Democrat, and especially a black Democrat, he would have been impeached long ago!

Let's face it, an inspector general’s report in May revealed that the IRS was targeting Tea Party and other conservative groups for extra scrutiny in relation to their tax-exemption applications, a practice that senior administration officials insisted was isolated to "rogue agents" in the IRS Cincinnati office. Last week, however, two veteran IRS employees testified before Congress that the matter went as high as the IRS chief counsel’s office in Washington, D.C., an office held by, and I'm sure it's just a coincidence, one of only two political appointments of Barry's. I know, I know, this is just one of those "phony scandals" that have been "trumped up" by those who oppose Barry's continuing agenda, the purpose of which is to destroy America. If only that were so. But, it's not!

And then, of course, we have the NSA surveillance of telephone and internet communications revealed by former NSA contractor, who I guess has been granted asylum in Russia, although it has been a little hard to keep up, Edward Snowden, that has raised suspicion and numerous questions from not only Republicans but several Democrats as well in Congress and has even prompted a lawsuit by, of all organizations, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). It also has prompted an inquiry from European Union allies. And I'm sure there's really nothing to this either. I'm sure this guy Snowden was some plant by the Republicans in an attempt to smear Barry for political purposes. Right. It's all the fault of that vast right-wing conspiracy!

And another matter that has yet to be satisfactorily resolved, is the terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012 that ended in the death of four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens. Last week, Frank Wolf, Republican, asked the Barry's folks why survivors of the attack were asked to sign non-disclosure agreements. Also, during Barry’s first term were the Justice Department’s Fast and Furious gun-walking operation that allowed nearly 2,000 U.S. guns to flow to Mexican drug-trafficking organizations until two of the weapons were found at the murder scene of a U.S. Border Patrol agent. Another first-term controversy surrounded a $500-million Energy Department loan to Solyndra. Yup, every one is a phony and/or trumped up scandal!

During the same period of time that all of these supposed phony scandals have been piling up, the unemployment rate, going all the way back to when Barry was inaugurated in 2009, has been at 7.5% or above. That's 54 straight months, which is the longest stretch of unemployment at or above that rate since 1948. That, I think it can safely be said, is a scandal in itself. Obamanomics has been proven to be a disaster, and on so many different levels. Because of the policies that he has put in place there are, today, 10 Million fewer people in the American workforce than when he took office. If that does not define the situation as a disaster, nothing does. He claims to be on the side of the middle class, but he has done more to decimate the middle class than anyone in recent memory.

I know I've gotten a bit long winded here, but the fact that this worthless piece of dog squeeze seems to think it's perfectly acceptable to spew, what are essentially, nothing but lies as if they are somehow fact, and to assume that we'll simply swallow whatever garbage he feeds us, drives me crazy. And I'm sure there are morons who will. Those who simply don't care anything about the behavior exhibited by their public servants as along as those all-important government checks keep coming. Apparently, the survival of the nation has become secondary to the receiving a monthly allocation of 'free money'. Such is the sad condition of America here in the 'Age of Obama.' And it's these pathetic parasites that, even more than Barry, I hold responsible for the country being in the sad shape that it is!

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