Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Well now, we certainly haven't heard all that much from Marco Rubio of late, especially when it comes to the amnesty bill that he helped push through the Senate. But I don't suppose it matters all that much really, because the damage to any future political aspirations has been done. And, sadly, to most conservatives, Rubio has proven himself to be nothing more than a great disappointment. After allowing himself to be talked into becoming the face of the Senate's immigration bill, Rubio has said nary a word about it since it passed more than three weeks ago, and hasn't bothered to come to the bill's defense even when other Republicans have repeatedly attacked it.

As the National Journal noted, Rubio didn't even respond when House Republican leaders "trashed" the bill as being like Obamacare, in both its length and complexity, as recently as just last week. The publication notes that Rubio's office, "which churned out countless press releases touting his interviews and speeches about the legislation, hasn't said a word about immigration since the Senate passed the bill on June 27." Rubio, a seminal "Gang of Eight" member, was instrumental in pushing the legislation through the Senate and, as a result, has seen his support among Republicans and conservatives plummet. One wonders what it was that he was thinking.

I suppose one could say that it's been quite some time since someone came to Washington with such high hopes, and then proceeded to fall the distance that Rubio has. He disappointed a great many people in deciding to join the ranks of Chuckie Schumer, 'Little Dick' Durbin as well as the two clowns from the GOP, McCain and Graham. But there's certainly no turning back now, and as far as I'm concerned, he can remain silent from now until 2016, but it's not going to matter. He's done! He quite literally pissed away what should have been a very bright political future. But instead, he's now gone from being mentioned as a 2016 contender, to barely being mentioned at all.

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