Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Ok, so now I'm a little pissed. Why is it that our guys in Congress feel they need only to listen to those who contribute the largest amounts of money while the rest of us can go suck wind? If that's gonna be the general rule now, then I guess I don't need to contribute my paltry little amount anymore, especially if all that's going to happen is for them to gladly take my money after which I’m simply expected to get lost. Well, I'm hear to tell you I’m through giving money, and I ain't about to get lost. And I am not going to support anything that puts more people onto the government dole. No way! No how!

Look, the only reason I bring any of this up is because, apparently, there were about a hundred, or so, top Republican donors, as well as some rejects from the Bush administration who got together and sent a letter to the House Republicans on Tuesday. The purpose of which was to urge lawmakers to pass a bill that legalizes illegal immigrants, arguing that the current system is already allowing them to stay and so it only makes sense to register them and bring them into the system. Wrong! It makes no sense whatsoever! And there is no way that you can spin it where it does make sense.

The donors, led by former Bush administration Cabinet officials Carlos Gutierrez and Spencer Abraham, also worked to perpetuate the myth that somehow these immigrants are potential Republican voters who can be won over, if only the party can be seen as welcoming to immigrants. "Doing nothing is de facto amnesty. We need to take control of whom we let in our country and we need to make sure everybody plays by the same rules," the donors said in their letter. These immigrants are interested in nothing more that finagling for themselves a free ride, which makes them potential Democrat voters.

These donors aimed their little pitch at House Republicans, who are now trying to figure out a way forward as they find themselves trapped between angry rank-and-file voters, that would be you and me, who say legalizing illegal immigrants amounts to amnesty, and those party elites and donors who say the GOP cannot survive nationally without embracing legalization as part of a strategy to win over Hispanic voters. How stupid is that? I simply do not buy the party-line that says the ‘only’ way for the GOP to survive is to welcome in, and with open arms, those who have willfully broken our laws?

This donor letter happened to come the same day that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, together with some 400 other businesses and umbrella groups, fired off a letter to House leaders of both parties, urging them to pass something, though the business leaders did not specifically call for legalizing illegal immigrants. Both the business leaders and donors appeared to be sensing that the momentum for immigration legislation maybe slipping away, little more than a month after the Senate passed its version of amnesty. Frankly I hope that that 'momentum' is fading! At least until the border is SECURE!

That Senate vote of a month ago served to highlight the divisions within the GOP. While all 54 members of the Democrat Party voted for the Senate bill, Republicans were split, with 14 voting for it and 32 voting against it, including all of the GOP's top leadership in the chamber. And among those of us who had voted for Marco Rubio, there was much disappointment after he showed his true colors by his choosing to ally himself with sleazy character like Chuckie Schumer, 'Little Dick' Durbin and the two RINOs, McCain and Graham, as a member of the "Gang of Eight." And he won few friends for doing so.

It goes without saying that among the national party operatives, there is strong support for legalization, stretching all the way back to President George W. Bush, who, as you may recall, repeatedly tried to get his party to embrace his plans to legalize illegal immigrants. Mr. Gutierrez, a former secretary of commerce who led Tuesday’s donor letter, was point man for that 2007 effort, which failed in a stunning bipartisan filibuster on the Senate floor. A fate that it deserved at the time and a fate that should have been suffered by the most recent attempt to accomplish what is the very same thing.

So now the question on all our minds should be: Who will our supposed leaders choose to listen to? And will they listen to we the people whose votes they need, or will they listen, instead, to the folks who can be relied upon to fork over the big bucks. It would seem to me that you can have the bucks you want, but if you can’t convince folks to vote for you that it doesn't really matter. And I refuse to vote for ANYBODY who supports amnesty and refuses to secure our border. Just like I have no intention of ever voting for Rubio again, I'll not vote for anyone else who sees fit to ignore me!

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