Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Well, I’ll let you all decide whether they’re living in denial over at the White House, or if they are, once again, simply lying through their teeth in the continuing effort to hoodwink the American people. What I’m talking about here is the fact that White House Spokesmoron, Jay Carney, just yesterday, attempted to imply that Obamacare, or the implementation of it, has had absolutely no effect on full-time employment. And he went on to claim that to even suggest that it is somehow responsible for reducing full-time employment is "belied by the facts." Actually, I thought it a bit nauseating to hear this lying sack of shit refer to "the facts."

After reports that businesses are shifting to employ more part-time workers in light of the un-Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, Carney was asked if the White House is considering making changes to the requirement that employers with more than 50 employees must provide full-time workers with health insurance. A full-time worker is defined as a person working at least 30 hours per week. "Well," said the paid liar, "I would say broadly that if you look at the economic data, the suggestion that the ACA is reducing full-time employment is belied by the facts," Carney said. This would be funny is it weren’t so patently false!

Carney continued, "So, what the ACA allows is the opportunity for individuals who could not prior to passage of the Affordable Care Act afford insurance, to get insurance." Adding, "And it provides subsidies for those who need help in affording it and it assists businesses in that effort so that they can provide insurance to their employees." Spreading it on further, he said, "And again, the broader data here does not reflect that assertion." Saying finally, "You know, I don’t have a specific response to the story you’re citing, but I think the data is very clear on this." Clear to whom exactly? All of the gangsters over at the White House?

When asked further if the administration would consider changing the 30-hour limit, again Carney said he could not respond to a "specific story." He said, "Again, I don’t have a response to your specific story here, what I can say is the data reflects that there is not, there is not support for the proposition that businesses are not hiring full-time employees because of the Affordable Care Act." he said. The facts, as Carney referred to them as being, are that part-time jobs increased by 360,000 in June, to an all-time high of 28,059,000. For the entire year, 130,000 full-time jobs have been added, compared to 557,000 part-time jobs.

I always find as being a little disconcerting whenever I hear this gang that we currently have charge talking about what they refer to as being the facts. Because what they typically identify as being "the facts," no matter what it is that they maybe talking about, are actually, more often than not, small and independent works of pure fiction. The telling of the truth has never really been a very high priority for any of those who currently ‘occupy’ the White House. Their stock and trade is all manner of lie, innuendo, rumor and slander for the specific purpose of advancing the worst kind politics. They’re not to be trusted. No way, no how!

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