Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Despite all of his defiance when it comes to remaining in this race, and in spite of a growing number of voices reluctantly coming out in support of his decision, there are still those who are vocal in their opinion that Joey needs to be replaced at the of top Democrat ticket. But with whom? Speaking only for myself, one Democrat is as bad as the next, they all appear to short of more than just a few marbles. But for some reason there are those among us who are drawn to these people, convinced, weirdly enough, to vote against their own self interests. And yet nothing about their lives ever improves after having done so, and the same can be said of those who voted for Joey.

That said, there has continued to be much talk since the debate between Joey and President Trump centering around Joey’s rather disastrous performance and his rather obvious lack of mental acuity, And so there are those who now stubbornly refuse to simply fall into line behind him. But let’s face it, Joey has never really been all that sharp to begin with and has always been considered to be a bit of a joke. How may times have we heard, after one of his many gaffs, how, “it’s just Joe being Joe?” But these days fewer people are laughing and one of those who seems to no longer find humor in Joey’s antics is that legendary spewer of political nonsense, James Carville.

And it was on Tuesday appearing on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” that Carville claimed the Democrat Party was “making an idiotic choice” if they stood behind Joey’s candidacy. And while he was quick to offer his critique, he was also, like so many other Democrats as well as some of the many NeverTrumpers, slow to offer up any suitable replacements. The Democrats have painted themselves into a corner and have given themselves few options. They can stay with Joey and likely lose. They can replace Joey with Kamala and lose because she’s even less popular than Joey. Or, they can replace Joey with Newsom and lose because it throws the party into chaos.

Carville said, “Cook moved six states away from Democrats. I watch somebody’s press conferences, and reminds me a book that made me read in college called ‘Ship of Fools.’ A bunch of desperate people sailing into disaster. And you know, I just think that cowards have never beat criminals in a war yet. The way that you beat criminals is not to be cowards. It is to take it directly on. Nothing that I see that remotely changes my mind or changes what I think about where we are.” Let’s face it, electorally speaking, the election is still a good ways off. And I’m quite sure that the Democrats are very hard at work getting their cheating apparatus prepped and ready.

But anyway, Carville then went onto add, “I think like Senator Patty Murray, who has been in the Senate over 30 years. And the fact that she’s came out and said this speaks by him as opposed to what people say in front of a camera. So, I still think I’ll stand by my thing that he won’t run, but if he does were just making an idiotic choice for the future of our country. And I can’t help but believe that. And I you know, the proof’s in the pudding. They’re moving states away from us. We are losing we’re not winning. And when we lose, America loses. It’s that simple.” When the Carvilles of the world win, it's always at the expense of the ordinary folks.

Personally, I’m thinking that Carville is simply talking out his ass. Joey has won the nomination, and the only way Democrats can remove him now is by using the Twenty-Fifth Amendment, and as we all know that would definitely be a bridge too far for many of them. Although, saying that Joey has won the nomination is much like saying someone like a Hitler, Stalin or even Putin “won” their high office. Democrat voters had only one option from which to choose on their primary ballot. The party machine ran off all other serious challengers. And so now the machine is stuck with the vegetable. Yet another disaster caused by Democrats never being able to run things.

You simply cannot make this shit up, all the hand wringing by the Democrats about how President Trump would refuse to leave office, but it is the obviously incompetent Joey B. who refuses to give up and leave office or even to withdraw from running. The Democrats created their own Frankenstein’s monster, and now he won’t go away. And what’s truly funny is that it’s all on them. Look what they unleashed, when they let all this happen, beginning with the last election. They kept old Joey in the basement, and then maneuvered him into office, where he was nothing more than a figurehead run by the committee behind the curtain. And now he won’t leave.

What does this situation say about those who want Joey to continue to be *president in his obviously diminished capacity? It certainly reflects poorly on a Democrat leadership that is willing to risk keeping this poor guy in the most important office in the free world, risking the safety, and worldly goods, of all of us, merely for political gain. Carville is part of the group that’s been covering for Joey. He’s not dumb; he saw the dementia like every other sane American. Like other Democrat figureheads, he’s only changing his tune now because he sees their chance of winning slipping away. He’s misled voters for years. Eat the dinner you helped make, Jimmy.

Democrats need to be reminded that, as you sow, so shall you reap. They need to be made to enjoy the moment they stole the 2020 election, hopefully their reward will be the destruction of their party. Right now, the party has all the characteristics of a Chinese fire drill. And while I could be wrong, it looks like the Republicans may regain control of the House, Senate and the White House. And if so, they cannot allow a repeat performance of the last time such an event occurred. They cannot afford to screw things up the way they did with RINOs like Ryan and Boehner. If they find themselves in the position to assist President Trump, then they must do just that!

The Democrats have no good choices. Joey is essentially done, but they have no other candidate acceptable to the leadership who could do noticeably better. Their problem is corrupt, crooked leadership and anti-America/globalist policies. Realistically speaking, the only path to victory is another steal. And so, we on the right need to be wary, vigilant and skeptical. We all know that the Democrats could do anything. Remember that in 2016 the Democrats were confident and unprepared, and Hitlery to this very day still claims that she “won.” Remember 2020, when the Democrats used every trick in the book to slip Joey into that glass slipper that didn’t fit.

Carville almost got it right; Democrats are idiots. They put illegal immigrants ahead of American citizens, they tax the American people into poverty and give all the money to foreigners. They are truly not the party that answers to the needs of this country. Really, it matters very little who it is at the top of the ticket, a senile old fuck, a hooker who got where she is by spending a good deal of her time on either her knees or her back and a corrupt governor who, after running his own state into the ground, has set his sites on doing the very same thing to the country. It’s the policies that every single American now needs to be either voting for, or against!

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