Saturday, July 20, 2024


Democrats are, you must admit, a rather self-absorbed bunch, and more than a little crazy. I mean all that they went through in 2020 to get Joey installed as *president, knowing the guy was already showing signs he was losing his grip only to, four years later, make a 180 and call for him to step aside because he’s behind in the polls is pretty bizarre. I mean the only reason Joey’s gotten this far, is because they got him this far. But clearly, Joey has outlived his usefulness and he needs to go so that the Democrats can then, at least, attempt to cheat a replacement into the Oval Office. But thus far, Joey has not shown a willingness to be pushed aside. At least, not yet.

Now I will admit, it’s a very rare event when I agree with Bill Maher. Frankly, he’s just another leftwing loon, as far as I’m concerned, and one that very rarely makes much sense. But it was during Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” that Maher did make at least a bit of sense when he said it’s “ridiculous” to argue that *president Joe Biden can actually project strong leadership. But to be honest, it didn’t make any sense back in 2020. Joey has never been a leader, not by anyone’s definition. And anyone who sees him as such is either blind or just plain stupid. In all of his 50 years in government, never once has he demonstrated any sort of leadership.

During this same broadcast Pete Buttigieg, appearing in his personal capacity, argued that Joey has a good track record as *president and his plan for the future is a good one, especially when compared to the plans of 2024 Republican presidential candidate President Donald Trump. Maher countered, “But the argument isn’t really about that. I think most Democrats think he did do a good job. The argument is about can he win? Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told him, this week, that she does not think he can win. She’s pretty savvy. … Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), I said this a week ago, I said that, once the dam breaks, everybody is going to be coming aboard."

Maher went on to say, “How can he [survive]? And now he has COVID, he’s going to really run for president from a hospital bed?” Buttigieg countered that Joey’s symptoms are mild and that he wants to be back on the trail soon. Maher also stated that he “can’t argue” with claims that Joey is sticking around despite everyone but him and wife Jill knowing that he can’t win the 2024 election because Jill Biden wants to be able to hold on to power. But Maher, until very recently, was all in regarding his support of Joey continuing his bid for re-election. And while he seems to have awakened, those with 20/20 eyesight could see that Joey shouldn’t be president.

And after comedian Larry Wilmore stated that former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley’s speech at this week’s Republican National Convention was one where her head was saying the opposite of what her mouth was saying, particularly when she was urging people to vote for 2024 Republican presidential candidate President Trump, Rep. Byron Donalds, a Republican, stated, “Nikki Haley was way more convincing than Pete Buttigieg was over there.” (Donalds was referencing Maher’s interview with Buttigieg, who appeared to defend Joey’s re-election campaign.) Maher responded, “Really?” Donalds then stated, “Oh yeah. He already knows the deal."

Donalds went on to say, “Pete knows that Joe Biden can’t win. Everybody knows that Joe Biden can’t win. The only people that don’t know are Jill Biden and Joe Biden. And that’s because Jill wants Air Force One. That’s why.” Maher responded, “Well, I can’t argue with that.” While I like Mr. Donalds, I’m not so quick to agree with him when it comes to the certainty that Joey can’t win. Every Democrat will vote for him, of that I have no doubt. And all of the NeverTrumpers, as well, will vote for him simply because they hate President Trump. The dead will vote for him as will the illegals. So, it is not outside the realm of possibility that Joey could actually win.

But I do agree with those who propose the theory that Joey, while he may carry the title of *president, really is not responsible for the many of the policies that have been put in place during his tenure. That he is not actually the *president but is merely a figure head. It’s those in the deep state who have been running the country in a way very harmful to the country and to the lives of the majority of Americana. And the fact that he’s a figurehead notwithstanding, it has been from day one that Joey has proceeded to screw the American people in every meaningful way. Due to the egregious governance of Joey, and ‘BO’, we are now in one Hell of a mess.

Joey is delusional. He couldn’t lead a Cub Scout pack. It would be hilarious except for the danger that he continues to put this country in. And Joey’s diminished mental acuity aside, it’s really any Democrat that could be chosen to replace him that would present just as much of a threat to our freedom, our economy and our very survival as a sovereign nation as he does. Because it’s not just about Joey. The number of his incompetent appointees is staggering; Buttigieg, Mayorkas, Blinken, Austin and any number of so many others. What have they done in three and a half years? They have marched in lock step with every disastrous policy from the get-go.

But I guess I would only ask, why is it that the Democrats have essentially waited until the last minute to attempt the replacement of their candidate? Like maybe in 2019? He’s been a mental joke the entire time. But he’s now the candidate chosen by primary voters and is the Democrats presumed nominee. And while the disloyalty we’re seeing come from Democrats is rather staggering, it most certainly not surprising! And while it’s fun to watch the party of compassion and inclusion orchestrate ‘election interference,’ he is their nominee. Democrats are a strange group, they just sit back while the likes Pelosi and Schumer decide for them.

The entire party has massive problems and the true fallout from last Saturday has yet to be felt. There’s no doubt about the involvement of top government officials and departments. If we can manage to prevent President Trump from being attacked again and once again into the White House, we will undoubtedly see a new and a revolutionary change in our nation’s government that will boost American interests around the globe and launch American prosperity into the stratosphere and well beyond that of other nations in the world. And how do I know this. Because it’s what happened last time the American people elected Donald Trump as their president.

Democrats, like Maher himself, would have us forget just how great things were when last Donald Trump was president. The question that asks, “Are you better off today than you were four years ago,” has more meaning today than ever before. With the re-election of President Trump every American, and I mean every single American, will benefit and become more prosperous, more successful, and enjoy a lifestyle that is also unimaginably rewarding and fulfilling above and beyond anything the Democrats are, or have ever offered, to any private American citizens in their history. Our country, as well as the world, has so much to gain from President Trump.

Meanwhile, Joey fails to unite his party and prior supporters, fails to unite his needed donors, fails to unite the various ethnic groups that had supported him over the years, but Joey says he will fight back! And while you may feel sorry for Joey regarding both his mental and physical impediments, you cannot feel sorry for his decisions that resulted in his family’s financial gain from illegally taking money from known adversaries or the position he has put America in. We are all optimistic about better days ahead but right now there is a void in leadership that’s been there for a while, the question is what are the Democrats doing to resolve this issue?

Joey, he who was installed as our *president and who has sent billions in tax dollars to defend foreign borders but won’t lift a finger to defend our own border. The same man who can’t take a step without stumbling and can’t even finish a thought without also stumbling is a curse on this nation and who should be considered as a warning of how it is that we must return to our founding principles of strength through faith, and the urgency needed in doing so. This decrepit administration that we’ve been forced to contend with, and that has spent the majority of its time bashing American ideals, should be seen as a dire warning to turn back to our first love, God.

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