Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Clearly there is nothing that proves better how little brainpower is required to be a Democrat other than the fact that they now have as their presumptive nominee for president a woman who when last she ran for president garnered for herself a staggering two precent of support from voters. And yet Democrats want us to believe that she’s now leading in most recent polls against the greatest president since Reagan as he seeks re-reelection. We need to remind Democrats that not everyone is quite as stupid as they seem to think we are. But then, their criteria used when determining who to vote for, or not to vote for, is rather sketchy to say the least.

A great example of how stupid one has to be to vote Democrat, at least in Georgia, is the fact that they managed to vote into office two of the most useless individuals ever elected to the U.S. Senate. And it was one of these two imbeciles, Raphael Warnock, who was recently out and about doing the hard sell for the supposedly ‘black’ Democrat candidate, at least for now, for president. I mean, who knows if she’ll still be the candidate after the Democrat convention. But that’s a discussion for another day. Anyway, it was on Tuesday that Warnock appeared on MSDNC’s “All In” and described the energy at Harris’s campaign rally in Atlanta as being “electric."

Warnock said, “Tonight’s rally is the top of the heap. The energy here as you can see is electric. The rally is actually over and still there is a great deal of excitement. You can feel it on the ground. I was actually with the vice president, we came down from Washington, D.C. and as we were riding through Atlanta, you could see people lining up on the streets, you could see them standing on bridges, waiting to greet her in battleground Georgia. We know from experience in Georgia that when we show up we win. The path to the White House goes through Georgia. I think the vice president felt that here tonight.” Those who saw it would likely describe it a bit differently.

He added, “If I and my colleague Jon Ossoff, and African American man and a Jewish man can win in Georgia, Kamala Harris can win in Georgia. The contrast between these two campaigns could not be more stark. You literally have a criminal running against a prosecutor. But more importantly, I think when you look at the contrast between Project 2025, which wants to cut the civil service. They want to cut Head Start.” Now, I could be wrong, but it’s my understanding that the event was only sold out because of the entertainment. And I doubt that most in attendance cared one way other that Harris was even there. But then, we are talking about Georgia, after all.

This event, which seems to have Warnock so excited, was nothing more than a ‘Hoes for Harris’ rally. And at least from what I’ve read about the event, most were in attendance only to see the degenerate “entertainers” and began leaving soon after Harris went into her shtick. And I find it to be rather amazing what one can use to attract people. There’s really nothing entertaining about disgusting rappers, but then I’m not black and wouldn’t exactly describe the event as being “electric.” The only excitement I see is what's coming from these ‘fake news’ media cheerleaders trying to blow hot air into what, at least appears to be, a pretty pathetic campaign strategy.

A weird strategy that has the candidate going into a city that is safely in her corner, and still managed to draw one third of the crowd that President Trump did, minus the entertainment, in a state not quite yet fully in his corner. These Democrats are still in the trying-to-fake-excitement-and-groundswell phase. These people are hopeless. The only candidate the Democrats have is the one who wasn’t even able to garner enough votes for a single delegate when she ran for president in 2020. And yet she’s somehow now to be considered as the ‘one?’ But then, what was Warnock really expected to say. Democrats are desperately trying to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

Clearly, Democrats are living in some sort of alternate universe. They are in full attack mode by putting out to all the affiliates to say it’s the Trump/Vance campaign that’s weird when it’s every day that we’re seeing all the weirdness coming from the Democrat candidate. But then this is normal for them to hype any and everything associated with their fraud of a candidate. Warnock is a liar, and we all know it, so MSDNC puts a known liar on the air, and he says what we all expected him to say.  Listening to these mental midgets on the Left trying to create excitement around Harris where none really exists is both amusing and infuriating at the same time.

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